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Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:55 pm
by MommaDucky
I agree with Miss Smiley, your pictures look stunning! Isn't it amazing how fast the alignment stuff goes? Your arches look fabulous for only ten short weeks in braces!!!

I can relate to what you say about how you would have been super self conscious to show someone your teeth close up before braces - it's the same for me. Now that I've seen some major improvement in the alignment of my teeth, I find myself smiling HUGE smiles these days, and not even thinking about it. I think it's incredible what orthodontic treatment can do for your self esteem.

CONGRATS! Keep up the good work, Mark. Glad to hear from you!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:52 am
by markybwoy
Hi everybody!

Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement. I appreciate it. :)

So last week I had to travel about 300 miles from home for a few days for work. It's been really busy lately. I had to give a training session to about 10 people. It was about 30 minutes into my presentation before I thought, OMG, I forgot about my braces! I wonder if anyone's noticed?

It just totally slipped my mind. All that worrying about feeling self-conscious earlier this year and now I'm forgetting I'm wearing them, even standing up in front of a bunch of people with all eyes glued to me!

Some progress on uppers to report - my right canine is beginning this 'shuffling back' into the space vacated by my pre-molar. I'd say its a little over 1mm now.


Next adjustment in a little over 1 week's time.


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:44 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
awesme changes so faR!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:03 pm
by MommaDucky
Isn't it such a relief when you realise that you don't realise your braces are there anymore? It's a great big monkey off your back once you forget they're in there.... so nice to not worry about trifle things like that.

Awesome progress with that gap in your upper arch! I had all four 1st premolars out, and I keep looking for changes in the gaps in my progress pictures these days. It certainly is nice when they start to close up!

Good to hear from you again -- don't be a stranger! Have a good weekend.

Tweak No. 3

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:43 am
by markybwoy
I had adjustment visit No. 3 yesterday. Another 45 minutes in the waiting room, but I don't mind - I picked an ortho that didn't rush me, so he's not rushing his other patients either! I try and make my appointments towards the end of the day so I can disappear from work and just sip a cup of tea and make chit chat with the receptionist until it is my turn! I go so often and stay so long, these people feel like my extended family now!

Last visit, he mentioned that he might take some more pictures as the changes are quite striking, but to be honest, I think we ran out of time. There's always next time.

I got two brackets repositioned. Getting those things snapped off is a shocking experience. One flew across the room and hit his assistant in the face! Then we had to go through cleaning the cement off and then re-etching, cementing two new brackets on both upper left premolars. This all took quite a while on top of the usual review work.

My upper wire is now totally straight. On day one it was really quite crooked. It is mind-blowing to think that even though it looks that way, actually, the wire hasn't straightened at all. The wire has stayed still, it's my teeth that have done the moving!!!

Next visit in 4 weeks time and a new wire for the lowers is planned.


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:43 am
by Miss Smiley
I'm glad I wasn't in your office for any bracket repos. I might have left with a patch over an eye or something. Nice to hear that you're doing well and that you're forgetting about having the braces.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:10 pm
by MommaDucky
Good to hear that you're seeing some major changes, Mark -- Congrats!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:11 am
by hannahwebbo
Hi Mark,

Just got caught up on your story, wow the time has flown by and you've reached your third adjustment already. Its great that your progress is going along so well. Cant wait to see more progress pics when you get them.

Hope it all keeps on going well


mark has a new wire!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:54 am
by markybwoy
I just got back from my 4th adjustment visit. Plenty of people have been saying, "it will go by quickly" and they have been right. It has been 18 weeks and it has just whizzed by. It doesn't seem that over 4 months has gone by since I stepped out of the ortho's office in July minus two teeth and plus a bunch of brackets.

Big adjustment today, I was in for almost an hour. Big news - I am now sporting a new wire on the lowers! He says the alignment on the lowers is now finished and we're on to the next phase. My new wire is an "1825" (whatever that means!) and it is square. My lowers are feeling a bit tighter so far. I also got my front two upper brackets replaced. It's quite unpleasant having brackets removed because they shatter and it pinches a bit, but it's over in a split-second. I am a bit shocked because my upper left incisor never went on the wire. The bracket has been replaced but it was never actually used! The one missing will be "many months" before it goes onto the wire, so I think he's just keeping it glued to my tooth in case he loses it!!

Next visit is just before Christmas, so I'll update my pics in December. They will be good, loads of changes to show now :D

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:30 pm
by Lisa65
Hi Mark
Great that things are going well for you. Time does fly, doesn't it? I hope the square wire isn't too much of a shock for you at first. When I first got one, I felt some pretty heavy duty movement going on for a few days.

Look forward to seeing your new pics when you get some up.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:47 am
by hannahwebbo
wow Mark.

It's great to hear that you have moved on to the next part of your treatment and glad to hear that the time is flying by

Apparantly those square wires really get things moving from what i have read in other peoples stories.

Still cant wait to see those pictures but i guess ill have to wait til near christmas.

Hope your progress keeps on going well

Hannah x

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:15 pm
by markybwoy
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!

Did I mention, ouch?

This new square wire has given me a spot of trouble lately. It's like way back in the start when I first got spacers, so I've been back on the soup and mashed potato. I've also been applying wax again on the right as the new wire is rubbing my cheek a bit. After about four days I could bite down again and its all subsided now, back to normal. Phew.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:28 am
by hannahwebbo
Hi Mark

It's great to hear that the pain you had has subsided now. All you have to think is that when there is pain there is definitly movement going on.

Still can't wait to see those progress pictures.

Take care

Hannah x

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:17 am
by markybwoy
Yes, I'm fine now, it was just 3 days of a little tenderness when chewing. I broke my foot a few years ago and for sure that is REAL pain. Braces are nothing compared to that. I'm just fishing for sympathy hehe :D

Here's my the latest pictures :

Lowers --

July 2007 :

November 2007 :

Full frontal effect --

July 2007 :

November 2007 :

Words can't really express how thrilled I am so far. The changes in 20 weeks are staggering and I am so glad I started this. Sure, there were a couple of low points but that seems so minor when I look at these pictures. I'm prepared for the fact that the next 20 weeks won't be quite so staggering as the future movements are probably more subtle. But, I'm so happy so far and not at all self-conscious, I love it when people spot my braces (which is very very rare) even though I'm doing more training at work lately. In fact I'm off to do another course for 12 people this afternoon.

I'm back at the ortho in 11 days, the visits are coming round so incredibly quickly.

Thanks for all your kind comments. Laters!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:17 am
by Miss Smiley
Marky, your changes sure are staggering! I think your teeth look great, I can't believe it has only been 20 weeks.