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Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:44 pm
by chichi
Your teeth and profile are looking great!

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:18 pm
by rhibee83
thanks ChiChi :)

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:15 pm
by Berryxiao
rhibee83 wrote:
profile right.jpg
profile left.jpg
Rhibee 83, you improvement is amazing. good for you. i hope it will come to me soon. did you lost weight too?

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:32 pm
by rhibee83
Berryxiao wrote:
rhibee83 wrote:
profile right.jpg
profile left.jpg
Rhibee 83, you improvement is amazing. good for you. i hope it will come to me soon. did you lost weight too?
Thanks Berryxiao :) haha I did at the start but once I could eat more things I have put weight back on :shock: specially when all I could eat was soft things as majority was bread and lots of carbs! But going okay :) your teeth will move really fast it's amazing to see the changes :)

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:10 pm
by Matilda
rhibee83 wrote:
Matilda wrote:rhibee83, how did your orthodontist improve your over jet? With braces, elastics or both?
Hi Matilda :)

I had extractions, 2 top and 2 bottom (2 were baby teeth that were decaying though so they had to come out, so he took the opposite ones out on both sides to even it up).

Yep, just normal metal braces, I have a upper lingual arch and nance button to hold top back molars in place so that they do not come forward and create more of an overjet and the elastics have bought my overjet backwards, and soon my nance button will come off so that the top gaps can close nicely. I am assuming I will still wear elastics while they are closing to keep the overjet in position. its weird, as soon as I take my elastics off I feel like my teeth move a bit, just by having them off when I brush my teeth. they really do wonders for sure!

do you have an overjet?
Hello Down Under! :-* Thanks for answering my questions. Yes, I do have an over jet. At my last adjustment my orthodontist told me that if I don't do surgery, which I won't, my bite will unfortunately never be entirely corrected. :shock: She said I can give elastics a try and see what happens. I decided I will otherwise I'll never know.

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:04 am
by NeilH
Hi rhibee, looking good! That's some progress you are making. How are you getting on? I'm kind of stuck in that boring not much is happening phase although I'm sure something must be moving.

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:53 pm
by rhibee83

I have a massive ulcer on the right side of my cheek and it won't go away, no matter how much bongela, and salt rinses I do. I am constantly wearing wax and least now I can chew on the opposite side, so I guess its not as bad, but still ANNOYING.

I really hope my upper lingual arch comes off next adjustment (12th feb) it will feel good to feel the roof of my mouth again!

apart from that things are going okay, Im going to ask if my ortho has a near final date for me at my next adjustment, just to see what he says :wink:

hope everyone else is going well! :rose:

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:57 am
by Tobilei
Looking AMAZING gorgeous :thumbsup: :thumbsup: (Took your advice and popped in).

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:17 pm
by rhibee83
OMG 16 months later and I am just checking out my blog!! :o

Just a quick update if anyone cares lol

my bottom extraction gaps are now closed :jump: and they are starting to close the top ones with powerchains! woot!!! My ortho mentioned about 3 months ago they could be off before Christmas, BUT i doubt that, so i am looking more towards Feb, March 2015 i think, that will just about be 2 years, so that is what i am thinking! would be AWESOME if they were off by Christmas though!! wow! :thumbsup:

Not much more happening on the straightening front, to be honest, they still look the same from about 3 months in!! maybe they will work on aligning the teeth better after extraction gaps are closed, that is what i am hoping anyway :dance:

well! i better get to work! hope all is well on Archwired! :HugeGrin:

take care and I am sure i will pop in again soon :tingrin:

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:33 am
by nachoesq86
rhibee83 wrote:OMG 16 months later and I am just checking out my blog!! :o

Just a quick update if anyone cares lol

my bottom extraction gaps are now closed :jump: and they are starting to close the top ones with powerchains! woot!!! My ortho mentioned about 3 months ago they could be off before Christmas, BUT i doubt that, so i am looking more towards Feb, March 2015 i think, that will just about be 2 years, so that is what i am thinking! would be AWESOME if they were off by Christmas though!! wow! :thumbsup:

Not much more happening on the straightening front, to be honest, they still look the same from about 3 months in!! maybe they will work on aligning the teeth better after extraction gaps are closed, that is what i am hoping anyway :dance:

well! i better get to work! hope all is well on Archwired! :HugeGrin:

take care and I am sure i will pop in again soon :tingrin:

Progress pics?

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:45 pm
by owira
yayy! i'm still hoping for February for a de-bracing date lol we are nearly there!!

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:19 pm
by rhibee83
Well - braces for 20 months today! its kinda gone fast, and kinda hasn't!

My bottom teeth are just about done i think, and the top teeth are being angled as they aren't all in the same line. I have a higher gum on my right top front tooth, which gives the illusion that the front two teeth arent straight. I HATE THIS.. the Ortho said they can refer me to a gum specialist to get some of the gum taken off on the other tooth, but that just sounds to scary and stupid! ugh. I am just worried that i will be paying all this money and my teeth will be straight but not 100% LOOK straight...

anyway, i am hoping they will be off in April now.. that is the realistic date i am going for, i haven't asked, i dont want to keep asking, but see how we go!

That means 4 more adjustments! i am just hoping anyway!

i was just reading back on my journal and how freaked out i was about extractions and my face being sunken in etc, MY FACE IS FINE! just letting you know lol. I had NOTHING to worry about!! and nothing has gone wrong cos i had teeth out. just for all you knew folks out there getting extractions and braces :BigGrin:

Anyway, i will check in again soon! HOPEFULLY when my braces are off. I am scared of having white squares on my teeth i give you that much, i have a high calcium rate in my mouth my Ortho says, he can normally drill that stuff off, but i have a bit of a chunk of it between two teeth so i am hoping that is what it is! so that is my next worry haha.

anyway, over and out until next time :HugeGrin:

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:14 pm
by rhibee83
Hi All

21 months... bah hurry up and get these things off!

to be honest, some days i am happy with my teeth now, other days, i still see alot more work that needs to be done and i am not happy. For starters, i hate that my midline is off and there is apparently nothing he can do for that as i have an asymmetrical face apparently! and i hate the gumline issue - least i know that may get better but who knows.

here are some progress pics, i have a lovely new wire over the top of my current top wire, hooked to the back right top molar, as it is crooked and not helping my bite, so NOW the ortho decides to move it... i am thinking this should of been done ages ago with the other teeth, but what would i know...

i feel like i have taken 5 steps backwards, cos now my bite is completely off and i am not loving it, i felt i was getting so close to the end, but now, i have no idea... im just really over it and getting sick of it and just want these things gone. i am starting to get really worried that i wont be happy with the end result, and i guess, to be happy, i just have to have these things on until i am really. cos if i take them off and i am not happy and not ready, then what would be the point of it all.

anyway! full of positivity today! haha :ThumbsDown: i feel like things are getting worse rather than better again!

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:15 pm
by rhibee83

Re: Preparing to get Braces! - almost 30.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:42 pm
by rhibee83
ha.. just looked at old pics of me and my midline is off BEFORE i had braces too, so maybe i do have an asymmetrical face lol. i think it may have shifted over a bit though, but now that i know its always been a bit off, i dont feel so bad about it... i guess. lol. :gavel: