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Dramagyrl's Journey- Updated + Plus New Photos Coming

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:23 pm
by Dramagyrl
I'm so getting in on the opportunity to share my stories, and I hope to add some pics down the road.

Braces are a really big deal for me, and I am so happy I found this site to share the experiences with others. I live in a small city with a relatively old-school mindset, so we don't really have a lot of adults who have braces and many still see it as crazy to do it at any age other than a child.

Anyway, I wanted braces years ago. I'm the youngest of 8 kids and my family was wealthy when I was growing up. One sister had braces while she was in high school, and it was just understood eventually I would get them.
I did have lots of dental work done to help with various problems, cavities, overbite, etc. I also hit my front teeth on money bars at age 3 and they didn't grow back until I was 7, so it meant a bit of awkward teeth from the beginning. (And several years being the centre of the school Christmas pagents when we sang "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".)
In the midst of this, my dentist pulls some teeth and cements a retainer on the top and bottom rows to help shift things into place. I had the retainers for years and when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I notice a piece of what I thought was a popcorn kernel form the evening before down on my low gum lines. I picked at it for a while and soon realized it was a canine tooth with no where to go now that everything has been nicely moved into place.

This was around the same time my parents entered a messy divorce and my mom started battling for child support. My father decided to take his kids off of his benefits and there was no coverage for my dental work. Everything kind of stopped there, I didn't even get to go see a hygenist through my teen years.

In my grad year I knew my teeth were becoming far too bothersome. Turned out I needed my wisdoms pulled. The dentist also figured I would need more teeth pulled and braces eventually. I think the phrase from my dentist was along the lines of "Believe it or not, your mouth is actually too small." Yet, he always failed to provide an explanation as to what we should do about the canine in the bottom of my head that he kind of put there. Had he have put in a spacer to allow for the adult tooth, I wouldn't have the problem. The tooth was also very sharp and rubbed inside my mouth regularly, but he never offered suggestions to correct it.

I went for the wisdoms my first year of College. Paid out of my own pocket almost a grand to have all four removed in the chair. Went right back to school bruised and swollen because my grades couldn't suffer and I was working two jobs part time. It was around that time too that I had to move out of my mother's home because of a sewage back-up and yadda, yadda - long story. That slowed down the time it took to get some of my fillings done, and then I took another break from dental work.

Now I'm 23 and working at a job where I actually have real benefits lol. Of course, orthodontics are not in the package, but it seems the stress comes free. My TMJ started acting up terribly and I was using a $500 splint at nights to try to balance some of the headaches. I have a really public job, so this mess was just not going to work. The crooked teeth I've always disliked were just another component of the frusteration and I figured if anything is going to get done, it should be now. I had my heart set on invasilign because of my profession.

I found an ortho I love and finally felt good about getting dental work, considering I've had a distaste for my dentist over the years. The ortho had me planned for jaw surgery to correct a slight askew I had never really noticed before (just the crooked line of teeth on the bottom row). I couldn't do invasilign, he explained, because of the cost and time it would take. We both settled on ceramics.
But after the consult, he realized I didn't need surgery, only those four dreaded extractions. One of them was the canine in the bottom of my head I've always been so aware of. I think that was the hardest tooth to see go, which is kind of strange I suppose. Most of the others had fillings when I was really young so he figured they'd be the best to go. I came up with the $6,000 and paid up front.

Had the four extractions on July 4. I have quite the big hole left from the canine, but the rest are healing quite well. I kept the teeth and found it surprisingly more emotional than I expected it to be. It's hard to give up some of your teeth and I knew it was bringing me one step closer to the braces.

Had the braces put on July 11. Ceramics on the top, metal on the bottom. I'm looking at 20 months treatment.
The way they sit in my mouth right now makes it hard to see them and many people haven't noticed, which makes me feel much better. I now just continue to remind myself every morning that today is the worst my teeth will look, because every day they are getting better and better, so much that I am already seeing slight improvements on the top front teeth. I also have not had a single problem with my jaw since.

The whole experience has been a bit emotional for me. Feeling pretty alone through all the work, wishing it could have been done when I was younger, and coming to terms knowing some parts of my face will change. I thought I was born with my big, pouty bottom lip, but once my overbite is corrected, the ortho thinks my lips will reduce. I'll also have a sharper jaw line. In the end, it will be good, but it's hard to see that far ahead.

I also started the process of ending a four and a half year long relationship this same month. It's going to be hard to be single through the braces, especially when you feel like you need that bit of reassurance.

To mark the occassion, I just got another tattoo yesterday (like I really needed more pain lol). I've been planning it for quite some time to mark many things in my life and because it is such a pretty tattoo, what better time to get it than when you take a slight hit to your self-esteem. It's a beautiful pink lotus flower coming out of the murky water...

I feel like I've already passed the greatest part of my dental journey, and now I can just enjoy the long process of completion, watching everything take shape. I'm just glad to have a place to share the experiences with others and find some of the great advice like I already have.

Thanks so much for everyone's help, and if you made it to this point in this really long post (sorry) then thanks for reading too. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:25 pm
by Dramagyrl
Thanks for the support!!! I'm so glad I stumbled on this site the day I got the braces, or this would have been a far more challenging last couple of weeks. I've learned a lot from reading other's stories and I appreciate having the opportunity to share mine/vent/etc.

*I should add though, that I am an "old" 23. No one at work would believe me if I told them and any of my contacts would fall over lol! Most assume I am 30 and doing this, so I think that's what makes it even harder lol. It's a huge and emotional decision to have made by myself, and then to maintain strength and a backbone at my work can be challenging. Especially because people in this industry like to see me in an uncomfortable spot - there's honestly people who probably get a kick out of seeing me in the braces, and some who have gone out of their way to say it to my face. Makes you wonder at that moment why you are doing this to yourself ... and then you smile and remember the motivation. This will be worth it! :)

My beautiful tattoo is healing well, and I know it will be my inspiration through this time as well. My other tattoo needs a touch up, so I've decided that will be my pay-off/treat when I get the braces off. Not only do I have beautiful, straight teeth to look forward to, but I've given myself another great incentive!!! :D

Thanks Again!!

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:36 pm
by LP
Hey Braces Buddy, YEAH you shared your story and now you need to get some pics for us to see to.

You are NOT going to believe this but to add to all the other similiarities we have already latest tattoo had a pink lotus flower too. I think the only real difference is the decade I have on ya :lol:

I have also decided that as a treat when my braces are done...I will get, yet another tattoo. I'm also thinking that after years of wanting my tongue pierced but having that dang canine in the way - that I may pierce my tongue when it's all over too.

Congrats on emabrking on this journey, and I'm so stoked to have someone to chat to that was braced on the same day. Congrats on the new ink too.


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by Dramagyrl
How funny is that, my teeth also prevented me from getting my tongue pierced!!!! I have become more hesitant now, only because if I get myself nice teeth, I will be worried about wrecking them with metal banging on them. (And at that point I figure I may have had my share of metal in my mouth haha!!)

My clear elastics are already looking dingy thanks to my nasty smoking habit. I'm hoping to give that up while wearing the braces, but not quite yet. I think the next go-round I'm getting pink elastics to match the new ink instead of going with this dingy look. It kind of takes away from the purpose of having clear brackets on the top.

Seeing a bit more progress in my teeth. Fortunately, I still have my splint for reference, so it looks like my front teeth are straightening nicely. Today I noticed some progress on the bottom. Two teeth that always bothered me are starting to move more parallel, but they still have a ways to go.

I can also happily add I have officially lost three pounds since the braces! I've got room to lose, so there is no real problem with that.

I'm back on the soft foods for a couple days again, I guess. I caught myself at work today holding my front sensitive teeth together and then releasing only to feel a little burn in the nerves underneath. You'd think that'd be enough to stop me from doing it, but I guess instinct from the TMJ clenching kicked in and I just kept doing it while sitting at my desk. Fortunately, it's not the back molars I clenched on to cause the jaw pain, but still enough to cause the teeth to feel sensitive. Urgh, silly me.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:37 pm
by Dramagyrl
Well, so much for the clear look on the top. I had my first go-round with mustard last week and there was no way that discolouration was coming out of the elastics. It made me more uncomfortable and less confident in smiling so I figured I may as well just get rid of them.
My ortho office got me in the day I called and I got pink on the top to match the bottom, however the clear brackets make them a lot brighter.
My teeth have been giving me some mighty grief the last couple days. Just irritated, agitated and sensitive. It's driving me crazy so I'm heading out to the drugstore tonight to see what I can find for relief.
It's frusterating because I thought things were going really well and I just can't stand how much they are bothering me now. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:53 am
by MsTee
Welcome to the board Dramagyrl! We're glad to have you share your story with us!

Your story behind the braces was definitely interesting...can't wait for you to post pics of your progress!

Your tattoo sounds beautiful in detail. Don't feel down about the tongue piercing...I had mine pierced at one time. Suppose I'll wait til my treatment is over to get it repierced! :twisted:

Look forward to your next update.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:20 pm
by Dramagyrl
Been battling with the braces still.
Torn about keeping ceramics or switching to metal on the top and in the meantime, dealing with a lot of movement on the bottom. They have a lot of room to move - so that's good - but it's accompanied by yucky pain.
Three weeks into it all and I really see some improvement (I really need to get some pics up here to show how quick some of the simple things have started moving.)
Been off and on with the things I can eat, some days I can go for harder foods and others I am right on the soft side. I've tried various things to deal with the pain, but I think it's just a matter of time and building tolerance.
Fortunately, this all has come with a six pound weight loss so far, wa hoo!
Looking forward to things feeling better, hope it comes sooner than later.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:40 pm
by Joanna20
We want pics!!!
Good luck with that,

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:03 pm
by Dramagyrl
Now I really need to get pics!!!!
All this pain has paid off, I am seeing some fantastic progress with my teeth!! I am so excited!!!
I finally have a round arch on the bottom, the teeth are finally parallel, I run my tongue behind it and it feels straight!!! I can almost say the same for the top, where the tooth beside my front teeth used to be sunken in. It's so nice that almost four weeks into things, I can see so much progress. It's exciting to see how this will continue and makes some of the pain worth it.
I've even managed to eat a soft burger by biting with the sides of my front teeth or tearing it into pieces. I was getting sick of eating pasta and having cheese stuck on my wires and the rest going down my throat and choking me haha. Finally, I've conquered some of the challenges of eating foods.
In the meantime, I'm learning to chew sugar free gum with the braces and using things like Anbesol for the occassions the moving pain becomes extremely irritating. I've even found that a cheap, cool baby teething ring is good for the times you need to bite down on something.

People have told me some of the most progress is done in the first couple months of having braces, I wonder if this is why I am feeling so much ongoing discomfort? Either way, after my personal progress check last night, the pain feels so worth it!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:16 pm
by Dramagyrl
Only a few days from my first adjustment. I'm a little nervous.
As much as I am happy with the progress and I am getting used to the braces, I really don't want to go through more pressure pain from a new wire and starting more motion in my mouth. Besides, some days I am still feeling pain with this wire, the last thing in the world I want to do is increase it. I also don't want to give up all the 'progress' I've made in being able to eat again.
On the down side, still have cuts and sores in my mouth. Almost six weeks now and still cuts and discomfort. Tried all kinds of things, especially tips from the site here, and yeah, it's just not going away.

I'm going to ask my ortho office for copies of the initial dental photos so I can post my one month progress!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:22 am
by belmikry
thank you for joining our braces family and the lovely story you've told- it means alot to us :)

I myself went through the stage where you ask yourself: "if only I could've gotten them then" it was my mottot for years, and also the reason I waited so long- other than not being able to afford it on my own. Your story is inspiring and I cannot wait to hear of your progress over this journey. MAybe one day we can see some progress pictures! :)

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:20 am
by swiss1
Hi dramagyrl! You've jumped a huge hurdle already in embarking on your journey - well done for having the courage to do that, it's not easy - I toyed with the idea for over 10 years and have finally decided to go for it! Good idea with the tattoo, it will always be a reminder of that decision! Keep us posted :D

Finally Pics!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:57 pm
by Dramagyrl
Okay, so I had my little rant about the fear of pain during my adjustment tomorrow, so lets just skip that and get on to the good news! :-*

I got copies of my initial photos- before a cleaning, before the extractions and before the braces. I think I even figured out how to get them up on here, so let me give this a try and then tomorrow I will try and take some progress shots after my adjustment (when things will be as pearly and nice as possible because these pink elastics are starting to look dingy). I think I've made excellent progress after seeing these photos myself, so I can't wait to show them off!!!!!

Let's give this a try and see how it works...



Left Side


Right Side


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:00 pm
by Dramagyrl
Aha! It did work!
The small shots don't fully show the condition, but you can click on them to get a better idea.

I should add though, I do not know if that was my actual bite. The way my jaw sits and has to compensate for years, I've never really known where my actual bite was. The ortho asked me to bite down for these shots and I am sure I changed the position several times because it just never felt right. The basic idea though, nasty overbite, canine in the bottom of my head, other canines all over the place, the bottom row over by an entire tooth and crooked onto one another, and teeth simply not matching up... :)

Edit: Adding top and bottom before shots so the new ones will make more sense!!



Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:16 am
by juf_84
Hi dramagyrl!

Thanks for posting your photos- I can't wait to see some changes :D

Best of luck with tomorrow!
