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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:22 pm
by Leslie022
That little tooth is working its way into alignment! Woohoo!

Everything's lookin' good!

P.S. I'll have pics tomorrow!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:02 am
by belmikry
thanks for the encouragment guys! :) I'm really hoping that by summer my incisor will be out of it's hiding spot! it's been a dream since I was in 7th grade! o_o...

as for an update: I don't know if I discussed this on my braces stories forum, but I am going to be moving back to Canada in my home town for school [transferring- lots of reasons :? ] and obviously unless I want to spend 600$ every 2 months to fly here and get adjusted, I'm going to have to find another orthodontist :? ...

so alas, I Stated calling: apparently there are 3 orthos in town only, and they all work in the same office :shock: I found this out the hard way when I was going down the list and ended up talking to the same receptionist who asked me "didn't you just call for and so?" :oops: whatever- I'm shopping around- which everyone should do for something so important! [my personal 0.02 cents!] so even though she kept reminding me I have an appointment with the other doctor, I wanted to know if anyone did the damon 3 self ligating braces- which- they don't o_o apparently they have done them in the past, but they said they would do a consult with me first to talk about it.

... anyone have to switch braces when they moved- or do they usually just keep them on? :P... I don't want to pay for another set of braces you know? :evil: I already spent 5,000 on these puppies- I can't afford more, especially after putting my first/last month rent down at a new place :(...

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:09 am
by Leslie022
Kim, if those are the only orthos in town, how far would you have to go to find ANOTHER ortho in different town?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:23 am
by belmikry
can you believe 7 hours? :(

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:31 am
by Leslie022
OH MY GOSH! That's insane!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:53 am
by belmikry
thanks guys for checking up on me so frequently! :)

oh I agree linda21, if he's used them before- he should be able to work with them :? ... hopefully the ortho wasn't just saying[i/] that, like "oh [super smart doctor voice] I've seen many cases of slef ligating braces- should be a snap" o_0 ... :shock:
I hope it turns out okay- if not- I'll be flying back to CO for adjustments ever 2 months, because I won't be able to afford another set of braces :( hopefully if his practice annot work with them, he'll switch them free of charge [crosses fingers] I think I'll have to play smart consumer though, becausue he'll know i'm in a tight spot and need someone to take care of this- maybe i'll say if he cannot cut me some slack I'll use an ortho 7 hours away or even pay extra just to fly to my other one! see how he feels about that :P ...

thanks KK no worries, I'll be around to vent alot i'm afraid- :lol: this place is super addicting, and really makes me feel proud of my braces instead of trying to hide them :)
as for braces update [you didn't think I'd leave you all hanging? :lol: oooohhh i'm obsessed!]
for the past two weeks, my front teeth have been sore- at least now it isn't as severe, but my right canine and right front tooth are really trying to push up my little canine- and my front tooth is still being pushed sideways from the pressure! o_0.. all I can picture in my mouth is two people trying to pull someone out of an old well or something- :lol: I guess in all actuality that's a good thing, meaning something is still going on there >_<

now- check it out! the pushing has been working! :)
this was on March 11/06
and this was March 15th!! only four days later and look at how far that incisor moved up :lol: :D
look at how little the wire needs to straighten now from this perspective! how exciting! I just might have a somewhat straight smile by the end of the month! OMG :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:12 am
by Leslie022
Yep, make the orthos think they aren't your only option!!!

Your little toothie is making its way!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:29 pm
by Flora2006
Your pictures are looking great!!!! Amazing how your tooth moves fast, wish mine did the same!!

Good luck with the ortho situation. Are you going to be attending University next year where you live or will it be in another city in Canada? I'm asking just because if you are going to be attending school elsewhere than your hometown, there is probably other orthos close to the university?

I know how it sucks, my ortho is where I am going to University, and my home is 7 hours away. Needless to say, I will be travelling 14 hours every 4 weeks to get much money will go on travel.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:07 am
by jennandtonic
That is some fabulous progress! It seems like your top teeth will be perfect in no time! Good luck with that.

I can't imagine having to move and change orthodontists, I'm sure that puts a lot of questions in your mind, and I hope it all works out for the best for you.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:03 pm
by belmikry
alright- I wanted to show a comparison of two months in braces:


I promise my teeth aren't that yellow! promise o_o..
but check out the differences in that archwire! my top has moved significantly- I'm throughoutly impressed and so happy I decided to take this journey :)
[note the straightness, even on the sides- no more bending! and my incisor's movement! how much farther my canine's come out- looks more and more like I may see a straight archiwire by summer!] :D

check it out! the 'end of the bend' my be soon! how exciting! it's nice to smile and see a tooth! o_o and hardly no more vampire canine showing- almost ;)

I throughoutly suggest to anyone who hasn't done so to take progress pictures! when I look in the mirror I hardly notice any changes until I see them on this screen- then I smile sooooo much now because I know i'm doing something great for myself- and hopefully inspiring others who were once like I was- afraid to take the plunge! :D

I'm definately not finished, but I'm at the point that my smile looks so much wider/brighter/straighter than I've ever seen it before- and thats always something to celebrate! ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:15 pm
by Flora2006
Oh my goodness, you are almost there!!!!!!!!!! I am jealous but soooo happy for you!! I don't even think it will be straight by summer...I'm sure it will be in its proper position by April!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:17 pm
by belmikry
PS: I cannot wait until I Can get rid of this weird bracket- I don't know how many people on here have self ligating braces with an impacted tooth, but I have this flat bracket, totally smooth except it has in the middle a loop- literally, a loop not a bracket for the wire- I assume its purpose is to basically pull the tooth up sharply in comparison to a regular bracket- does anyone else have these? I tried taking a picture, but it doesn't do it justice :P I know my friends on here have regular brackets and regular braces [metal or cermic] and they have either an elastic attached to it or the archwire and a normal bracket- I wonder if there is any differences?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:19 pm
by belmikry
OMG flora don't get me excited! :lol: and your progress is fantastic too- I can't wait until one of us posts our "VICTORY" pictures when our pesky impactors decided to pop into place! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:49 pm
by Leslie022
Your archwire is so much straighter! Looking good!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:49 pm
by belmikry
kiwi: sorry to hear about the rotation! I noticed my front tooth is still rotating backwards, being pushed by my incisor- doesn't help that my incisor isn't exactly straight, and since its not on a bracket so to say, it hasn't straightened out at alll, so only a portion of my incisor is stuck behind my front tooth- I'm wondering if I should call my ortho and ask if I can finally get a breacket or not, because without one i'm afraid i'll need to have a larger gap between my front tooth and incisor [one is already starting >_>] and my canine beside it is quite angled as well [pout] straighten teeth! :Lol: now nownow!! [soory- impatient- long day :P]
I'm sure your progress is happening/coming soon as well- stick in there! its going to be hard for me to have these puppies on after my incisor moves, I know I need alignment work still but once that incisor comes around it'll be mighty tempting to ask for an early realise... :P