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will be archwired this friday!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:33 pm
by HazyBraceFace

I'm new here, my name's Hazy and im 20, from London (UK).
:D I was so happy to find this website, I never knew there were so many adults with braces! I even thought I was old for braces but I've read about 50yr olds on here with them.

I got brackets put on my teeth last friday (the clear ones) and elastic bands in my molars. The elastic bands were really uncomfortable when the orthodontist put them in! They are okay now though, just can't chew properely.

I'm getting the archwire this friday!!! I'm really nervous because I havn't told many people yet and I'm scared how they will react! Im a uni student and I have to have discussions in seminars and do presentations so everyone will see my braces and the gaps in my gums from extractions!!! Plus I can't speak so clearly now, will the lisping get worse after the archwire is put on?? and does the pain last for a long time?
aaaaaaaaagh :(

This is probably a silly question but what will guys think? :oops: because there's someone at uni who I really dont want to show my braces to and I was thinking of avoiding him the whole year!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:52 pm
by samantha_lou
Welcome to the forums Hazy, congratulations on getting started with your braces. I graduated from Southampton Uni, in HR, in 2004 - so I know what you mean about having to do seminars and presentations and everything. I didn't have any kind of ortho treatment at the this time, but I understand your anxiety about needing to speak professionally and clearly. You'll be fine though, just practice, practice, practice. Stick on your fave CD and just sing away!!

As for guys, any guy who is put off by your braces is more than likely not worth your time. There is more to you than your braces, and any guy who is worth your energy will like you for you, and your braces will be a non-issue. My husband thought I had a really cute smile and really didn't think I needed to do any ortho treatment - but he came to my consult with me, and heard what my doc had to say, and he is 100% supportive of me getting my bite fixed.

Good luck with everything!!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:00 pm
by newmetal
Alrite Hazy! Welcome to the site! Im also in the Uk and am at uni so i can understand where you are comming from in regards to the embarrassment factor. As for a guys perspective, i am a guy with braces so i do not see a girl with braces a problem, although this opinion may differ for guys without braces...who knows? Its all down to personal preference at the end of the day, some guys like girls with brown hair, some like girls with blonde, some like skinny girls/some like larger girls....its different for different people!At the end of the day your 20, you will have these braces off by the time you are 23, thats leaves you with plenty of time to find the right guy!

Also, what uni do you go too? I may know it as i am also situated in the uk!

Hope this has helped a bit! :?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:52 pm
by jenfire
Good luck, HazyBraceFace! Don't worry about the lisping, etc. I was teaching a college course when I first began my orthodontic experience--pallette expander and all! You'll be fine :)

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:29 pm
by Matty
Hi HazyBraceFace! :banana:
Welcome to the forums. Everyone here is really nice and helpful! I'm new here too and they have already helped me a ton!

I think your speaking will be just fine! I got my archwire and brackets on the same day, so I am not positive - but I really don't think getting your archwire will make your lisping worse. It seems to me that having the brackets is what would change your speech. Besides, once you get used to everything your speech will return to normal.

I wouldn't worry too much about what a guy will think of them (and by the way- that's not a silly question!). Honestly, I thought my braces would jump out at everyone and they'd say "Wow! Look at those!!!!!", but some people didn't even notice. Those that did would just say "oh hey, you got braces. cool". Like samantha_lou, my husband didn't think I needed them either, he tells me they are adorable now! I have also had several guy friends tell me that they look really cute. I don't even have the ceramics- I have full metal all the way around! :)

As for pain - do what KK says- use plenty of dental wax and do saltwater rinses! They help SO much!

Good luck and keep us updated!!

Hazy's brace story

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:36 am
by HazyBraceFace

thanks for your advice everyone! you're all so nice and supportive :) it's really great to have found people in the same situation because all my friends have beautiful teeth so they don't really undertsnd how i starting to look forward to friday now :D i can't wait to have lovely teeth! i'd rather have braces in my mouth than have bendy teeth, I was more worried about people noticing the condition of my teeth more because of the braces than the braces themselves. do the braces attract more attention to the teeth or just the braces?

and as for that guy, i cant be bothered with him any more...hes too pretty and perfect. next time i have to walk past him i will actually grin so he can see my braces! :D hehehe. I have been lacking confidence for so long because of my teeth, I have tried to avoid smiling or even talking to new people and it's about time i started get my confidence back!

anyway, i will be taking some pictures of my teeth soon and putting them on here. i cant wait to see them move into the right places! i've seen pictures of other people's teeth and it really is amazing the way braces work.

now i must go and read some shakespeare, Titus Andronicus - it's such a gruesome play!

thanks again everyone :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:11 am
by cmm1280

Good luck today! Let us know how the day went once you get them on!
:D :D :D

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:56 pm
by HazyBraceFace

ive got them WOOHOOO! :banana:

i was really nervous this morning but it wasn't that bad. it started getting painful after i got home though, hurt so much i didnt eat anything all day. just had some yogurt now :P

how long does it take for the pain to subside? and mor importantly how soon do the teeth start to move??? i can't wait!

i want beautiful teeth! YEYYYY :HugeGrin:

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:45 pm
by Tin Indian
:D :D :D Triple smiles to ya Hazy, and welcome to the club!Try to keep up with the salt water rinses and wax and meds if you need them , as they really do help.Pain for me was minimal but I took some Ibuprofen before I was braced . Saw some movement after the first week , we are all different so don't compare pain or movement to everyone else. Hope you enjoy the ride , you'll have a lot of company along with you and CONGRATULATIONS!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:23 pm
by Sweet L
Hi Hazy!
:-88 Congratulations!! :-88
I hope you have a nice and pain-free weekend!!!
Take care

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:24 pm
by Sweet L
Hi Hazy!
:-88 Congratulations!! :-88
I hope you have a nice and pain-free weekend!!!
Take care

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:25 pm
by Sweet L
Hi Hazy!
:-88 Congratulations!! :-88
I hope you have a nice and pain-free weekend!!!
Take care

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:03 am
by Lisa65
Congratulations Hazy!

We braced Brits are taking over the boards here lol

Pain wise, the first couple of days are the most uncomfortable as a rule. Maybe get yourself some Nurofen as that seems to be about the best pain reliever. I noticed movement within a week of having the wire put on - only subtle changes but definitely there.

Hope your weekend isn't too uncomfortable. Remember to use your wax if the brackets or wire rub you anywhere.

Lisa x

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:35 am
by HazyBraceFace
thanks everyone! :D

i think i am imagining things?!?!? :crazy:

i woke up and looked in the mirror today and it looked like one of my front teeth had moved downwards, a tiny bit...but it has only been one day, is that possible? or am i just over excited and imagining things???

im going to take some pics now and compare them to ones i took yesterday hehehe YEYYYY :banana:

lalalalelaleeelalalaaa :-)o :rawk:

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:04 am
by MadeIn1984
Welcome to the boards, HazyBraceFace!

Yes! Definitely take photos throughout your treatment! It's such a wonderful way to look back and see all the progress you've made and will remove any doubt in your mind that the little metal contraptions aren't doing their job! :lol:

I wish you the best of luck on your journey! :D