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catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:48 pm
by catj1981
Hello all!!! I've been stalking this board for a few weeks now and have finally decided to join. You guys and gals are so supportive of each other And understand the ups and downs that each person is going through. I felt like I could use some support too. :tingrin: My journey with braces started a little over a week ago. October 30, 2012 to be exact. I started a blog that I've been posting in regularly. Feel free to come follow my journey there too! I have before pics and will be posting updates as often as possible. I look forward to connecting with all of you! catj1981 dot Wordpress dot com (for some reason it won't let me add my link. Just put that together and you can get to the blog!

Re: catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:42 pm
by TMJJill
Hi. Welcome to Archwired. I've found this community to be wonderfully supportive as well. A great "find". :mrgreen: Good luck on your braces journey.

Re: catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:50 pm
by Angel269
Hi, welcome to the board :-1

I'm also a wife and Mum, just turned 25.

I have upper ceramics for a midline diastema. Have seen amazing progress in 4 months, hopefully these babies should be off Feb 2013.

Look forward to seeing photos as your journey progresses.

Re: catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:01 pm
by catj1981
Thank you both for your response. I have ceramic on top and metal on bottom. Trying to fix upper and lower crowding, crossbite and overjet. 26 months is the sentence I was given. Hoping for less. The past two weeks with these expensive babies on has not been all that great. I have experienced extreme buyers remorse! But it's getting better and by better I mean I'm just getting used to it. I can't walk by a mirror without looking in it, I'm always either licking my braces or touching them with my teeth. Also, if I push on my lowers with my tongue, I can feel them move! Scared me at first, but now I like it because I know it means things are moving! My first appt was 10/30 and I don't go in for my first adjustment until 12/27. Seemed like a long time, 8 weeks. Does anyone else go that long in between adjustments?

Re: catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:33 am
by catj1981
I am not able to add pictures to this site because it says they are too big??? So please visit my blog and you can view them and also see a little daily/weekly updates of my journey. Feel free to comment there or here. I'm looking forward to interacting with you all!

Re: catj1981's Braces Journey-31 yr old Wife and Mommy

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:05 pm
by Dee17
Hi Cat,
Welcome to the board and best of luck to you with your braces journey.
I just had my braces put on at the end of October and I am not scheduled to go back for an adjustment until December 17th, so that's also 8 weeks. I was kind of surprised by that but that's what he said, so that's what is going to be.
I hope you can get over your buyer's remorse. Think of it as a huge investment in not only your physical appearance but your future dental health. There has been a lot of research conducted recently which deals with the health hazards caused by people who have poor oral hygiene. You are in the process of fixing your teeth which will help you to have good oral hygiene in the future and that will save you, I hope, from eventually developing some of those other health problems.
I'm going to check out your blog!
In the meantime, feel free to come back to this forum and post your questions, complaints, and whine as much as you want. Everyone here is very supportive and will be extremely encouraging about everything you are going through. I am SO glad that I found this board. It was enabled me to finally take the plunge at get my braces put on at the end of October.
Good luck and see you around!