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I was not abducted by aliens

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:20 am
by Dr Jon Harrow
:D Hi Guys, i have returned after quite a long absence, mainly due to being in hospital (over a year), after working abroad for a while. So then what about the braces, bottoms now off, with Hawley retainer :cry: , which is more painful than the fixed braces, and then there is the remembering to take out when eating, then not leaving on the table in the restaurant when leaving :(
Actually one of the lower teeth has moved out again, hope im not in trouble with the ortho when i see Him, ho hum.
The upper brace is still on, about another month or so, then Hawleys there as well, so something else to lose when eating out, maybe i should have a string on then, you know like children have from coat to glove, so as not to lose gloves, which in the case of gloves or mittens is possibly a sensible idea, perhaps in the case of retainers is errr, a bit silly. Well i tried.
So how are all my 'braces peers' doing then?, will be nice to hear from some of you
Blessings. Jon