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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:14 pm
by Flora2006
Hey you!

So good to hear from you. Congrats on getting a new wire. Lucky you!! Your pictures show great progress with those canines. :):)

I am getting my lower braces on May 1st, should be interesting.

Those smoke ligs look good :) Hopefully they won't stain too much. I just got white ones last week and so far they haven't changed colors at all so ig those grey ones aren't working for you, try the white ones :)[/quote]

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:19 pm
by wiredinLA
Hello again everyone,

It's been a while since I posted!! I've missed you all. :)

I had my 3rd adjustment today and I was also bottom braced!!
No new wire on top. Just new ligs... I went back to silver as the grey ones that I got last adjustment stained some and I hated having to worry so much about what color food I was eating.

The bottom braces were torture to put on and I don't remember the top being as... annoying to sit through. My 2 bottom laterals are could not be tied. Next time :lol:
Right now I'm starting to feel thar all too familiar pressure.

OK... so... tell me what you would do....

From my fist appt. my I had asked my ortho for cermaic on the bottom. I'm almost 30 and while I know that supposedly your bottom teeth don't show as much as your top teeth, to me having metal on the bottom defeated the purpose of having ceramic on top. I have a very big grin and ... well... my bottom teeth show a lot even when I speak. Anyway...
He promised me we would do cermaic on the bottom. I go in today... he tells his assistant what to do and she goes to work. When she gives me the mirror.... guess what??? METAL. OMG!

So I tell her... "He said I would get ceramic on the bottom." She says, "Well, your bottom teeth don't show that much" -- That didn't answer my question. So I'm a bot unhappy. Maybe I'm making a big deal about nothing but... I'm super conscious about my bottom brackets now. I know that getting rebracketed is a pain. Have any of your gone through that process?? How time consuming was it?
In a way I don't feel bad about having them do it b/c 1) I'll probably have to pay extra anyway 2) it's her mistake (my chart says ceramic bottoms)

Should I ask to switch? Am I making a big deal out of nothing? :?

Anyway -- here are my pics! Next adjustment scheduled for July 5th!




Day one:


Talk to you all soon!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:05 pm
by Flora2006
Hey you!

Your teeth have moved beautifully!!! Your top arch is looking great :)

I definitely know what you mean about having metal on the bottom...I feel really uncomfortable with the metal and wish I had gotten ceramics...but oh well...guess I will have to get used to it at some point!

If you feel unhappy, definitely speak to your ortho and have your bottom brackets's no big deal and it is the assistants fault.

Talk to you soon :)

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:15 pm
by jzaboo
My ortho explained that they don't typically to clear on the bottom because the ceramic has clear sapphire in it and is so hard that your top teeth will actually chip off when they hit the bottom brackets. He showed me several pictures and it convinced me that I was totally cool with the metal on the bottom. 8)