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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:01 pm
by finallybraced
:D Hi, I'm new here. Today is Saturday, April 29, 2006.
I just got my braces on Wednesday, April 26, 2006. I first noticed my teeth starting to grow crooked at age 8. I am now 31, married and have a 4 year old daughter.

I have a tooth pushed to the back(it is suppose to be next to my front tooth) on my right side. (Funny side note: this is how I learned my left from my right) If I could touch the tooth in the back with my tongue, I knew it was the right. This has however, greatly affected my self esteem and prevented me from laughing and smiling with my mouth wide open.

I am so happy to finally be on the road to a better smile.

Of course with that said "OUCH"!!!!! :(

I'm ready for the uncomfortable stage to pass. The inside of my mouth feels like it's sunburnt. I had some leftover RX Ibuprofen I'm taking today, that has been a big help. If U ask me they should prescribe this to any adult getting braces. At least a week's worth.

The paperwork I got said it will take 2 weeks for the cheeks to toughen up. Fine, but do I have to be miserable while it's happening?

Anyway, I'm still glad to be on my way, Finally, to a better a smile. No pain, no gain I suppose.

OK, I'll stop rambling now.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:14 pm
by sjsarre
Hi finallybraced

Congrats on getting braced..

I understand completely where you are coming from. I'm 31 this year and i've had crooked teeth since I can remember. Its so nice to finally do something about it. Yet at the same time you could almost kick youself for not doing it earlier!!

Keep us updated with your progress


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:17 pm
by pucca26
Welcome to the braced world :banana:

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:11 pm
by missingu

One thing I've always wondered when parents of little ones get braces. Did your daughter notice something different with mommy's teeth? Was she scared or curious, or just accepted the braces and moved on. I've always thought it would be fun to write a book by interviewing children on their perceptions of their parent/caretaker's braces!

There are a lot of good suggestions about helping reduce the discomfort in the mouth. Many people swear by salt water rinses, but I don't. It seems to me that the discomfort slowly fades and at some point you realize you're not so uncomfortable.

Good luck on your journey.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:36 pm
by Hello Kitty
:D :D :D
I'm new here as well! Good luck to you! For me, the worst part was having the braces applied, and the first 5 days afterward.
How long is your treatment?
I was told two years, and I'm getting mine removed a month 1/2 earlier.
The time goes by so very fast!!! I can't believe it's been almost 2 years!
You'll be very happy you did it!
My teeth sound similar to yours- the teeth beside my two front teeth were pushed back, making my "eye" teeth protrude and giving me a fang like appearance. I'm so glad!!!!
No more fangs!!!
Take Care!

Hello Kity

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:15 pm
by finallybraced
"My Treatment Time"

First I was told 20 months, then I was told 24 months, so we'll see. I'm opitmistic that it will be closer to 20. No facts to back that, just good old fashion faith and I'm hoping positive thinking works. Either way at least it'll be done.

My Daughter's Reaction

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:24 pm
by finallybraced
Well, when I dropped my daughter off at preschool, she knew I was getting braces(of course she didn't know what that was).

When I picked her up, I held my arms out for my usual hug and she was just looking at my teeth with a curious little grin. Then she said, "You got brace-a-letts?"

She does ask a lot of questions about them. The first 2 days, she would ask to see my "Bace-a-letts", when I did she would laugh and gigle. I do look funny and of course it's so awkward trying to speak. My husband kept laughing at me too.

Now, she's getting used to them.

My husband and I work with teenagers at church. I'm sure they will laugh too, although now I look like one of them. All our close friends tell me I look like a teenager. That has it's positive and negative consequences.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:24 pm
by belmikry
welcome back tot he forums finallybraced! :) hope things are going well :)


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:08 pm
by finallybraced
Thanks for the Welcome Back, so how does it feel to be free? Hope you have Pics and Congrats!!!!!!!! :D