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Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:47 am
by Faerydust
I'm a little late, but wanted to mention how amazing your 1 month progress is. I can see the left (in pic) upper lateral incisor moved down and now the wire looks much straighter. I'm SO envious of your bottom teeth, they straightened so quickly!! I still have one that's too far back to be tied into the wire. The assistant tried, but it hurt too badly and felt like the bracket would pop off.

Goodluck with your next adjustment and hope your treatment continues to progress quickly! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:00 am
by pearls
Ok so I had the most bizarre dream last night. I can't remember the whole thing, but the gist of it was that I was doing my hair in the bathroom, then I looked at my teeth in the mirror, and noticed something strage. Then I realised that my teeth were stained from not cleaning my teeth properly. But then I looked closer and realised that my braces weren't on anymore! Then I ran around the house screaming for my mum, telling her my braces but have fallen off. So then she told me that she saw me yanking them off my teeth at night time. Then I told her I had no recollection of this, and I must have been doing it in my sleep.

It was terrible!! It was the worst feeling of not completing my treatment, AND having stains on my teeth. Yet it's kind of exciting that I can now join the gang of people who have had dreams (or nightmares) about their braces.


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:53 am
by jenny101101
Haha...too funny! :lol: Of course, I'm sure it wasn't at first but I bet you can laugh about it now, huh?

I've had those dreams too. Just last night I dreamt my DH got mad at me for spending the $$ on braces and then the top ones fell off except they were still attached at the back so they were hanging out of my mouth :yikes: and as I was running to the bathroom, I ran into an old co-worker who had braces and tried to talk to him with all this metal hanging out of my mouth!! It was scary when I first woke up but once I realised it was only a dream, I got a kick out of it! hehe

Welcome to the "club"!! :crazy:

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:04 am
by pearls
Today was my first adjustment, and I was so excited for it. I had accidentally missed one, so I was very keen to make this one! I was hoping for new wires, which I did get! I heard the ortho mention something like "size 16 square on top and bottom". I don't know what that means, but I do know that they look a lot stronger than the baby wires I had after first being braced. I chose to get dark pink ligs on top, and baby pink ligs on the bottom. I am loving the baby pink ligs. Next appointment I think I'll get baby pink on top, and baby blue on bottom.

The overall process was very quick. The ortho (who was actually filling in as my normal ortho is on holidays) took a peek at my teeth and told the assistant what size wires to get. The ortho then said to me "you're teeth are straightening up lovely" to which I replied with glee "I know!". Then the ortho took off my old ligs, and took out the old wires. She then snipped the wires to appropriate sizes, and popped them in. Then she put the ligs on. She nearly put the wrong colours on the wrong arches, but the assistant stopped her! So I actually have one dark pink on the bottom and one light pink on the top, but you can't tell. She trimmed the wires again, and then I was able to go home!

Here are some pics taken today!




Take care,


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:11 am
by Miranbrady20
WOW your teeth are looking GREAT! they are getting straight so fast I can't believe it! I hope my Braces straighten me out that quick! Congrats on the braces and I hope they get straight in no time!!! +\+

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:33 am
by OhNicole
I love the pink ligs pearls! I was just catching up on your story last night and your teeth are looking wonderful - what progress you've had!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:17 pm
by *melissa*
Hiya Pearls!!!
Great pictures! Your teeth look wonderful...I love the baby pink ligs... :D I just might get that color at my next adjustment next week :D

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:34 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
Wow amazing progress so far

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:27 am
by dagwoman
They look fantastic! And how good are your arches!

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:29 am
by Braced32
Hi Pearls ~

GREAT movement - especially on the lower arch! Wahoo! :banana:

Yeah, I would be very frustrated with myself, too, if I missed an appt but hopefully that won't happen as my ortho emails / calls me plus they have it set up on their web site for the option to confirm appts. If you don't confirm with a couple days of your appt, they call.

Congrats on upgrading your wire!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:41 pm
by xOx SwEeTtReAtS xOx
just stopping by to say thanks for stopping by, I LOVE YOUR PINK LIGS. I went with pink as well, i wish i had the option of a lighter pink, its so pretty. Your teeth look great, I can't wait to see progress like yours!! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:35 am
by pearls
So I've been naughty and haven't updated my story for a while.

I've still got about 2 and a half weeks until my 2nd adjustment, and I am starting to feel these wires moving my teeth now. I feel like I haven't had any movement for about 6 weeks, so I am keen for these cheeky teeth to begin moving again! My right upper teeth are being particularly stubborn and don't feel they need to budge. I think they need a stern word from my orthodontist.

On the plus side, I am so happy I have braces. I am in desperate need of a hair cut, and for some ideas of what style to get, I was looking at some of my old photo's to see which hair cut suited me the best. Whilst looking at these pictures I noticed how crooked my teeth were! I mean, I knew I wasn't happy with my teeth back then, but looking back to what they used to be like, and how much they have improved since being braced is so satisfying. Both in the sense that I know I am doing the right thing, and that my teeth are straightening up nicely.

I will try to post more regularly. Also I should note that the only movement I have noticed since my 1st adjustment is that this big gap appeared between my canine and first premolar. The gap is about 2mm i would guess. I tried to get a photo of it, but I was unsuccessful, so I will try again soon!

Keep reading :D


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:11 am
by pearls
So I checked the date the other day, and realised that I had completely missed my 3 month photo update of my progress! I guess that's a good thing in a way, because I'm not counting down the days until I'm free or anything. I'm happy with my braces, and it's been all smooth sailing so far :D

Since my 1st ajdustment, there has not been much cosmetic improvement in my teeth, but there has been movement. And I'm sure that although they seem to be getting worse now, it will be for the better in the future.

It seems that the left side of my teeth (right side in the photo's) is somewhat 'open' compared to the right side. I think my teeth on the bottom row need to be pulled up a little bit, and the teeth on the top row might need to come down a little bit. You can see this in the bend of the archwire, particularly on the bottom row. I have also developed what I call a 'huge' gap in between my left canine and insisor, although it's only really 2-3mm small. But still when a gap appears out of nowhere within a week, it is quite obvious! I've also started to notice a tiny tiny gap forming between the insisor and my front tooth, right next to the tooth with the 'huge' gap! (I will explain this with a photo further down). Also, my left second incisor (I think that's his name) is being very naughty and has rotated even more, making my teeth look quite uneven. I don't know how he'll straighten up, or how long it will take, but when he does come in line I will be very happy!

So enough rambling, here are the many pictures :D


See that pesky rotated incisor?

Wow my midline needs some fixing! And can you see how my left side (photo right) is open?




This side seems to be lining up nicely

This side seems open again.

Thanks for stopping by!

My 2nd adjustment is on Tuesday which is in three days!!! I can't wait.


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:46 am
by dagwoman
Looking good! Your left incisor gap (the small gap) is where I had quite a sudden gap occur, but on the other side. And my incisor was slightly rotated, just like yours! This happened a while ago for me, but there are pics in my thread (click my WWW below :)). It's always a little strange when big gaps appear from nowhere. Your teeth are looking really, really good though!

Actually, I found the photo I was talking about:


:) Things shifted quickly from here, though!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:29 am
by jenny101101
Hi Pearls,

Happy belated 3 month anniversary!! :-)o Your teeth are looking great! That is quite a gap but I'm sure your ortho has a plan in place to fix it. My two front teeth are still overlapping so I'd love to have that gap! lol Hard to believe it's been 3 months already for you...I'm going on 5 months....where does the time go? hehe

Chat soon!