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Paralegallsj's Journey Entry 1

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:20 pm
by paralegallsj
Okay here we go.

I am a 35 yr old mother of two. I have contemplated getting braces for over a period of years. It wasn't until I actually got divorced, relocated and started making changes that I decided to really give it a shot.

My first consultation was in April 2006. I was very encouraged but not to comfortable with the amount that it was gonna cost or the monthly payments. I was quoted at $4912 -monthly payments of $177.08 for metal braces and $5312 for ceramics. He wanted me to have my build up down (had 2 root canal in April 2006) That was after my dental plans 25%. Needless to say I got discouraged.

After I turned 35 I just made up my mind to do it.

Consult # 2, this was okay, but the orthos attitude lured me away. I was quoted at $4833.75 including the finance charge of $453.75. He wanted a downpayment of $320 with payments of $115.95/month. He wanted me to have my crowns put on first.

Consult # 3, This was the office. Everyone was so friendly and had these perky attitudes and the dentist was straight forward with me. The atmosphere was what I was looking for. This way gonna be a part of my lifestyle for the next 2 1/2 to 3 years so i wanted to be as comfortable as possible.

The price was lower and the monthly payments was the lowest. :lol:


Class I right molar, Class I right cuspid, Class I left molar, Class I left cuspid

Upper and Lower Teeth are severely crowded

Upper front and Lower front are severely crowded

Posterior Crossbite on both sides


Upper front teeth stick out

Lower front and back teeth are on different levels

Upper midline is off to the left

Relaxed Lip Posture

Lower Jaw sits back

Treatment Recommendations

Level and align teeth

Push front teeth back

Eliminate crowding

Correct crossbite

3 extractions- 2 upper, 1 lower

Spacers placed in on Sept 5, 2006

Spacers replaced on Sept 12, 2006

Upper Teeth Metal Braces (american ortho) on Sept 14, 2006

Banded uppers and lowers on Sept 14, 2006


KK, Question 4 you

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:32 am
by paralegallsj
how long before i see some movement or improvement? Just curious?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:52 am
by Lisa65
Love the purple ligs :D

You should start to see some movement within a week or so. It's amazing how quickly those crooked archwires straighten out.

Look forward to seeing your pic updates as you progress!

Lisa x


Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:12 am
by paralegallsj

You should start to see some movement within a week or so.
I am amazed. :D That soon huh? jumping up and down- and to think i still have 2 1/2 - 3 years left to go. I was thinking it would at least be around the time of my first adjustment or after.

Well I am looking forward to this experience.

Thanks [/quote]

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:40 am
by Lisa65
I've only got my bottoms on but within a week I noticed a gap appearing between my lower incisors and I could tell my bite felt different. Taking pics every couple of weeks is a good way to see what's happening as the changes are quite subtle at first.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:26 am
by joney
Hi paraleggallsj

I look forward to following your progress. You sound like me, I'm shifted to the left also and will need two extractions. Extractions on Oct 5th and brace fitting on October 27th.

Best wishes