Sarah's story! Updated 11 Oct 2007 - I'm half naked YIPPEE!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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#61 Post by butterfly »

I don't know about other people's treatment but my first adjustment was HORRIBLE! My teeth were sore and it hurt a lot when they pushed and pulled them. I swore next time I would take a pain killer. So please check your teeth's sensitivity by pushing them very hard - if you cannot do that take some Advil or even codeine an hour or so before you go to the dentist.
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#62 Post by sjsarre »

Hi there.

Had my first adjustment today. It was rather painful!... Ortho checked my teeth for movement and said he could see some which was good. He said I was maintaining good hygiene aswell. :D

He then tightened up the wires from the back to the front and left the same archwire on, just placing new elastics.

I asked him about my treatment plan. He said that my next adjustment. In four weeks time he would look to put a new archwire on and also so springs to start to close up the extraction gaps..

I'm in a bit of pain now.. Teeth feel just like they did the first day he put the brace on.. I'm hoping they won't ache for as long.. Almost a month!! :(

I'll leave off posting any more pictures but will probably take some more in a couple of weeks time.. OR unless I see anything drastic which I want to share with you!!!

Just wanted to say thanks for your support... Its really good to be able to discuss treatment etc with people on this forum.. Its like a lifeline!!

:roll: :o


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#63 Post by sjsarre »

Its been 10 days since my last confession!!! :D

Well ok 10 days since my last post on this thread.. All has gone quiet! Teeth aching on and off. No more movement. Wires still digging in occasionally. Although I did manage to go three whole days without any wax this week. BUT, woke up this morning with a little blood blister on the inside of my cheek so think its back to wax again at bed times!!

Just under three weeks to my next adjustment which (fingers double crossed) will be quite eventful.. New wire and springs..

I was a bit shocked this week whilst watching a TV program. The program was about cosmetic surgery and it went into Orthodontics / cosmetic dentistry.. One of the leading UK Orthodontists quoted on this program that Adult orthodontics is a huge business now. But whilst its a good thing adults have to remember that they will need to wear retainers for the rest of their lives once having the braces removed???

This was actually quite shocking :shock: as my ortho told me that I would probably wear retainers for about two years after being debraced.. Not the rest of my life..

I've spoken with a few adults who have had braces some 9 or 10 years ago and they are having to go back for additional treatment as they wore their retainers religiously but after the required time frame they stopped. One of them told me that he tried on his retainer three months after stopping (he had worn them for two years after debracing) and there was NO WAY his retainer was going on those teeth..

Now i'm pretty concerned :( Its too late to go back on my treatment, but at the same time, i'm not paying £4,000+ in treatment only to find that in 10 years time my teeth have started to go crooked again.

:x I'm going to speak to my ortho on the 9th June and ask his honest opinion about what was said in that program... I'll mention the name of the guy who was on the TV and say that he was a leading UK Orthodontist and see what my ortho has to say about the matter!


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#64 Post by braceface1230 »

I've heard that about retainers too. I think as time goes on and you've passed the 2 or 3 year time frame, the ortho usually just advises you to wear your retainer only when you're sleeping. I work with a guy who's had braces about 4 years ago (he's like 45 now) and he just wears his at night and that's working great for him. There's also the option of wearing a permanent retainer, which I might opt for... I'm not sure yet how that'll go. That's a ways off to worry about now.

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#65 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hi Sjsarre, My nephew said his orthodontist put wire right behind upper and bottom front teeth to keep it straight after debraced. He wore retainer at night. He said it works real good. His teeth still perfect straight. I went to same orthodontic office he went to. Make sure you ask your orthodontist about leading united kingdom orthodontist.


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#66 Post by sjsarre »


I guess I wasn't aware or more than likely not made aware of the possibility of having to wear retainers for the rest of my life. The ortho did go into detail with me about retainers but said a couple of years.. I had issues with Sleep Apnea several years ago and had an operation to remove my tonsils and sort out my adenoids to try and change the general structure of my mouth. as a result of that I have a high gag reflex.. I'm not sure how I will cope with a retainer..

I guess I will find out at the end of this treatment!! The ortho did say he was going to put wire behind my front teeth. I'm not sure if that is in addition to a retainer or as opposed to one.

Again I will check this out at my next adjustment, so I know what to expect later on!

Hope all is well with everyone on this forum!!!



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#67 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey Sarah, I've been reading your story! I'm sure those gaps will close soon!!! Hang in there!


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
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#68 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks Joanna20 :D

I hope they do!!! Then i'll be able to eat even remotely normal.. At the moment if I chew anything the food gets in the extraction gaps and also pulls on the wires covering the gap which hurts!!!

Here's hoping!!!



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#69 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hi Sarah, I read your journal. Looks like you are doing good. Hang in there. You will be very happy at the end and worth it! :-#)


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#70 Post by sjsarre »


Yes I hope so.. Everything has gone quiet! I'm getting the odd painful day. Wires are poking me here and there. I still find it difficult to chew though!

On the countdown to my 2nd adjustment! My teeth appear more wonky now than they did at the start, which is a bit upsetting for me.. I have read on this forum and heard other people say that sometimes they have to get worse before they get better... But it is really disheartening, regardless of whether you know its going to get better!


Never mind... I'll be posting some more pictures hopefully next Friday to show off my "hopeful" new hardware!! :D


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#71 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hey Sarah, Yes, Wires are poking me too. Put wax on it, It should help. I bent little bit and it helped until my next appt is on June 6th. I can see that you said it been so painful for you. What I understand is that because of your teeth are severe crooked. Your braces are working on its job to move your teeth into right position. That is why it hurt. Yes, Sometimes it will look worse before it gets better. Trust me. Just trust your orthodontist. Guess what? I got one very slightly gap in between my two front teeth. It was not there before I got braces. I know orthodontist will fix it. I may get powerchains to close it, Not sure. My nephew had braces for two years and he said "WORTH IT". I can see different between before and after on his teeth. His teeth are sooooo awesome straight teeth. I envied. I just cant wait until the end. Mine wont be off until 2008. Looong way to go. Sarah, Just be patience and hang in there and you will be sooooooo happy. Believe me. Thanks your orthodontist for it. Hahaha... :D


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#72 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks everyone..

I think the problem with me is that i'm finding it difficult from lack of sleep.

I'm a very poor sleeper. The slightest noise or pain will keep me awake for nights on end. Its been a very tough year for me on a personal front and at one point I did take strong sleepers as I was awake for nearly a week and suffered from exhaustion. My main problem is I am unable to sleep on my back due to an old injury which has a tendancy to trap nerves in my neck.. This is a major problem for me with my braces!

I haven't taken anything to aid my sleep for months. None of the homeopathic / herbal remedies work and i've tried all the relaxing ways aswell. Meditation etc.

I'm just a bad sleeper. My brace is causing me so much hassle for sleeping that I am lucky if I get 3 to 4 hours sleep a night. I'm working about 50 hours a week and I think i'm building up to a fall in health!! I've had a couple of illnesses in the past week or so and I think thats due to lack of sleep.

I will discuss this with my ortho but I doubt he will be able to do anything for me.. Fingers crossed he might have some suggestions!


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#73 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Sorry to hear about your sleeping problem. Due to your old injury, should have ask orthdontist before braces put on. Hope your orthodontist can find a way to help your sleeping problem with braces. Hope you will feel better real soon. Take care.


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#74 Post by sjsarre »

Well I didn't really think an old neck and back injury would cause me issues with braces on.. We didn't really touch on what it would be like sleeping. And I guess for alot of people, if they don't like sleeping on their backs then they do end up getting used to it. I get numb hands and arms if I do.

I'm going to buy some more pillows this weekend and see if I can come up with a way of sleeping!!

Yes I must admit I am getting grouchy and i'm sure its just "teething problems" and once I see the changes in my teeth, then it won't feel quite so bad... I'm going to take a couple of days off in the next week or two to try and recharge my batteries!!

Another thing that hasn't helped today! is I tried to eat a toasted sandwich.. I am trying hard to chew slowly etc and i'm starting to be able to eat better.. I thought I had chewed the bit in my mouth enough and I swallowed it. That was a big mistake. It got stuck in my throat. I panicked completely, and managed to drink some warm water to soften it and it went down in the end... Then I had a coughing fit for about 30minutes.. Now i'm left with a really sore throat.. I've taken some painkillers and sucked on a throat sweet.. I'm sure it will go..

That will teach me to be more careful in future!!! :?


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#75 Post by SUGARANGEL »

Hi Sarah, How is your day going for you? Hope it is good. I got idea, When you ready for bed, Lay on your side put pillow between your legs and hold another pillow onto your chest. It may help get you to sleep little better. My husband told me to do this when I was stressed out. It helped. Hope this help you. Let me know. Can't wait see your next picture of your teeth. :D Take care.


2-6-2006 Top braces
6-6-2006 bottom braces
Sentenced 1-26-2006 for 24 months
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Debanded on June 18th 2008

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