Matty's story - updated picture 12/13 - 3rd adjustment!

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Matty's story - updated picture 12/13 - 3rd adjustment!

#1 Post by Matty »

Well, I've decided to make an offical 'my story' thread. I think it will be a good consolidated place where I can keep track of my progress.

At a recent trip to my dentist's office I inquired about how to go about fixing all the gaps in my teeth. They had never bothered my too much until I started looking at pictures of myself lately - I decided I wasn't thrilled with the way my teeth looked. My dentist referred me to a wonderful ortho. I had my records appointment the first week of Sept.

I got braced, uppers and lowers on Sept. 26th - the day before my 30th birthday! :) The whole process was so much shorter and less terrifying than I had expected. I was in the ortho's office less than 1 hour!

Today, 3 days later, the insides of my cheeks are a bit sore (I'm about to go stick some wax on the offending places) but I think's it's because I was talking a lot and had to chew a lot at dinner - I was at a co-workers retirement party. Different teeth have been sore on different days - nothing too bad though. Overall, it's not nearly as big of a deal as I had expected it to be.

The one thing I didn't expect was how long oral hygiene takes now! :shock: Waterpik, flossing, brushing, waxing! Part of the problem is getting used to threading that floss under and over the wires. I know it will get better as I practice.

I am also a bit surprised by people's reactions. A lot of people don't even notice!! They'll be talking to me for 20 minutes and then say 'Oh wow! I didn't even notice your braces!' I had expected everyone to notice right away; must be because I'm just so conscience of them. Another person told me they thought I had braces for a long time (!?). :)

Here are a couple pictures of day one. I will, of course, post more as I go along.

side view
front view

..a question for those with thumbnail pictures in their post: Where do you host your pictures so you can do that?
Last edited by Matty on Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Hi Matty!!! I use Photobucket. It's pretty easy for the most part. Great pics tho. I have gaps but mine are a LOT bigger. If everything goes as planned I will get them on Oct. 19. It seems everyone is investing in an waterpik. I'm curious if i can live without
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#3 Post by Matty »

KK - Thank you for the imageshack link. I will check it out! Also, thank you for posting my images so everyone doesn't have to click on the links! :)

I'm doing better with flossing, etc. It didn't take nearly as long tonight. Once I get the dang floss figured out it will go much smoother. Getting to those back teeth is a pain! I am loving the saltwater rinses though! It helps so much - thanks to all who suggested that to me.

turrrtlelove22, I love your avatar! Good luck- I hope your Oct 19th date doesn't change! I had debated on getting a Waterpik - I wasn't sure how much I would use it. Finally my husband bought it for me - I use it all the time. Amazing how much stuff you can get out of your teeth by using it - even after you have brushed!!

Ken- thanks for the tinypics suggestion too! I will check that site out as well. Thanks for the compliments on my pics - I've never taken pictures of my own mouth before!

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#4 Post by Iccle_Peanut »

Hi Matty, just read your reply in my post. Congrats on your b day. How long you going to be in braces for? Your braces looks really good, i love the pink.

I agree with you about the routine. It's a pain in the as*. I do the lengthy routine in the morning and at night and just brush and swish with water between meals. Have you got a floss thredder? They don't sell them anywhere!!!! It takes me ages to floss

Anyway i hope it all goes ok.....
23rd June - First Consultation at ortho
24 July - Second Consultation - Decide on top braces
29 August - Decide on top and bottom braces.
Tops go on 26th Sept and bottoms 2-3 months after

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#5 Post by Matty »

Thank you linda21! :)

Iccle_Peanut, my ortho tells me 12 to 14 months in my braces. Hopefully all goes well and he doesn't add any time! :) I don't have a floss threader but I use Oral-B Superfloss. One of the assistants at my ortho suggested it to me. It's got a stiff end, to thread it through your braces, then a spongy string part, and then the regular floss - it's all in one. I like it, but then again I haven't tried anything else - I don't know what all is out there. I do my lenghty routine at night.If I did it in the morning I'd never make it to work! :D

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#6 Post by Matty »

KK - congrats on a good hygienist appointment! I am looking forward to mine - I think I am going to schedule it at three months from the time I got braced. I want to be sure that I am doing everything right.

I did order an entire case of dental wax yesterday! :yikes: I live pretty far from my ortho so I was worried I'd run out. He gives it for free - but I have used a lot already and I don't see him until Oct. 23. There is no place to get wax where I live- the one store in town doesn't carry it.

There is one question I have - maybe not a question so much as an observation... My mouth is feeling really ...tired. I am not having any pain aside from a tiny bit of soreness in my teeth, but it feels like I have been smiling for hours or something - my lips and cheeks are tired! It seems to be a huge effort today just to keep my mouth shut - it's wearing me out. Has anyone else experienced this, and will it go away once my face gets in better shape? :)

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#7 Post by Matty »

KK, I am so glad you pain has lessened substantially!! Seeing results is wonderful!

I will try more rinses - thank you for the suggestion. I do them every morning and night- but I'll add a couple extra in over the course of the day. So far this whole braces thing has been a piece of cake. This site has helped me tremendously.

I also just have to post that I got my Comfort Covers from in the mail. I had a chance to trim them up and try them out tonight - I love love love them!!!!


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two weeks today

#8 Post by Matty »

I can't believe I have only been braced for two weeks! It seems like much longer. I took a couple of pictures today because my husband said my teeth have moved a lot...

Left side is the day I got braced - Sept 26. Right side is today, Oct 10.

Wow! I think they have moved a bit anyway. Hopefully I'm just not imagining it. :) It does look like the bottom archwire is straighter now. The one thing I have noticed is that my bottom teeth don't really bang against the back of my top teeth anymore! Can that really happen in a matter of two weeks?!

I am looking forward to my first adjustment. I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'm already trying to decide on what color ligs to get! I'm all ready to be sore too- that means things are moving and progress is really fun to see. I can hardly wait until the gap is closed. I can't even imagine what that will look like.

Another happy note - hygiene is much quicker now. Flossing doesn't take half an hour anymore. I think I'm getting it down. :)

A few things I have noticed that I hadn't expected...
So far drinking tea is ok! I brush afterwards (I was really worried about giving up tea)
I can no longer get floss between my two back molars on the top (both sides) !!?? !
I can't bite sandwiches
I am finding chunks of dental wax everywhere! My car seats, the keyboard, in my bed, stuck to the table. ewww. Maybe I am using too much ;)
Cheers! :-#)


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#9 Post by Matty »

:computer: Had my first adjustment today! I was totally excited. :D
Everything went well - I got a larger gauge wire - not sure of the size, but I sure can tell the difference tonight. I'm not really sore- just have some pressure.

I also went with pretty bright blue ligs...I'm working my way up to those hot pink ones!

Here's a picture of my progress so far (I'm very pleased!):




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#10 Post by tulip »

Hi Matty,

You have nice shaped teeth. They are going to look great when all lined up nicely. I can see your front gap is closing.

Did you ever sort yourself out with the floss threader? I have some very thin plastic disposable ones made by GUM (the Walmart brand) that I've used for years with my tight teeth. They work great. Having said that, I'm not sure if there's any reason they would not work with regular braces, as I myself have Invisalign, so the challenges are not quite the same.

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#11 Post by Matty »

I went in for my 4th adjustment today and my ortho said everything is coming along nicely. :D He put all kinds of kinks in my wire, so I seem to be extra sore tonight. But, that's ok!! I am soooo happy with my progress being sore is a pleasure!

I was very happy to get rid of my light blue ligs - they were stained a yucky, dingy gray-ish color. Not attractive at all! So, I went for 'radical red' in celebration of Christmas.

Here's a comparison picture. The top photo was taken on my brace-day, 9/26/06 - the bottom picture was taken today.


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#12 Post by MuleNag »

Great progress! I love the colors you have chosen...I wish my ortho had that nice lavendar and blue!
4 teeth extracted~4/27/06
Lowers off!~11/13/07
Bottoms off!!!!!!~07/15/08
My story~

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#13 Post by Matty »

MuleNag wrote:Great progress! I love the colors you have chosen...I wish my ortho had that nice lavendar and blue!
:)...and I always wish my ortho had other colors! Like light pink, magenta, white... *sigh*


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#14 Post by Matty »

Thank you everyone!! I'm quite excited about my progress. :D I had no idea I'd see things happen so quickly.


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