NAHKY's Long Bracial Journey - New Pics Pg 16

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:43 am
Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#76 Post by nahky »

back from the review appoitnment with surgeon...

Was a good appointment with the doc again. He took alot of time and spoke to me about the whole thing.

He opened the box to show me my moulds. He showed me how my teeth would look like after the surgery. It was beautiful. Absolutely magnificent! I kinda giggled to myself because it was so nice to see my own mould of my teeth in a perfect bite.

Then he showed me on his lap top, the profile images of me. To be quite honest, i wasnt that thrilled with the prediction. Didnt seem like a major difference.

But then i slapped some reality into myself. the program used to create the prediction was pretty limiting. The computer cant predict the movement of my soft tissues of my face and lips. The image has weird lighting, so i know i will look much better than the prediction. Just thinking baout the perfect moulds pleases me enough.

I dont think i need a computer to tell me how i will look like. I clench my teeth in the mirror now and see it will make a very great benficial difference to me no matter what.

I asked to see other examples of other patients and was pleased to see they had great results aswell. The doc pointed out to a girl in the office who was 1-week post op from the operation and she looked reasonable well, so im not worried on that front, swelling will eventually go away.

so thats that. that was the last pre-sugrcial consult. 1 week to go. next wednesday. my bottom jaw shall be reduced 6-7mm. Not very much in terms of an underbite.

Today, i finally paid my ortho bills!! i owe zero, nada, kaput to them as of now. No longer behind payments. Feels much better, no more letters asking for money lol. And im sure my ortho will treat me a little nicer next time now since i dont owe anything for the month and im up to payments.

7 more sleeps
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 1055
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:50 am
Location: San Francisco, CA

#77 Post by alexa »

Thankyou Alexa, Im not quite sure who Bob dylan was/is, sounds like a familiar musician, but if his b'day brings me more fortune, I'll take it!
OMG. I can't believe I missed this post. Who is Bob Dylan? I think I will cry. :cry:

Bob Dylan is alive and well and turning 65 on your big day!

(I'm a big fan...I get emotional! 8) )

Anywho...good luck with's pretty awesome that it's finally here and you've paid your bills and can sit back, relax and wait for that perfect smile/bite to come!
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:37 am
Location: Texas

#78 Post by swiftchick »

Nahky, today I thought about you and your story and I checked the time in Australia on my cell phone... it's 16 hours ahead of my time.

I just thought that was cool.

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Location: Perth Western Australia

#79 Post by chrisk »


Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your surgery, and a quick and easy recovery. Those of us who have followed your story will be thinking of you. Keep us posted on your recovery.


Posts: 34
Joined: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:39 am

#80 Post by vincent »

Hey Man, Hope you are healing Well, i had 2 extractions a few days ago and rewally regret it, not because i dont want braces, but i wish it was the adjacent teeth, i had 2 premolars taken out and they were perfectly healthy, bu tthe molar, i saw the gumline of the 1st moalr and i bloody have 2 cavaties on the gumline, im sooo scared about what will happen, i htink that i will see my ortho to have the braces put on then i think that i will try and sort it out, i hope it dont need to be taken out!!!! im sooooo scared, i was going to faint when isaw the cavaties :( i was saying stupid thing lik ei wanna die!!!! extreme i know but im a right worryer!!!!!!!!!!!!1
very best of luck and good luck

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Location: emerald city, oz

#81 Post by lionfish »

I'd like to add my good wishes, too, nahky, for successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Seeing as you have such an excellent attitude, I'm sure you will be just fine.

Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:43 am
Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#82 Post by nahky »

Thankyou all for all your well wishes. Much appreciated. One more sleep, thats it. Then they are gunna cut me open, crack, snap and pop! then Screw me back together. Will be a joyous occasion.'

So tomorrow morning, i'll hit the gym early, buy little things like magazines and newspapers to keep me occupied during the wait in hospital. Myabe read the Da Vinci Code, i saw the movie yesterday.Then i have an appointment to get my haircut at 9am.

Admission to hospital at 1pm.

Will try to keep you all updated asap!

Surgery Tomorrow!
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:06 pm

#83 Post by cassad »


your time is here buddy.

alf will do a great job believe me.

just look at me 5 months ago he operated on me and ive turned out fine.

enjoy ur stay at the hospital its a nice place.

have fun!!!


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Location: San Francisco, CA

#84 Post by alexa »

Good luck!
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

Posts: 234
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:46 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

#85 Post by Caroline »

All the best to you, Nahky! Hope all goes well, and keep us posted...
Top braced January 7, 2005
Bottom braced February 4, 2005
Tops off July 10, 2006!!!
Bottoms off August 15, 2006!!!

Posts: 210
Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:56 pm

#86 Post by josephine »

You will have lots of us here thinking good thoughts for you on the big day (and thereafter), nahky!

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Location: Las Vegas

#87 Post by hannah164 »

Good luck! :D KEep us posted! :thumbsup:

~Hannah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:43 am
Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#88 Post by nahky »

Thank you are so so much. Just a quick update

The operation was a success

Im home now recovering, went in at 1pm, waited to 5pm, surgery finished at 2:30 i think, my monther dad and sisters came to visit. They came 30 minsutes after surgery. I didnt want them to stay long

Was picked up at 10am to go home by my brother and sister and mother

I ahve been eating well, drinking is fairly easy and eating soup aswell

It was very fustrating at the start, first couple ours after surgery. I was fully alert, my throat was soar and nose was blocked, was hard to breathe.

underbite is gone. I cant bite down now, im too swollen. My cheeks have puffed out so much. I look like a hippo. Or a person wearing a fat suit, it is quite funny.

thankoyu all for all your support.

My family is supporting me heaps and very empaethic, even though i am scaring my little nephew, he doesnt wanna be near me at all, lol.

i'll my a orthognathic surgery diary soon enough including pics.

til next time. thankyou all

Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 2635
Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 4:16 pm
Location: emerald city, oz

#89 Post by lionfish »

Glad to hear you've come out the other side safely, Nahky. It sounds like you're doing well post surgery, which is great.

Look forward to updates.

Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:43 am
Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#90 Post by nahky »

Thankyou Kiwikren, Linda, and everyone else giving me support.

Today was the 3rd day, and by far the most difficult. Thw swelling is peaking. I feel like im carrying two very heavy sacks in my cheeks.

I felt quite depressed today at times. But then thought about my normla bite i wil soon have.

I tried my best eat as much as i could. im so suproised by this sweling, i cant keep my lips closed at all. constantly open ajar, so things get dry quick. This is by far the most challenging thing ever i ahve ever encountered.

Im trying to stay positive and remeber all the advice. thanks everyone. I'll try tto get more indepth next time. im getting a bit tired sitting here now.

sidenote: my mum and sister have been the best, caring for me, they ahve been very patient.
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

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