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Kirjax's braces story - Update with pic July 11

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:02 pm
by kirjax
The big dreaded day is May 11 (friday).

okay here they are. I am showing them off. My before teeth and hopefully I can share with you all my experience over the next two years!

This is my top. As you can see on the right side (my left) the tooth is pushed back from the other teeth. This was done because my permanent teeth began growing behind my baby teeth. They were coming faster then my baby teeth would come out! End result a pushed back tooth. Over the years the teeth have gotten worse do to those lovely wisdom teeth and my jaw has also shifted.

These are my bottom teeth (crowding) they also weren't as bad until my wisdom teeth pushed them deeper into a crowded area.

And finally those lovely blue spacers!

I'll be recieving ceramic on top and metal on bottom. I will update friday if I am feeling up to it!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:06 pm
by kirjax
thanks guys.

this site and the members on it have been really helpful! I am glad I found it so that I don't feel alone. It's going to be a long two years but hopefully one that makes it all worth it in the end.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:51 pm
My brace date is just 1 day before yours! Hope everything goes well for you. I like the pics, keep them coming. I like seeing how everyone is progressing,it gives me something to look forward to myself. cograts again on getting braced. :D

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:58 pm
by kirjax
good luck to you too as well. I am so glad I found this site.

Okay I'm going to share my beginning story.

I am 24 years old. Growing up I did not have bad teeth but I had a very small mouth. When I was 10 years old I saw an orthodontist who informed my mother at the time that I would need an expander put in my mouth bc my jaw was too small to fit all of my teeth. So I would say about 6 months later I had the expander put in. I would also say it wasn't pleasant. I vaguely remember the spacers and for me they hurt ALOT. I also had a lot of baby teeth that chose not to come out. My permanent teeth practically pushed everyone of my baby teeth out of their mouth. My mom says she thinks it's bc I was a late teether as a baby (due to being premature) and that's why my teeth wouldn't come out. I didn't lose my first baby tooth until I was 7 1/2 and never lost my last molar until I was 15!! However the Ortho ended up pulling a few baby molars out bc she needed to make room for the expander and the other teeth! That was not fun!

I had the expander on for about a year. While it was on I experienced a lot of discomfort. Adjustments were not fun either. But the worst was the sores I'd get in my mouth. The expander on the roof of my mouth was shaped like a U but it had a bar that ran across with a circle in the middle and another bar...(hard to explain) but bc I would sleep with my tongue rested at the roof of my mouth I'd literally wake up with the shape of the expander engraved in my tongue :shock: It cause a lot of pain and I couldn't eat and I cried a lot. After the year they informed me the expander could be out. I was never more relieved. I wanted to kiss my ortho! But as she's taking it out she's telling me I should consider brother currently had them on during this time. I was so petrified...."BRACES" could I put more metal in my mouth and experience more pain after the year I had....NO WAY I thought!

So I begged my mom to please not make me get braces and she pretty much just didn't care (or didn't want to hear me complain). So years went on and my teeth begin to grow in place. They weren't perfect but they were not horrible either. My one baby tooth (upper left) would not budge soe the permanent tooth grew overtop causing my tooth to slightly sit back. But it wasn't that bad.

OVer the years I got by. I never felt self concious of my smile and I was content w. who I was. But then I turned 16 and had the routine wisdom teeth xray exam. I was told that I had 4 impacted teeth that needed to come out ASAP or as the doctor said, "would start to shift my teeth"...I wasn't too concerned and basically shrugged it off. But a few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night in a bit of discomfort. When I woke up in the morning I could visably see that my bottom teeth had all shifted inward. I was mortified and had my mom call the ortho right away to get these wisdom teeth out! I can also vouche that the wisdom teeth was the worst pain I have been in thus far in my life!! IT was NOT fun at all....but who knows maybe I'm just a big baby ;)

Anyways, after the whole drama of the wisdom teeth I had to get used to the new bottom teeth. But they were my bottoms I didn't care. It's not like I smiled with my bottom teeth. I wasn't too worried about it. Every once in a while though my mouth would hurt for no reason. I couldn't figure out why bc I had all the teeth out and I didn't have cavaties or anything else. It was just a slight sharp pain in my gum area and jaw. I didn't bother to do too much. But I could slowly see my mouth was changing. My jaw was shifting, my front tooth was slowly being pushed back further and even my bottom teeth seemed to keep shifting. I kept thinking, what is going on??

Everytime I went for a cleaning the dentist would inform me that braces was a good idea. Yeah Yeah I thought. I hear ya but when you decide your going to fork the money out for me to do it then I'm good to go!! LOL

The truth was I couldn't afford them and neither could my family. I was approaching the age where insurance wouldn't cover it anymore. It was either out of my pocket or I wouldn't do it.

Years passed and just up until recently I've been slowly starting to HATE my smile. So a year ago I went for a consult at an ortho just to see my options. I had a feeling they'd tell me I would need extractions and bc I had a horrible wisdom teeth experience having more teeth pulled was not something I was interested in. And surely enough that's what I was told. "You need a lot of reconstructive work, your an adult now and your bones are fused to where they want to be and they're not going to move easily. And you don't have any room to fit your teeth in there so you will need a min. of 4 teeth pulled. Two on top and two on the bottom!".....oh my the words I dreaded. I wasn't completely taken back. I knew it was the only option but I was so afraid. It also came down to money. I am self employed and don't have dental coverage. Therefore I'd need extractions which aren't covered and on top of that the cost of braces. I asked the doctor how long treatment would be and how much braces would cost. "About 3-4 years w/ braces...and your talking anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 depending on what you want to get" I can't afford that and 3-4 yrs with braces...yikes!
I decided that maybe my smile wasn't horrible and braces weren't for me. I went on my way. But over the past year I just hated to smile. Hated taking pictures, hated who I was...I was not happy. My mom finally said to me one day after I complained about my smile, "you need to stop procrastinating, suck it up and just do it or you truly will NEVER be happy with your image!" took that line to finally realize, "she's right" I looked online for local ortho's and decided to find a second opinion.

I sucked it up and thought okay teeth being taken out maybe not so bad. It will hurt no doubt, but it will just be for a short time. I made an appointment for a free consult and was ready and prepared for everything and anything. This ortho was very optimistic. Right away I felt comfortable. He told me "we can fix you up w/ no problems"...okay I thought but what about them extractions to which he replied, "let me guess you went to another ortho and he said you'd need 4 teeth removed and it would be impossible to fix your teeth"...I was amazed did he know my last orthodontist? lol
He simply told me that "old school" ortho's like to "remove" the teeth but today they try to not do that. He said they will do what's called enamel reduction or slimming/shaving of the enamel on the tooth. He said it's safe and common now. He said by removing teeth it can change the structure of the face and he said my face was fine and didn't want to risk it!! I was so excited. I wanted to dance. But wait....the cost! How would I manage to pay for this.

So that became my biggest obstacle. I set up an appointment for records and in the meantime tried to figure out my payment options. I finally settled w/ a finance company and I am going to make monthly payments.

I will have my braces on this friday. I got all my impressions done a month ago. That was interesting! I am now in spacers...not so much fun but I'm getting through. More annoying then bothersome. I just want to take them out bc I hate the feeling. I am anxious, excited, nervous and just looking forward to starting the process of getting a beautiful healthy smile.

I will get ceramic on top, metal on bottom. On my record sheet it states that I will have them 20-24 months. I am hoping for the lesser ;) I was also told that my bite may officially be off due to a slight shift in my left side of my upper jaw. I told the ortho as long as I'm not in pain, my teeth are straight, I don't care about the bite. I'll get used to it. I'm not looking for perfection just a change.

I have had many family members who have had braces and they're biggest regret: Not wearing their retainer. I know for sure I'll be wearing mine. I'm not spending all this money, having all this pain, to just have crooked jacked up teeth again LOL

I am glad I can share my brace story with all of you (who choose to read my long ass blog) hehe....and I am going to keep it updated. It's also going to be nice to look back on time to time to remember my journey. I'm glad I'm not alone.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:09 pm
by kirjax
yeah well tell that to a 12 year old.

I hate salt makes me gag...literally but I'll do my best. ;)

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:50 am
by kirjax
Okay the day came!!

I had a 9 a.m. it wasn't bad. I was in there right away. But they also have other patients at the same time so the ortho was bumpin from room to room.

I would say that the process was easy but for me I had a minor complicatoin. All spacers were removed but the one spacer in between my upper right molar hurt when she removed it. I actually jumped out of the chair. So as she's trying to put the bracket cap thingy over it it just keeps hurting and I keep cringing. So she called the ortho in and told him I had a sensitive tooth. He checked my xrays to make sure there was no cavities...but the tooth itself does already have a deep filling....they tried again and I still jumped. He asked if it hurt before and I said no, so he said it could still just be sensitive from the spacers that were in. So I cringed and they finally popped it on. I have to say when they first were put on I was worried bc they felt so wierd sticking out in your gum and they felt a bit sharp....I couldn't believe these things were going to remain there!
Anyways, after that she cleaned my teeth. The worst for me besides the discomfort in the molar was the gum stretcher thingy lol. My mouth is so tiny and that thing stretched my lips out ot places I never thought they'd go!!

I took your advice and placed chapstick on my lips beforehand and I also used the ladies room but that didn't matter. BC of all the liquids I've been drinking I had to go again :)

It only took the ortho 25 min to glue and dry the brackets to the teeth. So I'm laying there and she removes everything and I realize they didn't do my bottoms. I don't know why. So I asked and she said that my doctor wasn't in (this ortho was a sub) and that they wanted to wait 4 weeks to allow my other tooth to move forward before proceeding :?: umm who knows??

So in 4 weeks I will get bottoms. In a way maybe not so bad. Gives me 4 weeks to adjust to the tops and then I can adjust to the bottoms. I was just surprised. But all in all the process wasn't too bad.

The pain from the braces hasn't began. Infact for the first time in a week I ate something more consistent then applesauce and yogurt! I had chicken SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM. Although it felt uncomfortable eating and I'm already obsessed with swishing water around my mouth after each bite. I guess that will subside with's all new to me at this point.

My biggest the way I look. I realy am down and depressed about my image. I know it will take time. My mom of course said she thinks I look and sound fine. But for me I look and sound horrible. I feel like I can't even close my mouth without it feeling like my lip sticks out so far! But I know it's just me being me at the moment. I will probably get over it eventually. I just feel unattractive and the whole reason for me doing this is to feel attractive.

My dentist gave me a sample bag of all kinds of goodies and even gave me an Oral B triumph professional care toothbrush!! It's an $80.00 toothbrush!! I am sure it was part of the cost of braces but she handed it to me like, "each ortho patient gets an electric toothbrush!" but it's nice! I will have fun with it!!

I will post pics later of my new ugly betty smile!!!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 2:59 pm
by mikecl

Thanks for the post on my story thread and congratulations on getting your braces. It looks like 11 May is a good day for getting braced.

I do know what you mean about thinking your lip sticks out as I thought the same after getting my upper brace earlier this afternoon. I think it's a natural reaction but one that will definitely pass over the next few days.

Try to stay positive and just think how good your teeth will look when you are finished.

All the best


Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 4:55 pm
by kirjax
thanks Mike. I am really going to just have to get used to my new lips and my new lisp! Talking. laughing and eating are all a challenge at the moment.

Thanks meryaten as well. I just did a salt water rinse a few minutes ago after I ate some nice soft rice.

My tooth is still sensitive. I am going to wait and see if the pain goes away but if it still persist by my next appointment I am going to bring it up. I don't want the tooth to get worse. I am afraid maybe the filling is just too deep and perhaps it may need to have a root canal (which I never have had before) :shock:

Other then that I am just getting used to it. Still don't like to smile. My mom and my sister in law both said I look fine but I don't see it and already today I've covered my mouth a few times while talking lol.

I just placed some wax on the bottom bracket hooks because they are jabbing into my gum already and my little nephews were jumping on me! I still keep feeling glue fall off too. I think the girl was glue happy! But I guess better to keep them in there.

I don't know if having my bottom braces on hold is a good thing or a bad thing. I figure next appointment I'll get a top adjustment and get the bottom braces....but it seems so far away! And I do NOT want my summer to fly by yet I want these things off LOL

I am trying to stay positive but it's hard. I just feel down.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:08 am
by kirjax
here is my newly braced uppers.


As you can see over (my left your right) tooth I have a spring that is going to help pull the teeth further apart so that within a few weeks or months they can attach the wire to that tooth to pull it forward.

To me the ceramic brackets look so large!! But I guess they are normal size and I'm just not used to it (and I also have a really tiny mouth as well).

So far things going fine. The only thing that's truly bothering me and forgive me I am not up to par w/ the terms just yet but the metal rings that go around the molars well they are fairly sharp on each side. The outside has that hooky thing I guess that's used for rubber band attachment and that's fairly sharp. So I have been putting wax on it. At the same time I want my mouth to get used to it bc it's going to be there for awhile. Then on the inside where my tongue is the other side is slightly ridged and is causing a bit of sore problems on my tongue. I am rinsing w/ warm salt water and also bought some oral B gel that you use for sores, cuts and any other problems associated with chaffing of orthodontist appliances. But it only numbs it and goes away shortly there after.

I ate a bowl of cheerios this morning w/ fairly no problem (minus forgetting the wax and swallow some of it but it gave it an extra added flavor)!!! LOL

My teeth are not too sore. Which I don't know is that good or bad? Obviously I'm not going to be chopping on anything hard but it felt good to eat something different.

Well that's my update with my pics. I guess I will keep staying positive even though it's only day 2 and I'm ready to rip them out!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:33 am
by e^jtheta
here are my newly braced uppers.

I ate a bowl of cheerios this morning w/ fairly no problem (minus forgetting the wax and swallow some of it but it gave it an extra added flavor)!!! LOL
Wow, you're a trooper! Cereal on the day after getting braces? I still haven't tried it.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 1:18 pm
by GracieG.
Congratulations on getting braced Kirjax! I just wanted to say hello and tell you that it DOES get better!! I got braced with upper ceramics and metal bottoms on January 11th. This decision had been a long time coming, and like you, I worried about how braces would affect my self image. I was consumed with it at first; I walked around feeling like i had a 3rd arm or something...not kidding, totally felt this way...then came around to find that nobody really notices them, must less do they care! It took a couple weeks to really adjust to my new gear-both physically and emotionally, but now I can tell you (only 4 months into my estimated 18 month treatment time) this is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

It's rough at are wondering why you are putting yourself through all of this-at least that's how I felt. I just try to keep an eye on the finish line and realize with each passing day I am that much closer to reaching it. This site has provided me with incredible support and I am sure it will do the same for you! Keep your head up and you eye on the line. Good luck and I can't wait to watch your progress! :wink:

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:24 pm
by Sweet L
Congrats :banana:!!!!
I couldn't agree more with GracieG.
Keep your head up and you eye on the line
Take care!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:41 pm
by kirjax
thanks everyone for the encouragement. I really do appreciate it. This site has been wonderful and so supportive. I am glad I found it.

Gracie, thanks....I was out all day shopping with my mother and I would forget I'd have them and laugh and talk then I'd realize it and cover my mouth. My mom told me to stop and that I was fine. I guess your right. Nobody else seems to care. I still worry about my image though for I am 24 and already look young, now I really look young.

I had my mom laughing though. I put my hair in pig tails today and came down stairs and did an impersonation of the crying girl who cried on American Idol over Sanjaya (if any of you are familar with it)...I had her rolling on the floor with laughter. She says, "see atleast you haven't lost your sense of humor!"

I do sometimes say to myself, "why are you doing this to yourself?" but then I keep remembering the reason why and that's what gets me through. I know it will take a bit of an ajustment but I'm doing my best to keep my head held high at this moment.

jt2lang thanks, the tooth doesn't seem to hurt as much. So lets hope it's going to be okay.

I know a few people who had problems w/ getting their permanent teeth to come down. I think even the actress Dakota Fanning said that she has a chain in her front teeth and had to pull it every week to pull the tooth down and she said it was painful. Not sure if that's the same kind of procedure. But I guess those teeth can be stubborn!

oh and I ate pizza bites for dinner....I had a hard time. But I did my best to get through the discomfort. I don't want to "baby" my teeth like people have said. I want to eat so in order to do so I gotta suck it up!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:11 pm
by kirjax
okay so last night it took me almost 25 min. to clean my teeth :?

I did my best to floss but my top teeth are a bit sore so with each push of the floss I was hurting more (and bleeding a bit)...I also could not get the floss to go inbetween the teeth with the molar bands! I am thinking there still is a lot of glue there bc the girl was a bit glue happy and the ortho kept joking with her to stop using so much glue! I actually scraped some glue out last night while cleaning.

I don't eat randomly. But I have the munchies like any normal person. But I don't just eat whatever like I did before. It's all a thought process. Like, will it stain? Does it get stuck? is it easy to chew or manage in my mouth? By the time I'm done thinking about it all I lost my appetite!!

Yeah today for the first time some family members saw me with my braces. I didn't say anything to them and one forgot I was getting them and said had I not said anything he wouldn't have known. So I was a bit less elf concious. But people keep saying, "let me see, smile" and that's when I get embarrassed.

I will def. talk to my ortho about the bands in my mouth and see if something can be done to make them a tad bit more comfortable. The insides of the bands are rather sharp. So was remains on those spots all day. But for the hooks I only place wax if it starts to bother me. I don't want to rely on it all the time for I feel it's good for my gums to get used to that feeling. But at night I WAX UP :wink: - I place wax almost everywhere. I like to just rest easily without sharp things. But during the day I just carry it with me and if things start feeling rough I patch them up.

I also am not doing to bad with foods. As I explained in other threads I ate chicken, potatoes and had cake for dinner! No problems and it tasted great!!

But I am just taken it easy now bc I know it could be a different story once those bottom brackets come on board.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 7:24 pm
by kirjax
yes thanks I believe that's what I have. I will DEF. ask at my next visit if they'll be necessary and if not I'll ask if anything can be done to get rid of them bc they're being a hassle. I hope they're not needed. Is it common for folks to have them cut off?