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week three in braces

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:27 am
by girl in agony
Hi i .am 25 femLe from cali . I been reading tthis site for a month i got braces on june28-2010. I was soooo excited to get braces after ten years ofwaiting. I got married had a baby who is now 3 ,recently became a nurse. So i was horrified with my crooked teeth since i started doing my nursing. People really look in ur mouth when they talk to u. I was so embarassed and icould even feel them looking down at me since my teeth are .really crooked. I mean i felt like i .can look my best but with crappy teeth there is no point . So i was super .excited. i got spacers and week later braces. After she put brackets on me and told me to rinse i was .shocked i looked uglyyyyy my mouth was weird my lips looked huge andmy lips looked nastyy. From that day to this day i wake up i want to cry. I look so weird . I dont go out my face looks long .i dont know:( i cant believe iwas sooo excited now i wanna just hide under cover . Did this happen to u


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:08 am
by ninath1
Yes I became super self concious, especially meeting people I haven't seen since before I got braced. Everyone notices them as they are big and metal and filling my face but probably only half actually mention them. I've noticed that its the genuinely closer friends who comment on them - some of which like to tease a bit, which is OK. Others don't say anything, maybe they feel it would be impolite but I usually then bring them into the conversation just to get rid of the "big white elephant in the room". If I'm not feeling too self concsious I just don't say anything as after a month of wearing them, I am more at ease with them and accept that they are with me for the forseeable. So everyone else will just have to get used to them too!