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My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:36 am
by prettyyoungthing
So I got my ceramic braces on my top teeth on the 24th May. :D I have noticed a huge difference already!

Bottom braces were put on yesterday - 4th July. Was a bit of an unpleasant visit. They actually fitted metal brackets to my lower teeth when I had paid for ceramics, I got up to wash my mouth before the wire was fitted and noticed they were metal :( The ortho seemed a bit annoyed but said they'd remove them. Don't know how they could stuff that up? So I had them pulled off and the glue polished off. In the mean time I had the elastics on my top teeth replaced, and on 2 of the teeth I had metal instead of elastics on them. This was the worst pain I've been through yet, especially because my teeth were already sensitive :( So after that had my bottoms fitted.

I'm not sure of how long I'm meant to have them on, I believe it's 18-24 months.

I don't really have any pics before braces on my computer atm, but this is a few days after having them on...

4 weeks later...

6 weeks later & bottom braces fitted...

I can't wait til the gaps close up and my teeth are lined up and straight for the first time in my life :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:13 pm
by chainreaction
good luck with your journey! :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:50 pm
by secretsmile
Good luck! I got braced May 24th too! Progress is amazing huh! Sorry to hear of your pain but hopefully totally worth it for our future Hollywood smiles! :D

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:43 am
by teethat27
Your upper arch looks like it evened out a lot in just 6 weeks! I got ceramics top and bottom two days after you got your tops. It's awesome how quickly they can move!

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:12 pm
by prettyyoungthing
It really is amazing. Everyone said it'd change heaps in a month but I didn't want to get too excited. I think a few more weeks and those 2 front teeth should be lined up without the gap :)

Secretsmile I read ur blog and our cases seem quiet similar :) I'll be keeping an eye on ur journey :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:04 pm
by TinkB
You have had great progress so far. :thumbsup:

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:56 am
by prettyyoungthing
Updated pics taken about 3 weeks ago. Think I've had the braces for 5 months now. Time is going so quickly! I've got the white wire on the top to keep the teeth together, I did notice a tiny gap forming between my 2 front teeth so that is to stop them moving anymore. My gaps are closing quiet slowly but I can feel them changing. :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:07 pm
by belistic10
you had change very quickly!!~very inspiring for me right now since i am in pain, and its difficult when you cant even see any change yet!

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:34 pm
by Maeraj
Wow! You are definitely on your way to getting an amazing transformation. It's amazing to see how much your teeth moved in just a few weeks! Still waiting to see any big changes in my teeth bit your photos got be optimistic about my own teeth!

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:13 pm
by prettyyoungthing
Everyone is quiet shocked at how quickly they are moving. Wish I had done this years ago now! I have a bit of pain this week, have been clamping my teeth together too. I go back to the ortho on Wednesday so I will take updated pics and compare with the first week ones.

I am really surprised at how little they bother me, except being more cautious when eating in public and on the odd occasion they ache. :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:16 pm
by belistic10
i am glad to hear the aching subsides and only comes back occassionally! at the moment mine is constant 24/7 even brushing hurts. cant wait to see change, that must be so exciting :) and to get more of an idea of how they will look when done :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:28 am
by prettyyoungthing
It definitely subsides! :) Mine hurt for maybe the first month then got better, then hurt when I had my first wire change. But most of the time since it's fine and slowly I was able to eat more things :) The pain is definitely worth it when I see the results.

When my teeth were achey I'd take nurofen and use sensitive toothpaste, and drinks lots of milkshakes and things :)

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:29 am
by belistic10
oh god a month? i was hoping a week tops :shock: i have been taking nurofen but might try some sensitive toothpaste too as i noticed drinking cold things hurts a bit at the moment when normally it wouldnt. hope the adjustment pain doesnt last as long as this initial getting them on stage! :lol:

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:01 am
by prettyyoungthing
Updated pics of my progress :) Had my braces for almost 9 months now. Can't believe it!

Excuse the stained elastics, I go back in 2 weeks to get them changed.

I had the little silver hook things put onto my wires so the elastics can hook onto them to close my gaps. My teeth are pretty much perfectly straight, it's just waiting for the gaps to close now, which is going pretty slowly.

My dentist reckons she'd be surprised if I have the braces for another 6 months, but I am not going to get too excited. I haven't asked the orthodontist yet how long he thinks my treatment time will be. I guess we'll wait til the gaps close more, I may ask on my next visit. Also not sure how they will fix my overbite, or if the elastics help with that? It's pretty hard to talk in my visits when they're playing around in your mouth and then you're pretty much out the door. :P

Re: My progress with ceramic braces

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:28 am
by Domino
Omg, they look fantastic! I can't believe how much they have changed in just 5 months (and now 9). I hope mine move that fast! I can't wait now :D

Love to see how things progress from here :)