Manda's Story - Almost over! (with updated photos)

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Manda's Story - Almost over! (with updated photos)

#1 Post by Manda »

When I was a teenager my parents asked me if I wanted braces. Being a teen and suprised that I was actually given a choice, I said no. I didn't want to be a metal mouth...I was already made fun of enough at school since I was short, skinny, and quiet, braces would just make things worse. Plus I saw my older brother go through braces and he had complained and whined quite often of pain and discomfort.

Now, fast forward about 12 years. I'm now 24 and have always hated my teeth...even when I was a teen, but at the time I was willing to sacrafice my teeth for my social life...go figure. For the past few years I have been seriously thinking about getting braces. Then oneday last fall while I was at the dentist office for a checkup, I mentioned to my dentist that I did not like the look of my teeth. He then took some molds of my teeth and made me an appointment for a consultation about a week later, as he was going to come up with different options for me.

Consultation day came and I was so excited to hear what he had to say. He gave me 3 options. First was full braces, top and bottom for 18+ months...costing approx $4000 (Eeeek!). Second was I could wear a retainer for years, and it may fix my teeth or it may not fix them at all, but it would take years for any kind of result (not what I wanted to hear). Third, he said I could get braces on the top only (since top is mainly what I hate most about my teeth, bottom aren't perfect either but are less noticable) and it would take approximately 6 months, 8 max, or as little as 4!! I was impressed! This would cost $1500 CAD. I think the retainer afterwards will also be included. So this is the option I chose. Actually I decided I was not going to do it at first, because I have other bills to pay. And then I thought...hey, I am very unhappy with the way my teeth look. I don't smile often because of it and when I do, I look dumb because I try to hide my teeth. So a few months later I went back to the dentist and things got started from there.

He took some panoramic x-rays and another kind as well. Turns out my left canine (as I had always known about) grew in the roof of my mouth (palette?) instead of beside my other teeth like normal. Of course...only me would have a tooth in the roof of my mouth. And of course I couldn't get braces without it first being removed. It was too close to the roots/nerves of the front teeth, and if I had gotten braces without it being removed the tooth would touch the other teeth in front and I would lose front teeth. So this is where I am today...

On April 23rd, I had my canine removed through local anestesia. It wasn't the best moment of my life, but I got through it. The first day was quite painful, after that it was (still is) just a dull annoying pain...and I can only chew on one side of my mouth without pain which is a bother.

Anyway, on May 10th, I get my spacers, and on May 17th I will be braced! I am so excited to be on my way to straight teeth. :lol:

So thats my story so far...sorry its so long. If you want more details on my canine extraction, I posted my story of that in the Oral Surgery section. Good luck to everyone on their treatment!
Last edited by Manda on Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by chiil »

All I have to say is congratulations on the big step. Plus I think it's a lot easier for girls to get away with the "braces-look" than guys. I just got mine on last week, and when I see someone I know for the first time, I just give a big cheesy smile so they notice the braces to get it out of the way. hehehe I love telling people about my braces. :)

Welcome to the club!!!! You'll be showing off your teeth in no time!! :D
Damon-3s: Top-Front 8 and Bottom-Front 8
No extractions

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#3 Post by fyrelight »

As you know by now, you're not the only one with canines in the palate! :wink: Just wanna say it DOES get easier.... I went the exposure route... but I had all my exposures done under local anesthesia too (cheapskate that I am).... it's kinda rough, but not that bad afterward, huh?

Anyhow, good luck with the braces! :D
Pamela W.

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#4 Post by Manda »

Thanks for the reassurance guys! I can't wait to smile and not try to hide it :lol:

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#5 Post by Manda »

Not much longer and I will finally be a metal mouth. I am actually very excited about it since I have wanted this for so long.

About 2 weeks ago I had my impacted canine removed and it has been healing quite well. The only thing I am worried about is a few of my teeth are still a bit "tender". Sorry for lack of terms, but the teeth on the left side, the two beside the left front tooth, are slightly loose, but barely. They still feel different from the rest of my teeth. My teeth on the left all felt like this after the surgery, but they have all gotten better except these two. The third tooth from the left front tooth almost feels like my gum is pushed up, like it has receeded. It is sensitive to hot and cold drinks now, and feels sort of tight but loose at the same time. The tooth beside my front tooth is just sort of loose feeling. I know this sounds odd, but it is the only way I can describe it. I have been told that the loose feeling is normal, but not sure for how long.

I am scheduled to get spacers in on Tuesday and I am nervous this may postpone them! Maybe I am just thinking about it too much. Thanks for listening, I had to vent. :oops:
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#6 Post by Manda »

Well, I'm officially braced. :roll: This morning I went to get my spacers put in, and as I was waiting to pay afterwards, my dentist came back out and said he had a cancellation in the slot after me and wanted to know if I would like to have my brackets put on. I figured I may as well get it over with now, so here I am. Spacers in, and brackets. No wire yet, and I think I need a few teeth banded? I dunno.

So far the spacers aren't too much of a pain, but I'm sure it will get worse...I've got them for a week. My teeth are really tight toghether, they had a hard time putting them in. The brackets are just now starting to irritate my lips. I haven't used any wax yet, I'm trying to tough it out for now.

The brackets are a weird feeling inside my mouth. I imagined them feeling much different, not so akward. I hope I get used to them soon. I had some soup, and it was going all over my lips, had to keep wiping my mouth. I feel so silly with them on. I hope eating gets easier with time.

All in all, its not so bad and it will definately be worth it in the end. :lol:
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#7 Post by aussierob »

Brackets with no wire feels a lot worse than with wire... it gets better from here!

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#8 Post by Doug »

Good going Manda, you're on your way!
The weird feeling and self-consciousness will fade soon.
Once you get past the spacers it's all downhill!

Keep your spirits up and best of luck in the rest of your treatment!

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#9 Post by Manda »

Thanks for the encouragement Aussierob and Doug!
I am still feeling a bit down, wondering if I have made the right decision. I believe I have, its just that the brackets are so foreign to me. I'm sure it will get easier. I have wanted this for so long, and now that I have them, its nothing like I thought it would be. I'm a bit self conscious about them, but I'm sure once I get the wire in and they start moving I will grow to accept them. I am so grateful my treatment estimate is 8 months maximum as compared to others with 2-3 year treatments. Hats off to all of you!
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#10 Post by Manda »

Well, its day three and my spacers aren't giving me any grief yet, and today was the first day I've used wax on my brackets. So far so good. Lets wait and see what happens when I get the wire in. :roll:
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#11 Post by Manda »

Day 5 with spacers. No pain until today...when I bite down, it is a bit sore and I have a headache I think due to the spacers. My dentist said that may happen. I have a feeling I will be on a soft food diet tomorrow. I really can't complain though, things have gone smoothly so far. On Tuesday I will be getting two teeth banded, and my wire will go in. Finally, movement is on its way! I am so excited. I know it will probably hurt, but it will be worth it in the long run! Oh, and I am getting used to the brackets already! Sometimes I forget I have them. I really only think about them when I am eating, or when I see someone besides my family or friends. So to all of you out there about to get braces, its really not bad at all.
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#12 Post by Manda »

I forgot to add this in the last post...
Here is a before pic of my teeth (Sorry its a bit blurry and it was right after my canine extraction, so there are still some stitches remaining.)

Here are my brackets...
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#13 Post by Manda »

Ok, so today I finally got my wire in and back teeth banded. The banding was quite uncomfortable and is still irritating. The wire was very tight feeling when it was put in. Now, just 9 hours later, it hurts...alot. My teeth feel very tight/itchy/achy. And when i touch or bump a tooth it is a sharp pain and makes my eyes water. This is more painful than I thought it would be. My dentist said it will only be painful for about a week. I sure hope he's right. It will all be worth it in the long run when I have a smile to be proud of, but for now I think I just need some reassurance. The pain does get better, right? :roll:
Braced for 7months, 4 days
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#14 Post by Doug »

Have no fear, the pain will diminish. It's pretty typical to have your
teeth feel "tender" for a day or so after each adjustment - and I suppose
the initial installation of the wire is the biggest "adjustment".

Pop a few Advil as you need and don't dwell on the discomfort, it really
will get better soon! And don't forget that pain means your teeth are

Hope you're feeling better soon, good luck.

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#15 Post by Manda »

Thanks Doug, I appreciate your words of encouragement. 8)
Below is a picture of my first day in braces...
I heard my dentist say he is going to move the Cuspid (?) first. Does anyone know which tooth this is?

Braced for 7months, 4 days
Wireless since December 21, 2005 and loving it!

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