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pregnancy and braced

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:14 pm
by spideywoman


Braces will be going on VERY soon. I have been reading these boards with curiosity trying to "prepare" for the pain and moments of frustration.

Now a question...

Braces AND Pregnant? Anyone????
Any advice would be fantastic. :?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:11 pm
by Joanna20
Hi Spidey Woman, how are you?
I don't know anyone who is pregnant and has braces, but I'm sure that's not hard to find!
I hope you have a lovely journey (both on ur pregnancy and your braces!). That would make me sooo anxious - wanting for a brand new baby and for straight teeth at the same time! :)
Take care,

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:24 pm
by kisses14
Braces AND pregnant! Looks like you have a lot to look forward to! :D

Congrats on your decision to get braced! It was a tough one for me, but I have finally decided to go for it! Good luck on your journey!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:00 pm
by Natasha_26

I am abt 26 weeks pregnant and have been in braces for abt a year or so. I was told that I would have to take extra care as pregnancy makes the gums more sensitive so it bleeds easily. Hygiene is not a problem for me. The thing that bothers me most is that my teeth hurt a lot more after adjustments and I cannot take painkillers ( risk to baby).

In the end it will all be worth it.

All the best

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:02 am
by dolldx52
I got pregnant during my first go around with braces 23 years ago. I can't emphasize enough how important taking mulltivitamins is, especially folic acid. Of course, your calcium needs are much increased as well, so you can keep your teeth and bones healthy. Bones seem to be more 'relaxed' while all that shifting to accomodate baby's weight is going on, expecially in the 'hip' area.
Having said all this, my main point was to emphasize how important it will be to wear your retainer!! Your skeletal system has been additionally compromised with everything that is going on, and once all is over, your teeth might be more mobile and want to shift back into the position they were in before braces (this is my opinion, btw). I have heard that this happens to adults every now and then. This is precisely what happened to me. I did not wear my retainer, and having to wear braces again at 52 was not something I would want anyone else to have to do if they would heed my warning. You need to be committed to keeping your new straight teeth for the rest of your life in spite of how you might hate that retainer! If you use it often, it should work for a really long time. If not, you may need adjustments made on it to make it work again, if that is possible.
I hope you have a very happy and uneventful pregnancy.