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Six month smiles :)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:26 pm
by Tweetypie
Hello... Thought i would write to share my experience with six month smiles :)
I had my top brace fitted on 21st feb and am so far very pleased, im sure im already seeing some changes. I had a brace to close a gap and a tooth thst has rotated next to it.... So not a major job but something that really affects me wen talking to others/ photos etc...
Im still unable to really eat much other than foods that require no chewing!!! As my teeth feel very tender, although today i have not really felt the brace much. Ive not suffered with any rubbing inside my lip from the brace yet luckily, lets hope i dont :)
Its strange getting used to the brace and to me it feels really big! Although its just because its new and it will take some getting used to.
Im really excited for the final result and am so glad i have choosen six month smiles.
So i though id join in on here and maybe we can share our journey, reading other peoples has been really informative and helpful- so thankyou

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:17 am
by resort454
Thanks for sharing your story. I get my tops fitted next week. I am not looking forward to eating soft fod all the time

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:39 am
by Tweetypie
Im chewing food today.... Its gets better i promise as its differs from person to person. Best of luck xx

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:22 pm
by Tweetypie
so ive managed to upload a pic now (if it works!) as you can see i have a gap between two teeth and to the side of that a tooth that has rotated :(
as of thw weekend i am able to chew now....still feels as though i cant chew that well due to the pressure on my teeth but i can eat now :) also i dont really feel the braces anymore, must be getting used to them.
my teeth do feel lose though which is a worrying feeling but im guessing thats just normal.......cant wait to see some movement

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:39 pm
by veginess
Look at your pretty mouth! You really will be done in no time. I'm happy to see you can chew now! I knew you would be able to soon :)

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:54 am
by Tweetypie
Thanks veginess thats a really nice comment.... When something bothers you though it can really affect your self esteem and that gap and tooth is my biggest hate! Cant wait for the end result xx

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:27 pm
by Tweetypie
Little update incase anyones followin this post......
2 weeks into my brace journey today :) i must say it doesnt really bother me anymore its part of my mouth now lol.
Today though has been horrible from the brace rubbing inside my lip and the wire cut my mouth too so a bit sore- tried the wax but must say wasnt to keen on it. Will stick at it though cant wait to see real movement :)

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:14 am
by jem
Hi Tweetypie,

Glad to know it is going well for you.

I am also looking to sort out my upper front teeth at the left side and also have clear ( Damon) brackets with white wire. I am about 2 months in and see little movement so far, but my teeth are crowded so I need some filing of the edges of my teeth on a gradual basis over a few appointments to create space. I also have a rotated canine which so far is resisting attempts to move it. At the moment I only have brackets on my 6 front teeth, but will probably have brackets added to my premolars at my next adjustment to help move the stubborn canine.

I am only having a brace on my top teeth. Is that the same for you? Your bottom teeth certainly look good in your pics.

Good luck with it all.


Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:32 am
by Tweetypie
hiya jem
....thanks for the post. Great to read others journeys, im hoping my rotated tooth isnt going to be too stubborn although im guessing it most probably will be :( was really hoping to have seen some movement already ( wishful thinking i know!!!) as it has only been two weeks. are you seeing any real movement at all yet.
i'd not heard of damon brackets before starting reading these forums,i was suitable for six month smiles and went with that option after looking into invisalign also, six month smiles being the cheaper option and having top brace for £1900 which to me i thought was a good price.
i am only having the brace on my top teeth as my other teeth seem to be fine and my dentists said my bite etc..was good too its just purely a cosmetic reason as i really hate the gap thats in my teeth :(
im looking forward to my 4 week appointment to hear from my dentist how he thinks things have progressed get some input from a professional and not just me looking at them every 5 mins to see if they have moved haha!!

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:19 pm
by elseegee64
Hey Tweetypie! Welcome aboard. I love reading everyone's story. I've been braced over a week. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:01 pm
by Tweetypie
Hi elseegee64....thanks for the post :) readings others stories is very helpful and informative i think ( although i have no knowledge about teeth or my brace really!! Al i know is my teeth are gappy! Lol..... Am picking up on bits though reading these forums)
How are yoi finding your brace one week in? Will check out your own post/topic now

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:08 pm
by Tweetypie
Been to the dentists tonight for my first adjustment :) im certain he was actually pulling my tooth out the pressure was horrible. Ive had an extra wire added to start closing the gappy tooth!!! Was very tender at the time but ok at the mo except for little extra wires poking into my gum now :(
He was very pleased with my teeth hygiene. Which i was glad to hear :)
Should start seeing some movement now..... Cant wait

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:42 pm
by Tweetypie
Ouch ouch ouch :( my teeth, my gums, my lip.... The pressure - feels like day one of braces all over again!! Urgghh lets hope it doesnt last!!
(sorry for the rant but it took me the first 3 1/2 weeks to stop feeling tender and now that feelings back with avengance )

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:00 am
by Tweetypie
Quick update.... My brace is all ok again now only took about 4 days to settle down again and now i barely know its there..... :)
Love the fact i can see real movement in my teeth now and will post a pic soon. My dentists said he wants to work on closing the gap this month and by month 3 it will just be getting the perfect arch after that, exciting stuff :)
Anyhooo hopes everyones journey is going well too x

Re: Six month smiles :)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:00 am
by Tweetypie
hey...... so heres a new pic for you, it was taken as soon as i got back from the dentists after having the brace adjusted at 4 weeks on :)