Hey all, I must admit I am feeling a little down

about the amount of feedback I get in this thread. I read other people's braces stories and they seem to get so much more feedback than I do. I have been encouraged by the number of very nice compliments some of you have left in this thread - thank you so much for your kind words and by no means would I complain about a compliment, but have just sort of been waiting and hoping there would be some words directed towards some of the concerns I have or opinions on specific issues that I bring up. While it is great and encouraging to hear that many of you think the teeth are looking good

, I'd really also appreciate some more "meaty" responses, if you will.
I have made several posts requesting comments on specific issues or questions I had, only to not really receive any and then to create another post hoping some other issues or questions might be more interesting to some of you, but still nothing....
I know not everyone will have a response to every thread they read through, but if you do have anything to add, it really is truly appreciated
Oh gosh and I really hope this doesn't sound like I don't appreciate all the nice things you guys have said so far. I'm so sorry if it comes off that way bc I really am so glad to hear what you've had to say! I think I'm just a really detail oriented person - even when I'm just talking to someone about something insignificant, I will give like every detail I can think of to the story and sometimes I expect the same from others. I can go on and on about nothing (like right now

). I think that drives my hubby crazy sometimes bc he likes to give one word answers whenever possible, haha. But anyway I hope I explained how I'm feeling well enough and thanks to anyone who is still reading my little rant...