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juf_84's smile ~I'm back and naked~

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:07 am
by juf_84

I have been lurking on ArchWired on and off for a few years now and have finally decided to take the step of fixing my teeth.

When I was 17 I realised that my teeth would not magically straighten so I saw an ortho about the possibility of doing something about it. I chose not to go ahead with it at the time because we didn't really 'click', and I was absolutely terrified at the prospect of having four teeth extracted!

I came to terms with my smile (or so I thought) until two years ago when I decided again that I hated it. I spent a few weeks surfing the net and spent a lot of time on this site but ultimately decided (again) against going ahead with any treatment. I didn't even have a consultation.

Earlier this year I started hating my smile with a passion. I felt so self-conscious that I was trying to hide my smile. I got quite upset with myself and kept telling myself "if you'd gone ahead with it four years ago it will all be behind you." Finally I made the step of finding an ortho in my area and actually making an appointment.

I had the xrays done and saw the ortho a week ago. I was a bit apprehensive and quite nervous sitting in the waiting room. There were other patients there- all teenagers! I felt quite old when I realised most of the magazines were directed at the under 18s crowd, but I found a few to read!

As soon as I saw the ortho I told him straight up I was there just to get information. He was absolutely lovely! He gave me so much information and didn't mind any of my questions. He also had some good news- expected treatment time 9-12 months and no need for extractions! I have had my wisdom teeth out so there should be enough space in there now!

I decided then and there to go ahead. The ortho is just lovely and put me so at ease, which helped a lot. The idea of only being in braces for up to 12 months is fantastic as I had prepared myself for three years!

I'm going in in two weeks to get the spacers put in and then full metals upper and lower on the 22nd. It might sound strange but I'm actually very excited and can't wait! I know it's going to hurt but I just can't wait to see the first little change in my teeth!

My family has been fantastic, and my Mum has even been on here to have a look around.

So I just wanted to say hello to all and share my story.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:14 am
by juf_84
Here are some photos to begin the journey with...

My teeth in all their glory!


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:48 am
by psychic
Congrats for your decision

The end result will pay all of the discomfort and/or the pain that you eventually may have!

Keeps us posted!!

Good luck


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:01 am
by juf_84
Hi KK and psychic! It's lovely to hear from you both, and thankyou for making me feel welcome :D

I do have a quick question :?: if anyone can answer it for me. I know that the spacers are not much fun, but do they affect what you can eat? Should I stock up on soup and tubs of milo (yum I can't wait to have a good excuse to fill up on that) in preparation for the spacers?

I live in a residential college at Uni and unfortunately don't own a car so if I find that I am having trouble eating solid food I can't just duck out and buy some soft stuff. Also I don't really think the kitchen would be very helpful in servicing my requests for jelly and icecream! So I will probably just stock up just in case... and if I don't need them I'll eat them anyway!

I hope this isn't a silly question- I am just a bit ignorant!

Also, I have to admit I have been indulging in chewy crunchy lollies and other goodies- enjoying the last few weeks of 'freedom' :tingrin:

Cheers! :lol:

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:36 am
by juf_84
Hi KK! Thanks for your help!

I'll get lots of those "Velish" soups which have three serves of veggies per pack (or so it says on the pack :) ) I'll also get some 'baby apple' as I love it and it's got to have some goodness.

Luckily I will be going home for four weeks after B-Day so Mum will make sure I keep my nutrients up.

Thanks again!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:25 am
Hey Juf 84, I saw your journey. I wanted tell you about my spacers experienced. I had 8 spacers put in, left it in for one and half week before I got braces on February 6th. It does hurt me. Just very soreness for 3 or 4 days. When I got up in the next day I was in so much pain because my teeth are so tight. It feels like small chicken bones stuck between two teeth. They told me to take 2 advils. It helped. It may hurt or it may not. It depends on the teeth condition. Hope this will make you feel better. :)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:47 pm
by juf_84
Hi SugarAngel!

Thankyou for sharing your experience with spacers. I guess in a few weeks I will be an expert but right now it's all very much unknown.

Cheers! :D

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:12 pm
by juf_84
Hi rage31!

Thanks! I am hoping that they will just be annoying but want to be prepared if it's a bit worse than that.

PS I love your avatar!

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:26 pm
by lionfish
Hi Juf_84 and welcome, another New South Welshman here, Sydney based.

At which uni are you studying?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:24 am
by juf_84
Hi lionfish!

I am at the University of New England, all the way up in chilly Armidale! (Don't worry if you don't know where that is, I get a lot of blank looks from people in Sydney... the other day I had to show my student card at Central and the guard had never heard of UNE!)

It's great that there's so many Aussies on the boards :-)

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:12 am
by Louise
Hi juf_84. When I was 14 or 15 my dentist suggested that I should get braces. I was put off the idea because like you I was scared at the thought of extractions. I have always regreted not going through with it at that time. Finally at the age of 21 I decided to get braced and I was glad to hear that I didn't need extractions. I think its the best thing I have ever done. I feel more confident now that my smile is straightening out. :P

That good to know that you only have to wear your braces for a year.

Good luck for when you get braced and keep us up to date. :wink:



Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:19 pm
by lionfish
Hi Juf_84, not only do I know where Armidale is and have spent a night there many years ago, but my OH is doing his Dip Ed there this year.

He was up in Armidale for a week long residential at the end of January, but the rest of the course work is done by correspondence.

Small world, huh?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:27 pm
by juf_84
Hi Lionfish!

You're right, it is a small world! I'm an internal and have been for the duration of my degree, living in a college (as you can probably tell from my pic!)

I'm doing a double degree in Arts and Law and have one semester to go! Can't wait!

Louise, thanks for dropping by. It is such a relief not to have to have extractions!

KK, Armidale gets very hot in summer and very cold in winter! We sometimes get a little bit of snow which is nice. The lebanese eating place I think you're talking about has changed but it still serves Middle Eastern cuisine, and I really must visit there before I leave!

Great to hear from everyone!! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:07 pm
by lionfish
So once you graduate, are you moving to the big smoke?

And yes, I did gather that you were living in a college from your pic. University furniture is the same everywhere!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:28 am
by juf_84
Hi Lionfish,

I am but not to Sydney... I'm hoping to get a job in Canberra and so far things are looking ok. I don't mind travelling though and if I can keep my ortho I don't mind seeing him in Sydney. I suppose it all depends on how much longer will be left of my treatment come January/February next year.