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Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:41 pm
by Laurie
I can see some definite movement on the bottom!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:27 am
by Miss Smiley
It looks as though your tooth is bracketed just not attached to the wire. It might have been a little much to add that tooth in the line while you were coping with your extractions. It will probably be joined in at your next adjustment.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:48 am
by Lisa65
Mark, I see changes and I bet in the week since you posted those pics you've had even more. Teeth seem to move amazingly quickly in the first few months.

Keep up the good work with the chewing. I thought I'd never chew again when I got my top braces on, but I plough through anything these days. It does get easier.

Looking forward to the next lot of pics.

1st adjustment

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:56 am
by markybwoy
Thanks for all the positive feedback folks!

Well I just got in from my 1st adjustment visit. He was running 45 minutes late so I sat in the waiting room drinking tea for almost an hour before going in. Everyone kept apologising over and over so much it made me embarrassed just to sit there! One of the reasons I chose my ortho was he took his time and my initial "15 minute consultation" lasted 50 minutes. So I can't complain if his schedule goes out the window and it's my turn to wait!

He got my study models out and showed me around them and then showed me the changes. He says my lower arch is "looking brilliant" and I have to say, when you look next to the models it does look way neater and a much smoother arch. He left my lowers alone and adjusted the top wire tension with that twisty thing that looks like scissor handles. Changed a few ligs and all was done. The biggest change is that my upper incisor lig is placed differently - one corner of the bracket is not in the ligament, it's not a square, one corner is not hooked on. Humm interesting!

In terms of timing, he says it will be a while before the other upper incisor goes on the wire and that he predicts that at this rate my lowers will be done a few months before my uppers.

It's been a coupe of hours since I was in the chair and my uppers are feeling a little pressure from the adjustment so I'm going to eat a big dinner of baked moussaka with salad just in case the discomfort or chewing problems kick back in tomorrow!

Back again on September 18th for adjustment visit 2.

So far, so good.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:08 pm
by kiwigirl83
Hi Mark! I have been following your posts for a while and think that you have such a great attitude. I hope that I manage to be as confident and upbeat as you are when I get my braces.

I'm sorry that you have been having a bit of hassle at work. It makes me fel rather sad that people have that kind of reaction to how other people look. At least braces are only temporary- imagine how people with something permanent like a prominent scar or a disability feel when people look at them like that..... :( Sorry, that's rather a depressing observation!!

You can definitely see a change in your teeth- they're looking much straighter already. Amazing stuff!!

I look forward to seeing your progress!!! :D

a week acfter 1st adjustment

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:25 pm
by markybwoy
Well, its been almost a week since my first adjustment and the strange sensation in my upper right incisor and canine has stayed pretty much constant since the adjustment. When I brush there it feels a little sore. It doesn't hurt, it's just I can feel a little sensitivity when my electric toothbrush zooms over that area. I hope this means loosening is underway - they have got some catching up to do!

It's all been 100 times easier compared to the first week of new braces.

I was walking through our call centre at work one day last week and there was a few whispers and, well, to be honest, giggles. I smiled and they asked me if I had lost weight. I said probably because I can't eat all the cake that they always bring in for people's birthdays (and pretty much any excuse)! I checked at the gym and sure enough 3kg less since I last looked. I eat pretty much normally now except I can't be bothered to eat snacks because of the cleaning afterwards. Pretty cool. I feel good :)

There has been even more movement on the lowers even since last week. The lower gap is really shrinking fast - it's been 6 weeks only. I will take some more pictures in a couple of weeks when we get back from holiday in Texas. I'm really looking forward to getting away. We have had a terrible summer here. Vast parts of the country have been under 4 feet of water and its been wet and miserable pretty much every day since May. At least Dallas won't be like that - those Texas summers are BRUTAL!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:12 am
by Laurie
Well Texas has had it's share of floods this year. In fact they're having one in town right now. Although I do believe the Dallas area is fine right now.

Re: a week acfter 1st adjustment

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:44 pm
by cwatt1
Hi Mark,

Hope everything continues to go well for you. Sounds like you're doing great!

I think you're right about the soreness -- all part of the process. And great that you gap is closing!
I checked at the gym and sure enough 3kg less since I last looked. I eat pretty much normally now except I can't be bothered to eat snacks because of the cleaning afterwards. Pretty cool. I feel good :)
I'm with you. I've lost a bit of weight myself because I can't be bothered with snacking. I'm trying to turn it into a lifelong habit!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:20 pm
by MommaDucky
Mark -

You certainly have made some great progress. I always enjoy reading your posts - keep them coming! You've got a great writing style that is easy-going and good-humored.

I look forward to hearing more about your journey. Hope all is going well!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:24 pm
by kiwigirl83
Hey there :) It's great to read that you are seeing so many changes in your teeth. It's very encouraging to hear!

Know what you mean about the cake- the workshop I was at yesterday had some gorgeous looking chocolate cake but I just couldn't be bothered with the cleaning up. I'm a rampant nibbler as well and loved picking at sweets all day before the braces went on. I miss my toffees but I'm sure that less snacking on sugary stuff will do me the world of good......

Have a great holiday in America- I bet you'll be glad to get away from rainy England!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:54 pm
by Rainy
Glad everything is going good mark. I hope my first adjustment is as smooth as yours was. I had to laugh about your weight comment. I was asked today at work also if I had lost some. No idea, I dont weigh myself. I decided hey that meant I was looking okay and just gave them a big old metal smile and walked away....
Like you I am back to eating most of what I ate before minus the unhealthy snacks. I have decided its just not worth the time cleaning my teeth to eat the junk.


2nd adjustment looming

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:16 am
by markybwoy
I had an awesome time across the atlantic. So much, I'm planning a return ASAP! I was really, really needing the change of scenery :) I was gutted because Six Flags (rides etc) was closed for winter except weekends. Winter!? It was 100 every day.

I had one embarrassing moment in the bathroom at Chilis. Someone came in and caught me picking my dinner goop out of my braces in the mirror! I got a response, "Ugh, I feel for you buddy." Which I think is actually the nicest thing anyone has ever said to my face about my braces. :)

Before I got my extractions, my ortho said, "don't look so worried, 15 months will go by quickly, I promise." And you know what? - he was right. I can't believe its only 13 more days until adjustment number 2. It's whizzing by so far.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:05 am
by MommaDucky
hmm, people certainly can be rude, can't they?

Can't wait to hear how your next adjustment goes!

Hope all is well.

2nd adjustment

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:54 am
by markybwoy
I had my 2nd adjustment today. It's 10 weeks since I got braced and it has whizzed by so far. It seems more like 10 days!

I got a gasp this time, followed by "whoa look at that!" My ortho says he is pleased and progress on the lowers is really good. I got new ligs on the lowers and the upper adjusted. It feels a little tight on the uppers but nothing major - I just finished a sandwich and it's not sore presently. I also got some minor reshaping on a lower incisor to make them all the same shape to fit together better and to look nicer. The one next to my gap used to have a little point on the corner, now its been rounded and they all match. I'm so excited.

When I run my tongue around my lowers it feels amazing - actually it doesn't feel like my mouth!! Everything is lined up in a curve.

July 2007 :

Sept 2007 :

I asked when my upper incisor will go on the wire and he says that will be many months yet, about half way through probably. The others need to moved slowly down into my premolar gap first.

Next time, I'm getting new pictures taken, "probably" getting a bracket repositioned and... wait for it... "possibly move up to the next strength wire". I'm hoping that means the alignment will be finished on the lowers and we can move onto levelling and then other direction movements.

My pictures don't do me justice really. The receptionist, who is really kind, is going to do me copies of my case file pictures. She showed me the prints that she made from the digi snaps taken before my extractions and on brace day and they took my breath away. She asked me if she could see, so I leaned over the desk and showed her my teeth and all the changes. Before I started doing this, I would never, ever have shown a complete stranger my teeth up close like that without feeling totally self-conscious.

There is progress on the uppers as well even though it is less astonishing to look at than my lowers. A gap of about 1mm has emerged between incisor and canine which shows the uppers are beginning the "shuffling" back.

Even better, next adjustment is in 4 weeks instead of the usual 5 weeks.

Bring it on!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:22 pm
by Miss Smiley
Au contraire! The pictures do you plenty of justice! I can see how much your teeth have progressed! I'm just going to assume that you're being modest.