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1st time Braced at 33

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:53 am
by 1st time Braced at 33
I have always wanted braces to correct overcrowding. As a child I was always very self-conscious about my smile. As and Adult I guess you can say I learned to live with it. About two years ago I spoke with my dentist about the possibilities of correcting my teeth. He was very supportive and we started my journey however my husband got a promotion and we moved away to paradise, so everything was put on hold.
Now....Two years later, I go to visit a new dentist because one of my wisdom tooth was acting up. The dentist suggested I see and oral surgeon and an orthodontist.
June 20- I visited the Orthodontist we decided that I would proceed with treatment asap. (I did not want to wait any longer. I’ve waited long enough.)
June 22 - I meet surgeon and scheduled my surgery of June 30. June 30th I had a total of 7 teeth extracted (4 wisdom teeth and three others). Well there is no turning back now.
July 20, 2006 one month later my Journey has finally begun. I got my upper teeth braced!!!! Wow!!! I was so sore last night I just kept thinking “this will be worth it in the endâ€

35 and soon to be braced!!

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:18 am
by Cor1
Hi just wanted to let ya know that this is my firt go around with any kind of ortho work...............and it is scary but a little exciting at the same time!!

New to archwired website, and I find this site sooo helpfull, hopefully you will too.........

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:06 pm
by 1st time Braced at 33
Thank You all for your kind words and good wishes.

So, It's been about 24 hour now that I have had my braces on. I am very sore and the inside of my upper lip is beginning to look like minced meat. My husband finally convinced me to use the wax. I am still only on a soup diet (guess I'll continue to loose weight...LOL). :lol:

Best wishes,
1st Time Braced

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:36 pm
by LP
I'll be 33 next month and just got my braces on the 11th. I've always had crowding too, and it was time for me to do something about it. My son's teeth are coming in crooked and I realized that before I know it he will need braces and if I wait until then....I'd NEVER get these dang snaggleteeth fixed!

I'm sure all of this will be worth it in the end - and for me it's been just over a week and I'm already forgetting that they're there. (well.....sometimes :lol: )

Good luck.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:09 pm
by juf_84
Hi 1st Time Braced!

Congratulations on becoming braced and taking the step towards a beautiful smile!

Sorry to hear your mouth was getting a raw deal from your braces :( don't ever hesitate to wack on some wax, even if you're just beginning to get irritated. It just makes things feel soooo much better.

I hope you're finding some nice soup to enjoy- and before you know it, you will be eating everything you did before B-Day (although you might be making a bigger mess than before... :lol: )

Best of luck for the first week.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:37 pm
by 1st time Braced at 33
LP, Thanks for your kind words:
[quote]I'll be 33 next month and just got my braces on the 11th. I've always had crowding too, and it was time for me to do something about it. My son's teeth are coming in crooked and I realized that before I know it he will need braces and if I wait until then....I'd NEVER get these dang snaggleteeth fixed! [/quote]
I two have an 8 & 5 year old children who will probably need braces. My 8 year olds adult teeth are all already growing in crowded just like mine. I have always thought as a parent we must lead by example, with that said I realized that I would have to go through the journey first.

juf_84 & KK,
Thanks for the support. You are correct about the wax and salt water rinses. "Thank You" Today was the first time I was able to eat a decent meal in 3 weeks. Although my teeth are still so sore that I couldn't chew most of the food, I did at least taste it.

I really must say If I knew how difficult and painful this was all going to be I'm not sure I would have gone through with it. However I do believe at some time in our lives we must face our fears and I do/did have a fear for dentist. Hopefully when this is all over my fear will be gone.

Good Bye for now,
1st time Braced

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:20 am
by 1st time Braced at 33
Well its been a while since I've had time to log on. The kids are all back in school and lifes pace has picked up once again. However, I did want to write a quick update on my progress. I will be getting my 1st adjustment on Thursday and also getting my bottom braced. So i'm nerveous....This has been a very trying time for me so far. Every morning I wake up very sore and just lay there and remind myself about why I began this whole journey. I am grateful to say my husband has been very supportive. The good thing is Iam beginning to notice some movement, nothing you could tell by looking at me but I can tell when I floss.

I'll post again on Thursday of Friday.
Take Care....

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:24 am
by 1st time Braced at 33
Well its been a while since I've had time to log on. The kids are all back in school and lifes pace has picked up once again. However, I did want to write a quick update on my progress. I will be getting my 1st adjustment on Thursday and also getting my bottom braced. So i'm nerveous....This has been a very trying time for me so far. Every morning I wake up very sore and just lay there and remind myself about why I began this whole journey. I am grateful to say my husband has been very supportive. The good thing is Iam beginning to notice some movement, nothing you could tell by looking at me but I can tell when I floss.

I'll post again on Thursday of Friday.
Take Care....

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:16 am
by 1st time Braced at 33
Wow!! I can't believe its been so long since I've posted. Life's Pace has surely picked up and is keeping me busy. I really want to share my story, so I will try to post more often.

I went for my first adjustment on my top braces on Aug.17 this adjustment was really easy they just changed my ligs and said that my wire still would be good for a few more weeks. My Ortho said my teeth are moving nicely.

I also got my bottom braced. I am fully braced now. :D My bottom teeth are very crowded and I've been told I have a very small mouth. (Although my husband would probably disagree). Putting on my bottom braces was a lot more uncomfortable than when they did the top. The Ortho had a very difficult time with the back brackets and then the assistant who puts the wire on had a very hard time getting the wire on all the teeth since some are so close together. Needless to say the got everything in place. Thank goodness I took Advil before my appointment. :roll:

Since my last appointment Aug.17 my mouth has gone through a lot on discomfort. I got a about 3 canker sores on the bottom inside of my mouth. And work up one morning with a cut on my top lip from one of my hooks. I guess in my sleep I must have been favoring my bottom and caused the cut. Now my mouth is finally sore free and I am beginning to get use to all the discomfort.

[quote] Also make sure you keep your body well hydrated, so that your mouth isn't dry and 'sticking' to your brackets. [/quote]

With all that happened during my last appointment I forgot to mention my discomfort to my Ortho. However...I do believe and think you are correct. I don't drink as much water as I should. I am trying to make sure I am Hydrated and have noticed a difference. I am also still continuing with the warm salt water rinses. Thank You for all you assistance and word of wisdom. :thumbsup:

My next scheduled appointments consist of:
Sept. 20 - Top Wire out so that I can get two teeth refilled.
Sept. 21 - Top Wire back on and bottom adjusted.

I look forward to hearing from you all...and I will try to be more diligent in my posting. This is an excellent site which has help me tremendously. :lol: