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Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:48 am
by chichi
jtsang wrote:I notice my teeth would get clicky/clacky a week after an adjustment and a week before adjustments... Just weird but I remember reading that's normal...
I've had clicky/clacky teeth on and off, but it's the first time since the few days after my adjustment that I'm feeling anything. I think I'm entering that stage where most people start getting bored with their braces. I need more movement!!!

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:27 pm
by chichi
To celebrate my 5 month braceversary, here is my progress so far! Now that I compare the most recent photo with older ones, I realize how much my teeth have moved in the last month. Looking good if you ask me :)

And a slightly early Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow American bracefaces!

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:53 pm
by mapleleafman888
Wow! That is quite the difference. It's very encouraging to see progress isn't it!? Happy American Thanks-giving.

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:05 pm
by jtsang
Just by looking at the arch wire getting straighter is already amazing!!

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:24 pm
by chichi
Had my 3rd adjustment today. I'm in all rectangular wires now (yay!!) and I've got a second elastic configuration.

Upper - 0.014 x 0.025
Lower - 0.018 x 0.025

Rabbit elastics in triangle configuration on left (top canine to lower canine & 1st premolar)
Dolphin elastics class III configuration on right (top 1st molar to lower canine)

We'll see how this goes. I think by this time after the last adjustment, I was really achy, but right now I'm not feeling much more than slight pressure. We shall see :D

Update wouldn't be complete without a picture...

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:36 pm
by mapleleafman888
That's some awesome looking progress...

Congrats on adjustment #3! I will be going for full adjustment #2 in less than 6 days.

By the looks of things, the rectangular wires seem like they can bend on the leveling plane? I thought only round wires could level but perhaps the light rectangulars can as well. I thought for sure the rectangulars would be really rigid. Do they feel rigid or what do you notice about them?

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:52 am
by chichi
mapleleafman888 wrote:That's some awesome looking progress...

Congrats on adjustment #3! I will be going for full adjustment #2 in less than 6 days.

By the looks of things, the rectangular wires seem like they can bend on the leveling plane? I thought only round wires could level but perhaps the light rectangulars can as well. I thought for sure the rectangulars would be really rigid. Do they feel rigid or what do you notice about them?

Yes, the rectangulars can bend on the leveling plane. That's the smaller number in the wire measurements, which is obviously nothing more than we've already had. The second number, 0.025, is whatever the other plane is - I guess arch development? It's very rigid on that plane and I believe that's where the discomfort is coming from. 0.025 is surprisingly thick... Maybe I'll try to get an arch picture up later so you can see (or maybe you'll find out for yourself in a few days :wink: )

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:29 am
by Anna5
You have made AMAZING progress, Chichie!! Your crossbite is almost gone, isn't it? How did your ortho do this? Did you wear crossbite elastics?

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:37 pm
by chichi
Anna5 wrote:You have made AMAZING progress, Chichie!! Your crossbite is almost gone, isn't it? How did your ortho do this? Did you wear crossbite elastics?
Thanks, Anna! My crossbite is pretty much fixed I believe. My bite is still off, but I imagine we'll get to that.

I did not have elastics to fix the crossbite. That is the work of braces alone, along with molar buildups so the teeth can cross over easily without hitting each other.

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:11 am
by chichi
Eating is hard, but this has been nowhere near as painful as the last adjustment. I think getting the rectangular wire on the bottom last time was what was killing me. That was the absolute worst jaw pain. This time, my lowers already know what it's like to have the rectangular wire and my uppers hurt, but it's not too bad. My upper centrals are a killer to brush though.

The new class III elastic is creating some pain in the molar it's attached to, so chewing on that side is painful, but it'll get better...

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:59 pm
by SunshineRay
You are moving right along! And know so many details about whats going on with your braces. lol Now I think I need a wire change!

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:01 pm
by chichi
SunshineRay wrote:You are moving right along! And know so many details about whats going on with your braces. lol Now I think I need a wire change!
lol I'm very glad I've been getting wire changes at every appointment. I think I would be very disappointed if I went for an adjustment and nothing interesting happened. I also make sure I know what I have... I NEED to know :)

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:17 am
by mapleleafman888
Hey Chichi! I saw your signature in another post and noticed you have an adjustment coming up about 6 days before mine. As always I'm curious to know what goes on as far as new wire sizes and elastics configurations, so be sure to update for a curious maple leaf... 8)


Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:44 pm
by chichi
mapleleafman888 wrote:Hey Chichi! I saw your signature in another post and noticed you have an adjustment coming up about 6 days before mine. As always I'm curious to know what goes on as far as new wire sizes and elastics configurations, so be sure to update for a curious maple leaf... 8)

Of course... I always do :)

For a refresher, I'm currently in 014x025 on top and 018x025 on bottom with some elastics. Looking forward to whatever comes next. I imagine powerchains are also in my future as my bottoms are straight but have some spaces - we'll see if they come now or later.

Re: chichi is braced!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:05 am
by Pacha05
Hi Chichi. I also saw your signature in another post and thought I would have a nosey.

Your teeth are looking great. I dont know any wire sizes etc that I have, my ortho doesn't tell me, all I know is the wires are pretty thick now.