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29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:01 am
by ningalings
Hi, I just recently got my upper teeth fixed with ceramic braces on 7 June 2011.
It's been a rather slightly painful progress. Not really what I expected whic makes me wonder, could there be something wrong with the braces? Are they not moving my teeth?

I do get some sensitivity around my incisors and canines when I chew other than that it's been fine. I'm looking forward to see how my teeth progress. I feel so excited every time I read and see other people's progress.

My dr laughed when I told him I've done numerous research prior to getting them fixed. And he's quizzed me everytime I went in for my appointments.. Archwired has been really helpful and these forums have inspired me to record my progress too.

I've created a blog but I can't seem to post the link. Im still debating whether I should open a wordpress or blogspot. Any suggestions?

Thank you archwired for all the information. I look forward to sharing my story too...

Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:58 am
by White Fang
Hi, Ningalings!

Congrats on your new uppers! I'm newly braced too, just 1 week ago. I have lingual uppers and will be getting regular lowers in a few weeks. I think hurting a little bit is normal and means the braces are doing their job. Or did you mean you thought it would hurt more than it does? I think if it doesn't hurt -- count your blessings!! You can always ask your ortho at your next appointment, or call the office.

Re: blog, I think blogspot is supposed to be easier for people new to blogs, whereas wordpress has more options but can also require more setup. So if you like tinkering around with web stuff or really want to customize it then you probably want wordpress, but if you just want to start posting right away then blogspot might be better. Although if you're happy with the default template than it's that easy with wordpress too.

I've only used wordpress (both the .com and .org versions.)

Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:17 am
by ningalings
Thanks White Fang,
I guess I shall count my blessings for now. Perhaps my ortho was being kind to me, so I can get used to the braces. Who knows what I'm in for when I get my lowers.

How are the linguals? Are they painful and does it affect your speech or anything?

Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:55 am
by ladyksilver
Congrats on your braces and good luck with your journey! Not much pain, huh? From what I hear, you should count your blessings. I expect to have some discomfort, but I can really do without the pain- we'll see!

I will be gettng braced July 5th and I have a blog through blogspot. It is a beauty and inspirational blog, but I also document my braces journey. I find blogspot to be fairly easy and they're always updating the user features. Check it out if you get a chance:


Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:18 am
by ningalings
Thanks Kendra! And good luck on your procedure. You must be really excited!

Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:25 am
by ningalings
It's day 5 of my braces journey. The pain and sensitivity has eased up a bit. I can now eat solid foods - I just ate a fat juicy burger for dinner. It felt good to be able to enjoy that again, although I did feel super conscious and worried that I might break my brackets or something.

I find myself a bit annoyed though. I feel like my front teeth are jutting out and that I speak funny. Is this normal or is it cos I still need to get used to having braces on? I haven't been to work since I got them on, cos I decided to take leave (I figured, I might as well) but I go back to the office on Monday and I'm worried that my colleagues might think I look funny when I speak. I've asked my family about whether I look funny, and they say I don't but it just "feels" funny every time I speak.

Has anyone felt this way before?

Re: 29 and newly braced 3 days ago...

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:58 pm
by White Fang
ningalings wrote:How are the linguals? Are they painful and does it affect your speech or anything?
I'm a week in and although I felt pressure all the time at first that's mostly gone away. I can't bite down much on food and have to cut everything up. Blah! The least pleasant part for me is the metal area that goes around the bottom of my teeth so I'm biting down on metal. It's just a sensation I really dislike.

People are surprised when I reveal I have braces -- you definitely can't see them. My speech is somewhat affected, but really just the letter S. I think it sounds more affected to my ears than anyone else's, but it's there. Liveable, though.

Good luck with yours!