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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:17 am
by kel

I can't believe that you have just had your braces for three months, your teeth are looking great!!

Good luck with your progress,


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:27 am
by Leslie022
Beautimous Kim! Your teeth are trucking right along! :)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:56 pm
by todddutton

Please tell me how you resize your pictures for your posts. I'm trying to get an update on my BLOG but can't get them any smaller. Also, how are you taking your pictures (ie setting, camera, etc). Your story is so inspirational.

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:17 pm
by belmikry
thanks for all of the kind words guys! :) I know- I can't believe it's been 3 months already- time honestly flys by- I'm very happy with my decision :)

jennandtonic: thats what I keep thinking! knowing my teeth though, they will be stubborn :lol: i don't want to get my hopes too high- in case this crossbite issue takes longer than expected! :P I think it's quicker moving one tooth in comparsion to the whole lot- so we shall see ;)

finallybraced: omg thank you! I'm so honoured to give any member some encouragment to take this road! hopefully I can see some of your progress pictures as well- any questions, let me know :) did you end up getting one of these weird loopy brackets on your incisor as well? I haven't seen anyone else yet with one :) yes! the first week is the harest- I promise your speech will become much easier- and don't forget to smil and show off your fantastic braces! I found out the hard way the more I tried to hide them- the more people noticed them and the funnier I looked :lol:

karen: :lol: i wish- with the possibility of having to use the same ortho over a 3 month period- I will have a lower torque wire between adjustments- so I assume my treatment will take longer now :)

toddutton: do you have photoshop/paint shop pro? if not- just open your images with your digital software [either the ones available with your camera or MS paint] and they should have a resizing option- I crop them first and then resize to roughly 300 X 300- keeps things about life size :)

ps: Leslie I love your toe ring! I have three- swear by them! :)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:32 pm
by Flora2006
This is amazing movement in just over 3 months!!! Your teeth are moving fast!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment :)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:31 pm
by Leslie022
Haha, thanks Kim! :-*

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:30 pm
by jennandtonic
jennandtonic: thats what I keep thinking! knowing my teeth though, they will be stubborn Laughing i don't want to get my hopes too high- in case this crossbite issue takes longer than expected!
I find in life that if you concentrate on the little things, you probably won't even notice the big things happening. I bet one day you'll take comparison pictures, look, and realize you have no more crossbite and wonder when THAT happened!

At least, let's hope that's how all our treatments go.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:04 am
by Leslie022
Very off topic ... but I have to add that I've always loved toe rings ... and a couple of years back I decided to get one tattooed on my big toe. Painful ... yes ... but it was well worth it. I got a vine tattooed across my big toe ... and it looks awesome! :banana:
That sounds beautiful, <b>Karen</b>! Post a pic if you get the chance!

Sorry to take over your board for a few posts, Kim! :)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:02 am
by belmikry
:lol no problem! any discussion is allowed in my board ;) especially toe rings :)

thanks for the encouragment guys- I know that the only thing I wanted in the beginning was to see my incisor- and now that i see it, sometimes i just want to say: "op! done!" but I know that is a silly idea- being that I'm only 3 months into treatment, and besides- I like my braces and can't wait to have that perfect smile- or rather- the closest one I can get ;)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:42 am
by jennielee81

Such progress in such a little bit of time! I love watching your progress. :thumbsup:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:40 pm
by finallybraced

finallybraced: did you end up getting one of these weird loopy brackets on your incisor as well? I haven't seen anyone else yet with one them and

Hi Kim,

No I didn't get a bracket at all on the misplaced incisor. Instead they put a spring betwwen the front tooth and the canine. The said it's to make the space between the front and canine bigger so the incisor will have room to move up. Maybe mine are closer together than yours. Anyway, I'm hoping it works. Thanks for all the info. Have a GREAT Week!!! :D

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:13 pm
by belmikry
hey everyone! :) i'm leaving for Canada tomorrow so I though I should do my four month re-cap a week earlier- hope you dont mind! :)

looking better- but still not perfect- note that placement of my front uppers in comparison to my bottoms- got some time to fix that! :)
top view looks better! my font teeth are less crooked now- hopefully they will be straight soon :) my incisor is doing well- i can still feel it behind with my tongue- so it has awhile on it's road still :)
bottoms rock- except- mylifter fell out- AGAIN! >_>... of course- the side i need it on too! [grrr] ... I have to wait until I make an appointment back home with my new ortho before i can get it fixed- since my records are already moved :P...
gapping still- cross bite is doing better, still needs time thoug- my canine needs to push down more as well, I can feel it's shorter than my left in comparison.

also- i went to the dentist and got an A+++ on my hygeine! :lol:
I also got my incisor filled in where I cracked it- it used to hit my bottom teeth pre-braces because of the bad placement

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:32 pm
by Flora2006
It's great to hear that you found a new ortho in Canada Kim :)

Your teeth are looking awesome. They are getting straight soo fast :P

Good job on your hygiene!!!!! A++ is awesome. Keep up the good job :jump:

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:23 am
by Leslie022
Have a safe trip home, Kim! I hope things go well with your new ortho! Your teeth are looking great! Let us know how it goes with the new ortho!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:33 pm
by M1k3y
Your progress has been awesome. How much longer do you have with braces on?