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NikkiB's Story- The rearrangement of the teeth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:22 pm
by NikkiB
September 3, 2007

It's been a while... Update, with pictures.

So it has been months since I have given you all an update. I have to say, it has been quite a journey. :shock: I'm at my six month mark as of my last appointment.

In April I had the baby cuspid pulled so that we could start moving over the adult cuspid that had come down where my lateral incisor should be (it is missing). Confusing? Yes. Try saying that ten times fast. :?

At the end of June/ beginning of July, they placed a spring on top to create room for the fake tooth. At the beginning of this whole process my mid-line was spot-on, unfortunately, the spring not only started to push the cuspid out of the way it also moved my mid-line nearly a tooth's width off. I know that it will eventually be fixed, however, I can't help but feel like a 13 year old going through the ugly duckling phase, only it has come ten years late.

After two springs/ two months, I started getting horrible migraines due to my clenching as a result of my bite being off. My eye Dr. was able to rule out any sight issues as the cause of the migraines. Also, I have been having some jaw pains, again due to the bite. So, at my last appointment I sat down with my ortho who agreed that is was due to my bite being off and the clenching as a result of the bite. Kind of sounds like the lady that swallowed the fly song, remember that??? :lol:

So, at my appointment last week my ortho upped the hardware count and added the following.
- Stiffer wire, almost a finishing wire.
- Spring, only as a holding spring to keep the space already created.
- Chain, from the back molar to the cuspid
- Closing spring, from by back molar to the cuspid.
- Heavy duty elastics, from the cuspid down to a bottom molar.
- 800mg of ibuprofen 3x/daily. This is to calm down the jaw issues
- 2 Tylenol.

Surprisingly, I am doing better with this set up than I was with the spring. My thought is that I am not feeling the pain for a couple of reasons, first, the amount of ibuprofen I am hopped up on. The ibuprofen is also to help calm down the inflammation going in in my jaw. Second, I think that the tooth is under so much pressure that it has just given up and gone to sleep. Either way, it is just the pressure I am having to get used to.

Hopefully they can put a fake tooth on the wire because this whole gain in face thing is now starting to make me a bit self conscious. Example. I work in the environmental industry doing contracts at an engineering firm. I had the opportunity to meet some project managers whom I have worked with but not had the chance to meet. I was talking with one in the lunch room for a brief minute before heading back to work. Before I had the chance to run and hide back in my office, he said the following. "What happened to your teeth? Did you get into an accident or something?" Although stunned, I smiled graciously and explained. However, what I really wanted to say was, what happened to you, did your mom hit you with a shovel when you were little?! :twisted: Way to shake a girl's confidence, sheesh! :oops: I need to keep reminding myself of why I am doing this and once they can put the tooth on the wire it will all get easier from there, for a while at least. :D

Below are some updated pictures, first, without the spring, second is with and the third is with all the new hardware. Enjoy!

Pictures after 1 week (Ok, now there are pictures)-

So I thought I would post pictures of what I look like after only a week. What's interesting is that my teeth have become less straight due to flaring on one side while trying to pull a tooth in which has caused the other to flare out. I know that it will get worse before it gets better. :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:43 am
by Miss Smiley
Oh, they are certainly starting to get into place! Looks good NIkki!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:57 pm
by M1k3y
This is only the beginning. Things will look better in time.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:01 pm
by NikkiB
Thanks all for the wonderful encouragement! It is greatly appreciated, as this has been such a challenge. I know that it will all get better; however, I understand that depending on the patient, and the complexity of the case, it is highly probable that other things may get worse in the process to correct other issues. In my case, pulling that canine over has caused some other issues not present before. I know I just need to be patient and keep my eye on the prize. :HugeGrin:

My (ex) step mom works for my orthodontist's office and was talking to my orthodontist about what they did to me last week. My Dr. told her about the additional hardware which she says is an extremely aggressive course.

My gum where the space has been created now feels as though it is being stretched to its max, it is slightly red and tender. Since the elastic (class II) is only on one side, I have developed what I believe to be a cross bite. Go figure! :shock: The elastic is hooked onto my second to last molar; as a result of the elastic being pulled forward as it is pulling the other back, thus I am able to fit a fingernail in between my last molar and the one attached to the elastic. My bite is now all "caddy-wampus", shifted my jaw to the left. :roll: Again, I know it will get better. My hope is that with the new aggressive approach my time in braces could possibly be shortened.

I did inquire about the possibility of root absorption; luckily, she had absolutely no concerns, which was a relief. :D

As a testimony to how quickly the elastics have worked, while out to dinner the other night after my adjustment; after eating I went to put my elastic back in (I am a bit religious about wearing them. More time wearing them= less time in braces! :P ) I felt such a sharp pain in my nose. I mean an intense “want to bang my head on the table kind of painâ€