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Braces at 30?!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:37 pm
by tashacash
A little about me...

I am 29 years old and will be 30 in a few months. I have a 5 year old daughter, a wonderful husband, whom has 2 great kids of his own from a previous marriage. My husband is an American and I am a Canadian. So we spend much of our time back and forth between the 2 countries. I am a Montessori teacher for children ages 3-6yrs and I absolutely love my job. Smile

Why braces?!

I've actually wanted braces since I was a teen. Sadly my parents refused to consider it because my dentist would always tell them that it was not a necessity and that when my wisdom teeth came in they would push my teeth together (or maybe that's just what my folks told me... idk). Needless to say... what a surprise... my wisdom teeth never came in to push my gaps together. Sad

In my early 20's I spent a lot of time obsessing over the gap in my front teeth. It was the only thing I would see when I looked back at photos of myself. When I would talk to others about the thought of braces I would get the same responses over and over... "I love your gap... it gives you character." or "Why fix your gap? Madonna has one!" Ugh (for the record, I don't like Madonna's gap either) and I found it extremely irritating that these comments would always come from people without a gap.

My consultation...

About a month ago I took the big step and decided to visit an orthodontist. During this visit we discussed my teeth and my treatment plan. I have class II malocclusion with moderate spacing, deep overbite and buccal crossbite of tooth #24. (<---- If anyone speaks that language and would like to break that down for me that would be great lol!) He also mentioned that my treatment time would take 2 years (20 months or so). All I could think was... Wow 2 years for a few gaps?! While that began to sink in he continued to go over the types of braces and my options. He also mentioned that following treatment I would have to be in a retainer for the rest of my life. A very minor detail, that was the least of my concerns. I figure there is no way I will ever take my retainer off considering this is all going to cost me $6000... no way will I ever do this over. One time deal for me. So with all that food for thought, I decide I don't really want to wait and think about it (I've been thinking for the past 15 years), I decided to book my next appointment.

Ceramic or Metal?!...

A month has gone by and after much stress over ceramic or metal, I have finally came to a decision... Metal. I figure I don't really want to hide the fact that I'm fixing my teeth. Simple as that.

Life with Braces...

I actually though the installation process of these Braces would hurt. I was quite surprised when it was short and painless. The aftermath... not so much. I'm on day 3 now and I can't even bite down on anything. My diet consist of smoothies and more smoothies.

Someone asked me the other day... Why braces at 30? I simply replied... I dread my 30's... now I can feel like I'm in my teens again lol. What better way to fight my 30's off then with braces eh?! My husband told me that these things have knocked 10 years off. Yay

On a more serious note, Why am I too old to get braces? I've wanted this for such a long time.

So please all you critics out there...let me have my perfect teeth and feel better about myself even if I am too old for it.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:28 pm
You Go, Girl !!

If I can go down this road at 54 years old, you can certainly do it at 30.
Granted, I have never wanted or needed braces until they told me it was the only way to fix my TMJ, Bite and Jaw alignment issues.

Hang in there and do it for you ! I am tryin to come 'round to that way of thinking also.

Happy trails on your journey. I think 20 months must be the standard answer. That's exactly the time they told me also.

Larry :D

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:55 pm
by onefastchick
I am on day 3 as well and I am 32 so if you are too old so am I :) I have had a lot of support from my friends and family and especially from my husband. I have only had one friend so far tell me I am too old for them. Best of luck to you as we embark on this journey together!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:56 pm
by tashacash
Thanks for the kind words Larry and onefastchick!

Here are some day one in Braces pics...



Top and Bottom:


I will post more pics when I see progress :D

Would anybody know what kind of braces these are? I forgot to ask my orthodontist and I'm just assuming their self-ligating because he never placed any o-rings on them.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:44 pm
by alimommy1
You're never too old to do something good for yourself :) - or do it again for those of us... doing it again lol!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:19 am
by LC'sTeefs
So please all you critics out there...let me have my perfect teeth and feel better about myself even if I am too old for it.
Great comment! I love it!! Image

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:31 am
by farmboy
I'm with alimommy1. There's no way I could say it any better.

Today I turned 36...and after several delays, I'm getting my braces July 8!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:07 am
by MarshaMcC
Hey tashacash .... I'm 31 (turning 32 in July) and I just got my braces on June 1 this year ..... how silly of people to think anyone is too old to fix their teeth. I haven't had any such comments but I'm still getting used to the stares .... and I can't help but feeling self conscious about it. I'm a social worker for CAS and so I'm constantly meeting new people whether it be clients or collaterals and inevitably their eyes keeps dropping to my mouth ..... I got clear braces on my top row so I think it takes them a while to figure out if they really saw something in my mouth. The kids I work with will ask flat out: "what's that on your teeth?" lol ... or "does it hurt?" .... the adults ... well most just stare lol ... I often feel like just flashing a BIG smile and clear up all the curiosity ... but then I worry about whether or not there is something stuck in my teeth lol ... But my first adjustment is coming up in July and you know what? ..... I decided I'm getting coloured bands .... I'm going to try and have as much fun with it as possible b/c I'm stuck with it for a while. Blue is my favorite colour .... I shall have a blue smile on my bday and for at least six weeks lol :)

Like you I wanted braces a long time but I couldn't afford them prior to this time in my life. My spaces are caused by missing adult teeth (2 of them) .... I still have a baby tooth in the front that wont survive the treatment and the other baby tooth was pulled a long time ago and no adult tooth grew in its place ... so I have a huge gap in the front and on my right side. So while my insurance covers braces ... it does not cover implants ......... took me a while to save for the total treatment ... but I'm looking forward to the final result (debt free) and not consciously choosing to close my mouth when taking pictures :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:16 pm
by tashacash
Tomorrow will mark my week anniversary with these top braces on and I still can't eat anything solid. :(

Everyone at work that has worn braces in the past keep telling me it will get easier. I really can't see myself getting used to these. It feels as though my teeth are biting down on metal. A feeling very difficult to describe.

I'm worried that if I feel like this now, will this process begin all over when my bottom brackets go on?!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:29 pm
by jenniebaby
I saw your story and I just had to reply. I am also thirtyish (29 and a bit) and i am getting my braces in one week. I live two hours west of Ottawa, but I am seeing an ortho in the city, as the local ortho didnt do damons and wanted to remove one of my front teeth and I disagreed. I am actually excited, I have wanted and needed this for so long. We are definetely young enough to enjoy our beautiful teeth for a long time to come! I have an overjet and crowded teeth and other problems I cant even begin to explain in the right terms. I really understand what you mean when you dont like it when people with perfect teeth tell you that they like or find your smile quirky or distict. I really just want healthy pretty teeth.

Hopefully you are able to post some follow up photos. I would love to see how yours comes along compared to mine, a space case versus a crowding case. At least you dont probably have to have extractions....thats the part I am fearing the most.

Take care and good luck!


Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:07 am
by msbee
Hey Tasha

I'm 30 this year too! So yes, the stares and questions are not gonna stop. But it's ok you'll get used to it and you'll prepare a stock answer too =)

It's true that you'll be back to normal food pretty quickly - I lost a few pounds in the first month, but I've definitely put it all back on by now (i'm about 2.5 months). I suppose all the ice cream didn't help =p

For me, the pain from the pressure of the new wires usually goes away after 3-5 days. You'll be fine I'm sure =)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:30 am
by catgyrl
I echo everything msbee said... well, except for the being 30 part. LOL! I'm 42 and just got mine 3 months ago. My childhood dentist also said they weren't necessary. Of course... he was a quack anyway, but we didn't know it at the time. :lol:

As for the eating, I know your teeth are very tender right now, but strange as it sounds, the more you try to chew, the faster the pain will go away. It doesn't have to be anything hard - pasta is great - but just the action of chewing will help a lot. Or, you could bite down on a wet, folded-up washcloth. I just had an adjustment last week AND changed out my top brackets from metal to clear, and my teeth hurt like HELL for the first 3 days. Yesterday, I started chomping down on some sugarfree gum and it feels wonderful!

I also lost a few pounds the first month, but I'm sure they're back by now.

You WILL get used to them... I promise you. :D

Good luck to you!