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Louise's update

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:51 pm
by Louise
Hi everyone, I can't believe what has just happened. I have noticed that one of my ligs has just come off right at the back of my lower brace and the wire has become loose :x God knows how that happened.

My next appointment is two weeks away so I will have to contact my orthodontist ASAP. +\+ I thought I better do that just to be on the safe side.

I've not had a very good time lately as I'm recovering from chicken pox. :yuck: Not a very pleasant experience as I was so itchy and covered in horrible spots. But never mind all the spots are starting to heal and I feel alot better. :D

I will be posting latest update photos quite soon so I will speak to everyone then. Bye

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:06 am
by Louise
Hey thanks KK :thumbsup: I gave my orthodontist a ring and I've got an appointment on Thursday. The wire isn't really annoying me but my brace just feels abit loose. But I am really glad that I gave them a phone to let them know.

My chicken pox spots have almost all cleared up and I go back to work on Tuesday after two weeks off.

Speak to you soon. :D