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29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:12 pm
by secretsmile
After being braced for 3 days I started my blog today:
But figured i'd put the shortened form of my story on here too as i've found it so useful and reassuring to read other peoples - totally love seeing people's progress pics!

So I got braced on Tuesday May 24th. The experience wasn't too bad, the gel they put on to prep the teeth tasted gross but other than that it wasn't bad. One of the assistants gave me movie goggles so I could watch a movie while they installed the braces, they were all kids movies... I settled on the new Alice in Wonderland with Helena Bonham Carter, but should have got Toy Story as AIW wasn't very good. The movie did however provide a little distraction though I was definitely more focused on listening to what the ortho was saying to the assistant!

I have full braces on the bottom plus power chains (to start closing the extraction gaps). Then on the top I have braces on all but the molars which have spacers (my ortho just got back from vacation, so that's why I didn't get spacers earlier). My tops also have power chains to start closing the extraction gaps. The front six on the bottom are clear ceramic and the bottom back six are metal. On the top there are 8 clear ceramic brackets and there will be four metal brackets at the back.

I'd thought from research that the second day of braces was meant to be the worst, well maybe it's because I got braced at 8am, but for me the first day was extremely painful which threw me for a loop. It felt so bad with stabbing pain especially on the bottom teeth tops were not bad (but aren't fully braced yet) that I wondered why they didn't prescribe prescription pain killers for braces. Fortunately days 2 & 3 have been more what I expected: teeth are sore, extremely sensitive and there's dull pain and my cheeks are a little scratched from the braces: but after day 1 - totally tolerable!

Here are a few pics of the braces on day 1: Image
My over bite is so excessive for my small mouth that my mouth is open in it's relaxed position - see above pic. Can't wait until that's fixed!
The colored dots on the braces were to tell the ortho which bracket goes on which tooth, now three days on the dots are almost all gone. Image

My ortho considers me a complex case but someone who could really benefit from orthodontics. Looking at the pics reenforces i'm doing the right thing! Goodbye crooked teeth! Image
Will get better at taking the open mouth pics! I know i'm missing a pic of the bottom teeth.

3 days on I already feel like things are moving! My bottom molars are wider apart and my top teeth seem different every time I floss. I think my extraction spaces are getting a teeny bit smaller but that could just be wishful thinking!

Next Tuesday i'm bracing myself for more pain. The spacers come out, molar bands go in on top along with those 4 brackets and I get elastics... Watch this space my journeys on it's way!

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:14 pm
by secretsmile
Wow those pics are huge in a creepy way! Hope i'll figure out how to get them smaller next time so they don't cause nightmares! They look a lot smaller on the blog :D

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 pm
by Waiting4braces
Hey Secretsmile congrats on getting your braces :D Sorry to hear you had a difficult first day- glad to hear it seems to have cleared up a little :)

It's so cool that you could watch a film whilst getting your braces on- my ortho just chattered away to his assistant the whole time hahaha :lol:

Looking forward to reading your progress! 8)

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:17 pm
by teethbehindbars
congrats on getting braced... the begining will seem like a slow process but as long as you dont look at you teeth everyday trying to figure out if theyre removing (LOL) you will notice movement. but taking pics is a good way to see progress...

good luck with your journey. :thumbsup:

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:07 pm
by secretsmile
Thanks to both of you!

Day 5 and things are way better! Back on Tuesday to get top molar bands and elastics...

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:09 pm
by secretsmile
Just posted an update on my blog... Got my spacers out today and top molar bands on the first upper molars. It was kindof easy today they want me to get used to the 4 power springs, full lower braces and upper (except molars) they put in last week; then I have my first adjustment in 5 weeks. The molar bands aren't hooked yet and my top second molars are brace and bracket free for now... Already seeing a few minor changes! Can't wait to see my teeth straighten! :lol: I can't even imagine it! :roll:

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:36 pm
by secretsmile
Updated my blog... now 2 weeks in!

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:13 am
by lilwinno
Wow! my first day wasnt bad. I even ended up eating french fries since I was so hungry. haha. But couple of days after was the worst for me. Im glad the whole spacers thing is over i think that was the worst thing. Im glad your teeth are feeling much better. We are on our way to getting our pretty smile. =)

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:42 pm
by secretsmile
Thank you :) Yep Hollywood smiles here we come!!!

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:45 pm
by secretsmile
Just updated my blog... with new pics and ramblings from my 1st adjustment today:
6 weeks in and lots of movement! :D

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:23 am
by teethat27
I hope you're not having too much pain with the new wires! My first 6 week adjustment is this week too (tomorrow). I don't know what they plan to do yet, though. The "doors" on your brackets are nice-I keep coloring my ligatures, so on top of the discolored glue areas, I have nice yellowish rings around the brackets.
I have some insight into the wires they use to shape our teeth. I have a nickel-titanium alloy strand from a demo of "smart" metals. At room temperature (cold-ish) it can be bent any way you want. When you run it under warm water, it snaps into the shape it was originally bent at. So, I guess, at the temperature our mouths are at, the wires on our teeth pressure them slowly into the shape that the ortho designed for them. So cool! Being a bit obsessive, I often try to "warm up" the wires in my mouth by hugging them with my tongue. Probably doesn't make any difference except drawing more attention to them, haha.

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:30 am
by secretsmile
Hi Teethat27, new wires are going great a little soreness but not bad, definitely worst pain was in the ortho chair. Think I like this wire better as the pain is in areas of my mouth rather than just certain teeth like the previous wire. Also I love the heat thing... Lol at you trying to warm up the wires... I do wonder if eating warm food /having warm drinks is helping move things along... Also love that ice craem lessens the pain - yay for Ben & Jerries!

How did your adjustment go?

While the doors are painful to open and close and caused my ortho to chip a little hook on top of one of the brackets (not a part he needs apparently) i'm lucky I don't have to worry aboout ligatures staining... That must be so annoying!

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:32 pm
by secretsmile
Today was my 3rd adjustment and 1st dental cleaning with braces! The uppers are now :lol: on their 3rd wire and the lowers their 4th! Moving along! Just updated my blog with looooonnnnnggggg ramblings on my process. Will update the photos soon too :lol:

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:59 pm
by secretsmile
So today I got the forsus springs appliance! Updated my blog with the full details for anyone interested. First impressions: not as painful as I expected and definitely not as bad as day 1... Mostly it's more creepy and strange then anything... It's like an alien thing in my mouth i'm not used to yet, that makes creaking noises... But all in all not too bad so far :lol:

Re: 29 year old braced for the first time!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:22 pm
by klobird
Hey Secret--

Well, I'm really glad to hear that it's not all that bad....The ortho told me I may not have to have it--but your teeth are fantastic looking and don't look like there is an overjet at all. Mine are still out there. So, I don't know how I might get out of it...but I sure am crossing my fingers. I would get both sides at once, I think.

My question is--can you not close your mouth on that side because they had you bring your mouth forward first, making it not line up with the top? Also, does it make it so you can't move your mouth back--if so, how is that? My appt is Nov.7...

Oh ya, Vancouver Jude has had hers for a while now, and she says the only thing that really bugs her is the creepy noise it makes also...