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Manicmomma's Braceface Saga ~UPDATED - 4/23/07~

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:46 pm
by Manicmomma
T minus 12 days until my B-day (aka "brace day").

So many emotions are running rampant. Do I really want to do this? Hell, yea I do.

Do I want to deal with the anxiety of people seeing me like this? Not really, but I've gone through 31 years now of people seeing me with crooked teeth. So, why not? What's the big difference?

Why did I wait so long? My parents couldn't really afford to fix my teeth as I was growing up. I remember going for an orthodontic consultation and getting the molds and x-rays done. It never went past that. Sticker shock set in, I'm sure.

I like ZERO attention on my teeth/mouth. I sometimes don't wear lipstick because I figure it'll bring attention to my teeth. I don't like to sing/smile/laugh for the same reason. My husband will let me know if I have something stuck in my teeth and I'll go into immeadiate "die from embarassment" mode. I'm ready to get past this phase in my life.

Anyways, I just took my "before" pic. Ugh, how embarassing. I can't believe I'm about to post this pic for all of the world to see. :oops:


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:00 pm
by swiss1
Welcome manicmomma :-1 Great that you'll be starting your journey soon, and that you are doing this for you. Your before pic is a nice one - if you think your before pic is bad, well you should take a look at mine - far, far worse! Anyway, we always tend to be more critical of ourselves, and as I said before it's great that you're doing this for you. look forward to seeing your progress soon!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:30 pm
by Nervous
Glad to have you aboard. :wink: Best of luck on your Brace day. :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:32 pm
by RightMyBite
Welcome, and congratulations on making the decision to do this for yourself! That "before" picture will mean a lot to you in a few months when you can look at a "midway-to-after" picture and see change!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:12 am
by Marley
Manicmomma - Oh my goodness.. I think we may be the same person!! (Except I started with worse teeth!) hahah! I totally felt exactly like you do! I would never ever wear lipstick.

One of my main concerns about getting braces was the fact that I would have to show people and acknowledge my teeth! That's why it took me years to get them!

Well.. it has been 2 weeks and 1 day and I'll open my mouth to ANYONE! I don't feel weird with them on around others at all. I did not think I would feel like this!

So Congrats on your Brace Day and trust me.. it will not be as bad as you think it will!!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:10 pm
by Manicmomma
Marley, when you said...
One of my main concerns about getting braces was the fact that I would have to show people and acknowledge my teeth! That's why it took me years to get them!
I could have said that myself. It's like I'm letting people know I have issues with my teeth and am ashamed of them. I'm glad to hear someone else knows what I'm talking about!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:57 pm
by Patricia S.
I think alot of people feel like this. I kept my smile to my self all the time, I have only been braced two days and I can't stop smiling. If you have any concerns about people seeing them, just keep in mind that they know you are doing something about it AND you will have a great smile when you are done. :D If they make you feel bad, than just think you will have a better smile than theirs!! :twisted:


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:10 pm
by Marley
manicmomma... once you get the braces on... I garuntee you won't feel like you thought you would!! Once you get the braces, you're really overcoming the fear.. and you realize it's all good!! Haha.. I can't really word it.. but just know that those fears quickly go away and you'll feel really good :)

Patricia! I'll have to go and read your story when I get a moment! Hope everyting is going well with them! :)

Manicmomma.. be sure to update :)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:03 pm
by Manicmomma
Thanks you guys!

I'm starting to get really excited. Only one more week!!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:27 pm
by Manicmomma
Here are my pics from my ortho's office along with his diagnosis.

Chief Concern:
Crowded Dentition

Orthodontic Diagnosis
Retrognathic mandible
Overjet 8mm
Lack of incisal guidance
Centric relation/centric occlusal disrepancy
Posterior balancing interferences
Overbite impinging
Oral hygiene good
Calss II molar relationship
Maxillary and mandibular dental crowding
Impacted tooth # 1, 16, 17, 32
Posterior working interferences
Class II cuspid relationship

Treatment Recommendations
Extraction #5, 12
Maxillary vacuform retainer and mandibular lingual bar
Occlusal anaysis - articulated models
Full fixed orthodontic appliances

Now, on to the pics. I figure I don't have to explain what each is, right?

Image Image Image Image Image

Only 3 more days!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:39 am
by Manicmomma
Ugh. I hate these dang things! Even though my husband says I look cute in them. I feel like everyone I come across (even those I don't know) are staring at me. I also feel like my lips are sticking out a mile and a half. But I'll get used to them in time, I suppose. I know I'll be thankful in the long run.

Eating is interested to say the least. I had to bite turbo like buildups put on two of my lower molars to prevent me from biting off brackets. So, I can't bite all the way down. It's like I'm having to re-learn how to eat. Not fun.

I also had 4 spacers put in on the top to make room for the molar bands they'll be putting on 2 of my molars. I go for that appointment on April 20th. So, about 3 weeks from now. I'll have a palate expander put in at some point. Not sure if they'll do that then or later on down the road.

I haven't had a ton of pain and I'm into day 3 of having the braces. I've had more "pain" on my bottom than my tops. It's more of a burning/aching in my gums, if that makes sense.

I wasn't brave about lig colors. I got clear on top and gray on the bottom. When the assistant dangled the colors before me I froze up and went chicken. I'll try to be more brave next time. :)

Here's a pic to fuel your nightmares tonight. :oops:


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:32 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
Not bad at all! Horray for Braces :jump:

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:08 pm
by LithpingLitha
No nightmares here. :wink:
And you can color up your ligs at the 1st adj. It's nice to see how your clear braces look with the clear ligs, really nice. The first month takes some getting used to. :heart:

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:32 pm
by BracesRacer
Eat some mustard it will dye those clear rubbers bands flourescent (i have no idea how to spell that) yellow (dont ask me how i know). My setup is almost the same as yours... its rough at the start and people do notice more at first but thats because your not used to them and how to talk with them and all that. I know people noticed mine more at first because I was uncomfortable about them and that makes it even worse. Now I just act normal, smile big, and I notice they will see them right at first and will look for maybe a split second then its life as normal after that. Takes awhile though :)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:00 pm
by Manicmomma
Thanks for all the great words of encouragement and advice. You guys are great!

11 days in braces now. No more pain. Hope I'm still getting again though. I can feel some of my teeth "shift" if I press on them. Espically my lower front ones. So, I guess they are a bit loose. I haven't used wax for about a week now. That's nice. I seem to be getting a little bit of a gap in between my upper front two teeth. It looks like I have a piece of pepper stuck betwen my teeth. Very annoying. My spacers are starting to slip all over the place. I'm hopeing I can make it to my April 20th appointment for molar bands with them still in place. I really don't want to have to find time for another appointment between now and then.

Thanks again, guys!