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SilverGirl's Story

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:34 am
by SilverGirl
Hi, there! I had straight teeth as a teen with a little bit of an overbite, but nothing big enough to warrant braces. Then, in my 20's, my teeth started to shift - one of my front teeth became crooked with the bottom slightly overlapping the other, and the smaller tooth next to it turned inward toward it. My bottom teeth were just all generally a little crooked. I went to get my impacted wisdom teeth out, thinking that was most likely the root of the problem. When there, I asked the oral surgeon for ortho recommendations to straighten my teeth and correct my overbite. He informed me that the ortho could straighten my teeth, but that my overbite was due to a misaligned lower jaw and would require surgery. I practically ran from that office thinking NO THANKS and decided I'd live with my teeth the way they were.

I then thought about it again in my 30's, but didn't want to deal with the expense, hassle, and looking unattractive for a year.

Then AGAIN, I thought about it this past February and went in to an ortho for a consult. I told him that I wasn't interested in having jaw surgery to correct the overbite, but would like to at least straighten my teeth. He said my teeth are a fairly easy fix, and that braces would correct my overbite by about half, which is good enough for me!

It took me 7 months more to actually take the plunge, and I've now been braced 9 days. I had a very hard time the first week (as you can read all about in the Bracket Club forum under "braced at 40 and having a hard time") but am now adjusting to it.

I'm glad that I'm finally dealing with it - I turned 40 this past summer, and figured since I kept thinking about it every few years, I would most likely continue to think about it every few years in the future, and that my crooked teeth certainly weren't going to look any better on me as I got older. So it is a struggle and somewhat of a sacrifice now, but I'm looking forward to the payoff in about a year! And I can't wait to reward myself with a nice teeth whitening once they're off!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:40 am
by SilverGirl
Here is a photo taken today 9/10/10 at 9 days braced:


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:36 am
by khublei
Looks great! I would love those clear brackets. Best of luck!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:11 am
by TrolleyDolly
Hi Silvergirl,
Have just read your previous post and I can certainly sympathise with you. I was braced on Monday and have already experienced the whole range of emotions you describe from 'what the flippin heck have I done?' to 'no this is ok, I can deal with this.'
To add to my misery I was also given molar buildups, which made it almost impossible to chew as my top and bottom teeth just don't meet apart from these small mounds! And I've developed a flippin lisp too! However I can now see tiny spaces appearing between my recessed lower incisor and can floss around it, which I couldn't before, so it now starts to feel worthwhile.
I'm sure that there are going to be huge high's and low's in all of our journeys but we'll all be here to support one another. That is the comforting thing about being part of this site, there's always someone who's been there and has some fab advice!
Good luck! - I look forward to following your journey :D

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:40 am
by SilverGirl
Thanks! I've just read your story, and we are about the same age! How are you adjusting?

It's weird, but in the last couple of days I've grown to actually LIKE my braces. When my mouth is closed it makes my lips look fuller, and by pulling my lips forward I've gotten some killer cheekbones! And I actually like my lisp - I don't know why! I feel like these things set me apart, and I don't feel at all embarrassed anymore - I feel bold. It's also amazing how many people have shown me their own crooked teeth (many of whom had braces when younger) and have said they're also thinking about getting braced.

Good luck, and hope you're doing well!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:40 am
by mikesmile
Hi SilverGirl :D

A belated congratulations to you on starting your braces journey! 8) It's such an amazing and exciting process to go through. I'm almost 8 months in and I still feel that way. If you don't already, you will soon find yourself checking for changes in your teeth every day.

I'm glad to hear you're adjusting to things...and that you like your braces. I kind of like mine too. :wink: I notice that they make my lips look a little fuller too ('cause I have small lips). I can definitely relate about the lisping thing. It's something that seems to come and go. I noticed my new elastics brought on a new version of it. I also enjoy the way braces set us apart...once you "embrace" them, it can be a lot of fun!

Lots of luck with your treatment! :thumbsup:


Second Time In Braces - Estimate 12-14 Months

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:59 am
by SilverGirl
Ok - it will be three weeks tomorrow - here's where my teeth are now:


Uploaded with

Not a huge change, but I'm definitely seeing some straightening on the bottom. The holy grail, though, will be a small gap between my top two front teeth! Can't wait for that day . . .

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:04 am
by TrolleyDolly
Hi Silvergirl! I'm just back from a trip and catching up on everyone's stories...

Great pic, you can definitely see that your bottoms are straightening!

After going back to work all is good. I'm like you and actually feeling quite bold about it all. Emotionally I've got my head round it now and i just want things to happen!! Like yesterday!! As you've said, so many people seem to then show you their teeth and say how much they want braces too. And now I can see slight changes in the angle of the archwire either side of my recessed tooth it reinforces why I'm doing this!

Have a good weekend!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:29 am
by SilverGirl
Thanks, everyone!

I had my first adjustment today at 6 weeks! Things are looking pretty good - I got to get a stainless steel wire on the bottom. Still had to get a flexible one for the top, though, but it is a stronger one than the one I started out with. My biggest issue on the top is that my right front tooth (which is the right in the photo - I use my webcam which gives a mirror image) and the one to its right are turned inward toward each other. I got a powerchain on that one, and wow can I feel it! This is the one instance in which I welcome pain, though. :)

He said by Christmas my teeth should be straight, so I'm excited about that. I guess the rest of the time spent in braces will be working on my bite.

Here's a photo update - you can't see the powerchain because it's clear, but my teeth are noticeably straighter.


Uploaded with

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:47 am
by equaeternal
Oh wow your teeth are looking great. I'm the same way my teeth weren't straight about 2 months in BAM they got straight and the rest of the time is working on my bite. YAY for straight teeth

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:00 am
by catgyrl
Beautiful! You've had amazing progress in such a short amount of time! Lucky you - your teeth move quickly. I guess now is the "fun" part, where you can see the changes. Once they start working on the bite, I'm told that's when changes aren't as noticeable. But I guess the orthos see things that we don't see.

Congrats to you!!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:46 pm
by SilverGirl

I know, I'm not looking forward to the bite work. I don't know if it will involve rubber bands or not - but I hear those are a pain. And I'm sure it's going to be impossible for me to tell if there are any changes! Oh, well.

I'm just so glad to have my front overlapping tooth in place (or almost - it has just a tiny bit to come down still) - that was the whole reason I got braces in the first place!

This power chain kills, though - but I can't wait for that second tooth to turn into place so it will be worth it in the end!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:38 pm
by Dilema
that was quick

thanks for the update

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:42 pm
by SilverGirl
Had my 2nd adjustment today at 10 weeks, and I got filed!!! He said they usually don't do that until the 4th or 5th visit, but they're lined up enough that he went ahead. I also got a powerchain on a few bottom teeth to pull them in a little tighter.

I got a stainless steel wire on top, so both top and bottom are stainless steel now. I still have one tooth (1st one to the right of the right front tooth) that is a little tilted in, and a couple teeth that need to come down a little.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am about the filing - I had this little chip in my front tooth (the same one that was tilted and overlapping the other in the beginning) and now it is GONE!!! Also had different-height bottom teeth - they're all nice and even now. It has given me a lift to see a hint of the final product!


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:45 pm
by SilverGirl
Ok - photo was a little small - 2nd try!

By wendy_darling at 2010-11-08