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My braces update

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:42 pm
by Louise
Hello everyone. Ever since I changed the colour of my ligs to bright green last week, I have been getting more and more comments than ever before (you can see pics of them from my last post last week).

I remember when I first got my braces only a few people noticed them and asked me questions about them. I work as a nurse at my local hospital and only two of my workmates noticed and my patients never batted an eyelid.

Now everyone is commenting on my bright green braces and saying that they look really nice. Alot of my workmates have actually said that they would love to have braces. I think I have started a trend! Patients have also been interested in asking me questions about them as they have granchildren who are getting braces. They have been telling them to come and have a look at the nurse with the cool braces. Must be a good thing.
