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Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:14 am
by MissRed
Not sure if anyone is following this story to be honest but I know just looking around these forums helped me a lot so shall continue!

Mentioned yesterday that I noticed one side of my TPA bar had come loose. I went to the ortho today and he's removed the TPA bar and the molar bands and has said that it will all be put back on when I move up to a thicker wire.

I must admit I've not had any pain really throughout the whole braces procedure thus far but it bloody hurt today with him yanking the molar bands off and getting the TPA bar out! :( I feel ok again now though so I suppose that's all that matters.

Shall update at my next adjustment with pictures, any questions at all please ask!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:15 pm
by Anna5
I read your posts, Missred, and I am very interested in your progress and pictures!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:07 pm
by MissRed
Anna5 wrote:I read your posts, Missred, and I am very interested in your progress and pictures!
Thanks Anna, I think my next adjustment is at the end of April so I'll put some pictures up then :)

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:17 am
by Matilda
Hey MissRed! I'm following your journey and it looks like others are too. Your thread has over a 1000 views. :wink:

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:38 pm
by Mrs v
I am also following. Been great to follow it. Went to some appts the other week. Still have got absolutely no where. They told me to come back in sept to see if any worse and then can think about braces. Told me my gums need to be really healthy (and they're not!) so another thing to stress about.

Anyway appreciate your updates

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:06 am
by MissRed
Matilda wrote:Hey MissRed! I'm following your journey and it looks like others are too. Your thread has over a 1000 views. :wink:
That's a good point Matilda! I forgot to look at hits haha

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:08 am
by MissRed
Mrs v wrote:I am also following. Been great to follow it. Went to some appts the other week. Still have got absolutely no where. They told me to come back in sept to see if any worse and then can think about braces. Told me my gums need to be really healthy (and they're not!) so another thing to stress about.

Anyway appreciate your updates
Hi Mrs V, I'm sorry to hear you're still no further on your journey but I suppose it's best to make sure your mouth is healthy before they go ahead with braces, I must admit if I'd have gone to the orthodontist about 2 years ago he would never have agreed to fit braces as my dental hygiene was very poor due to me not going to the dentist through fear, I didn't have gum problems but some of my teeth were in a real bad way! Stay positive, it'll all come good in the end!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:52 am
by MissRed
I'm off to Budapest for 3 nights on Sunday! :D Just thought I'd rub that in :P

On a serious note, no real massive change on the braces front, my top teeth don't appear to be moving at all in my opinion but my bottoms appear to be slowly moving however I've been getting a bit of pain in top teeth so something must be happening, top front left three are pretty darn sore this morning. I'll report back soon :)

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:52 am
by MissRed
Hi everyone :) just a quick update to say that I've just come back from my first adjustment, it was absolutely fine, other than him closing the doors and tightening the wires which hurt a tiny bit I had no problems.

I asked about a dark spot on one of my teeth that I have noticed since it has moved from beneath another tooth and he says that is some minor discolouration due to the original position of the tooth, I think I might go to my dentist at some point to see if there is anything he can do about it as it's only minor but I can see it getting on my nerves!

I'll try to take some pictures later today and upload them, I can definitely notice, feel and see where some teeth have moved but I honestly don't think there's gonna be any difference when comparing the pictures but you never know!

Hope everyone is well and once again, any questions, drop me a line :)!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:11 am
by Anna5
I am glad your appointment went well! And hopefully the black spot is nothing to worry about. I am looking forward to seeing your progress pics!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:25 am
by MissRed
I hope the pictures aren't too big, sorry they're not brilliant quality I'm sure with practice I'll get better, first time using a side by side app too. The images on the left are me on the first day and the images on the right are from today.

I can't see much movement really although my open bite does appear to have closed a bit however on the first day my bite wasn't entirely closed but it was very close to being so.

You may not be able to notice but I can feel that two of my front teeth have moved slightly from underneath my main front teeth (I really need to learn the names of my teeth haha!) I can also feel some bottom teeth have moved slightly but again I'm not sure the pictures will show that.

My next adjustment is in ten weeks time :).




Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:50 am
by Anna5
WOW, your open bite has definitely closed a lot already and your arch is more rounded, very good progress!!!
Keep up the good work!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:42 pm
by MissRed
Anna5 wrote:WOW, your open bite has definitely closed a lot already and your arch is more rounded, very good progress!!!
Keep up the good work!
Thank you Anna :) I'm so glad I went ahead with it all

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:28 pm
by Anna5
Seeing your progress already, I am confident your ortho will be able to close your open bite competely. You will be so happy when you are done!

Re: Damon Braces Journey/Open Bite

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:36 pm
by Hash
Hi MissRed and all, I am new on here and haven't even gone through the rest of the board but want to say I am following your story and finding it very interesting. I am 1 month in with my braces and have been told I will need tads as well so was freaking about that :-( will be interested to see how you go.