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Sagii, 28, Brace Saga

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:32 am
by Sagii
Hi All,
I guess I'm starting this journal a little late, but better late than never. For years I never really cared for my smile and often considered braces but never really thought I could get them. I was under the impression your dentist had to refer you in order to get them. As a child I never really went to the dentist, but when I became grown and got a job/insurance I felt the importance to maintain my dental health. Well my first dentist told me I didn't need braces, so I just figured that was that. Then 3 years later I changed dentists for convenience purposes and my new dentist suggested I consult with an ortho and he basically said I didn't need a dentist to tell me I needed braces. So, that begins my saga I contacted an ortho's office in March, had my consultation and impressions done in April.
--April 21, 2006 I received my 8 spacers....those things are definitely the worst part of the treatment so far.
--April 28, 2006 I received my 4 molar bands and had my upper metal braces put on.
--June 22, 2006 I went in for my first adjustment. *It wasn't as bad as I thought but my left side of my mouth is still a little uncomfortable.
--August 3, 2006 I get fulled braced

*I'm anxiously waiting to be fully braced since my bottom teeth were my main concern because I have some crowding. :lol:

Quoted a 32 month treatment

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:20 am
by Sagii
Thanks for the support. I'm posting a picture, my mouth is open slightly because I wanted you all to see the crowding. My lower canines are on the outside of my upper teeth when my mouth is closed.


Sagii's Update

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:54 pm
by Sagii
Hi All, I just wanted to provide an update. On Thursday 8/3/06 I received my bottom braces. The procedure of having them put on wasn't that bad, only the taste of the glue. Needless to say I felt a little bit of pressure at first on my teeth; later on that day my teeth became sore again. On Friday morning it was very hard for me to eat. I'll really be glad when that feeling goes away. I learned that I will have to have the 4 extractions....I'm not looking forward to that. I asked my ortho when and he said he was going to write a letter to the dentist.



April 28, 2006 Top Metal Braces
August 3, 2006 Bottom Metal Braces