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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:19 am
by butterfly
Seventh Adjustment

Yesterday I went for my seventh adjustment.

The metal bracket that was used to pull my hidden incisor was finally replaced by a ceramics one. Now all my teeth have ceramic brackets. As a very neat addition I got a tooth colored archwire. I think it looks great.


My incisor is now fully in line. It just needs some tipping.


I love to smile. I always smile, all day :) :) When talking in public or just hanging out with people I noticed a big difference. I feel much more secure. It's a sort of freedom I never experienced. Now I don't think about my teeth all the time when laughing smiling and talking.


It is indeed a huge difference! That was me 7 months ago YUCK:


OK now for the bad news: I got elastics :x One elastic to be precise, but I already hate it. It is placed from the right upper last tooth to the right bottom canine. When I laugh it is visible. It kinda ruins all the fun. After every meal I have to switch it. Before eating I have to pop it out which is really disgusting. Once I almost swallowed one.

EDIT: I also got powerchains on top and on the bottom. They cover all the teeth instead of ligs. This time they had all my favorite lig colors like bright soft pink but alas the powerchains came only in red, green and blue AGAIN. :evil: So I took clear again. Hope they won't stain too fast.

Next week I fly abroad and meet my family and old friends. It is the first time they will see me with braces! I am really happy. Cannot wait for their reaction :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:07 am
by alexa
Wow!! Your teeth look amazing! That's great progress...congrats! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:49 am
by elena_k
impressive!!! :D you must be delighted :dance:


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:16 pm
by vegetara
how do you take those pics? i tried taking some pics of my teeth and it's not working out.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:12 pm
by belmikry
butterfly- your teeth are looking AMAZING- I think you are definately winning our 'race'- your teeth look so great- congrats!

elastics may not be fun- but they mean you are almost done! congrats- you deserve it! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:27 am
by joney
Butterfly, all I can say is wow! wow! wow! You must be so pleased. Your teeth look fantastic. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:48 am
by butterfly
I just wanted to say hello again. After 2 months I am finally back home after quite a hard time (PM me for details, I don't want to elaborate here). On sunday I will have my next appointment and my treatment will resume. I am back wearing my rubber band. I didn't wear it these weeks because my doctor wasnt available.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:46 pm
by Blonde_Metal04
Hello Butterfly!
It's great that you're back, I'm sorry to hear that you have had a hard time :(...
On a lighter note, your progress looks absolutely amazing.. It gives me hope for my improved smile!!

Take Care!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:48 pm
by SDFD TSchott
I would have to say after reading this whole story WOW Impressive improvment, I'm very impressed. Will get my braces in less then a week and from what I've been told I will NOT need spacers :) I'm happy about that!

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:57 pm
by butterfly
I think I reached a quite boring stage in my treatment. Nothing happens that is actually visible.

My back teeth touch now! All my mouth closes at once, like one big tooth (I think you know what I mean) but from the outside nothing has changed in the last months.

This is me at the ortho's bathroom with no archwires in place:


Looks normal, doesn't it? I am very pleased with the results so far!

In one week I have my next appointment. My clear ligs are gross because I ate too much and had a lot of red wine during the holiday weekend :)

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:48 am
by butterfly
Eighth adjustment

(or 9th if you count the one abroad)

This Sunday I had my 8th adjustment. Well it was nothing, really nothing. I got the same wires AGAIN although they had lost all of their white plastic coating. I asked for new white ones but he said, no, it's better to stick with them because they fit me perfectly and new ones would cause unwanted movement. Oh well. I got one elastic again, to move one side of my bite. I hate it. :D

Now the good news: The current estimate is now 3-4 months left!!! this sounds amazing. Next month my 1 year aniversary will come up. This means I could be out of braces after 15 months only. :D :D

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:51 am
by butterfly

Today my braces celebrate their birthday! One year ago I was braced!

Here are some pics of today:





Here I am smiling and laughing with no archwires in place:

I am very happy with the improvement so far! Can't stop smiling!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:46 pm
by newmetal
Your teeth have made wickid progress. How long untill they are off now? Also, how long did it take unitll your hiding tooth got into place? I have the same problem, and to see that your teeth are straight after 12 months gives me hope!


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:06 pm
Hey Butterfly, Only things I have to say is WOW and AWESOME! I know it made you feel more more comfortable with your new smile! Wink!


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:47 pm
by acd
All I can say is WOW!! I've got a similar hidden lateral and seeing your one year pictures gives me a lot of hope. I'm two days into this and can't wait until I've seen the kind of progress you have.