Either or, after that I honestly hardly ever smiled - hate my smile more than anything... I figured one day I'll get braces when I can afford them so now at 22 I decided to get braces!
Either or, I have minor crowding on the bottom and top just misaligned teeth (also one of my canines is wayyy much higher than it should be so are some of the others) also, overbite and one of my bottom teeth overlaps the top one (treatment time: estimated 18-24 months)
My teeth are not "HORRIBLE" the ortho said, but obviously they could use work.
Sorry the pictures arent that great but I took them with my phone, flash kept on making the pictures hard to see but its better then nothing.
Will try to take more later and upload as well

ALSO that is not me smiling JUST TRYING TO GET A GOOD PICTURE therefore I opened my mouth very wide