Hi guys, 48 hours after surgery and im back home, and i have to say that the whole experience wasnt as bad as i thought it would be.
Firstly the anticipation of the surgery was much worse than the surgery itself, so for anyone yet to have this done please dont try and focus on it too much. (i know its easier said than done!)
26th Feb: i went into hospital (monday), they didnt have any beds for me, so i had to sleep in a house on the grounds of the hospital (a place where relatives stay) this turned out to be a blessing in disguise as i was put into a normal room in a normal house i wasnt freaked out about being in a hospital environment.
27th Feb: Surgery Day: I packed up and had to be back in the waiting room for 7am, i was 1st in line for surgery that morning (8am) and at 7.30 i was told that there still wasnt a bed for me so i got changed into my gown in a cupboard! I thought this would be ok because i was shortly going for surgery, however, 3 hours later im still sat there, (no bed for me and the surgery is delayed due to the surgeons deciding they have to operate on a couple of other people first! I am so mad a this point all my fear is gone, 12.15 i get given a bed... 12.20 i am asked to walk down to theatre.
I remember the needle going into my hand, and being asked if i feel sleepy to which i answer no,....
3pm i am nudged awake and burst into tears, my mouth is so dry as be this point i havent had any fluids for about 20 hours, apart from this i dont really feel much pain, and after 5 minutes ive stopped crying and am wheeled back to the ward.... to my own room! Hurrah!... so much better than a cupboard!
6pm, i have to be honest hear, im really not in any pain at all, i wasnt expecting this. Yes my jaw feels sore, but it feels like when you get your braces on for the first time and for the first week or so your mouth is really sore, and its difficult to eat, well, it feels twice as bad as that. Its just very uncomfortable rather than painful.
6.30pm, ive looked in the mirror,... my face is huge! I dont feel as bad as i look, so ive been shocked by my reflection, i look like The godfather / hurman munster / david coulthard....what im trying to say hear is that my lower face / chin is HUGE!
The good news... i have no bruising...(that i can see) i can feel my chin, i have a very slight tingling in my bottom lip and the tip of my tongue, but only very slight. If 100% is normal my lip and tongue are 99% normal feeling (awesome!)
28th feb: 6.30am (next morning) woken up to be given lots of pills, and given very milky porridge.
Seriously, there is no pain just a massive uncomfortable face !
2.30pm given a check up by my surgeon, he said that the surgery has gone so well i dont need to have my mouth banded together! Yipheee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3.00pm given a big bag of pills (antibiotics, painkillers, steroids and mouthwash) and on my way home.
1st march: think my swelling peaked yesterday, i look about 5% less swollen,.. or am i fooling myself? This is the worst part, i will just not look in the mirror for a few days because my reflection is really shocking me every time, but the worst is over now.
Its now 48 hours later and to sum up the whole experience was a lot less of a nightmare than i was expecting, i think the surgeons like to paint a worst case scenario so you are prepared for the worst. Hears my summary so-far:
Bruising – ive been told i have a little yellow bruising on the sides of my chin, but i cant see it.
Swelling – yes very very swollen
kissing – kissed my boyfriend and hurrah it felt normal! -(of course too early for anything more than a peck)!
Sleeping – ok, wake up every couple of hours, but soon fall back to sleep, (i hate sleeping on my back!) lots of pillows are very helpful
Pain – not really any, just uncomfortable – oh and a bit if a sore throat
Eating – soup yoghurt, milkshake (not dribbling to much either)
Talking – i sound normal, i think its good to keep talking (excerise the jaw) when i havent spoken for a while thats when my jaw feels sore
i am so proud of myself for going though with this and i dont think my experience could have gone any better considering,
so im really happy, and i can wait to see the end result. I hope this helps anyone who is yet to have surgery.