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Doug's story & photos (updated July 31 2005)

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 6:35 pm
by Doug
I have enjoyed reading other’s stories on this site and viewing their photos, and thought I would share my own. I’m a 48 year old male living in northeast Ohio. I never really thought my teeth were “badâ€

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:23 pm
by Manda
Amazing progress Doug! A big pat on the back for being brave and taking the braces plunge! I don't have mine on yet, getting them on May 17th, and after reading your post, I am so excited to get started. My estimate is only 8 months, but I hope my progress will be as good as yours! Congrads once again :-**

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:44 am
by Dodger(UK)
Great progress there Doug, your ortho and assistants have done a great job closing up those gaps you had. A mighty fine transformation. :wink: It certainly gives you a feel good factor about yourself, when you get something fixed that's been weighing you down for a lenghly period of time.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 3:24 pm
by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01
WOW..THAT IS AMAZING!!!!! CONGRATS ON UR PROGRESS SO FAR! i hav a q tho..did u have 2 get ur gums "cut" since u had spaces?? just curious!! thnx 4 sharing ur storyy!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:31 pm
by Doug
Manda, Dodger & 2Hot,
thanks for the kind words! I am quite pleased with how things have progressed so far - but I must admit I am really getting anxious to be
done with the whole process. Oh well, patience is a virtue, right?

2Hot, I didn't have to have any gum work done (fortunately). Just those
wires pulling things around gradually. It is really quite amazing how this
whole orthodontics thing works!

I think this forum is a wonderful thing, it's great that we can get and give
support to each other as we all struggle through this process.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:42 pm
by Doug
(I've already posted these on the main forum, but for the sake of completeness of my whole process here are my "after" photos.)

I had my braces removed July 28, 2005.

The removal process took about one hour. It was quite uneventful and pretty much pain-free, although it did take a little bit of prying for the ortho to get all my molar bands off. He did a little bit of grinding to even out a few teeth that had rotated during the process, and he may do a little more after I have been in retainers for a while. Following the removal they took impressions for my retainers, then after cleaning all the dried pink rubber off my face and staring disbelievingly at my reflection for a while, they took another few x-rays (including another panoramic) and a few "after" photos for the records.

My corrected smile:

My teeth still feel really big and unusually smooth - which I guess is very typical after having the hardware removed.

I should be getting upper and lower Hawleys tomorrow. My next step is to schedule a good cleaning with my regular dentist, and then explore the world of tooth-whitening products. And then learn how to smile without it seeming forced.

All in all the whole braces process was just about exactly what I expected - thanks in no small part to all the good info on this forum. I am very pleased with the results and feel it was well worth the time, expense, and aggravation.


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:04 am
by MyTimeToShine
Wow what an amazing journey. You gave me some hope because I have a few minor spaces and wasn't sure that they would fully close, now I KNOW. That's great Doug...I hope you're enjoying your new smile!


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:14 am
by decisionmade
Wow doug! your transformation is unbeleivable! What determination and patience you have shown over your journey...It is truly an inspiration...I am 34 and have been going through the surgery/expander process and hope to be braced the beginning of September...congrats again and thanks for sharing your story!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:45 pm
by ShinySmile
Your smile is beautiful! Congrats :D

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:31 am
by newmetal
Woahh those results are wickid, id go as far to say one of the best brace cases ive seen!