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Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:18 pm
by Tobilei
I decided to keep all my stuff in one place. Reading others journals about their experience with their braces really helped me while I was trying to decide what to do. I've already introduced myself so I'll be breif with that.

I'm a 34 year old Mum of 3 from Australia.

When I was a teenager the dentist knew that my upper front right side was missing an adult tooth and also the first molar. I was lucky with the molar in that it didn't fall out so until a week ago I still had it. It wasn't going to hang on forever though and my orthodontist told me that the gum was already receding above it and seeing as it was quite loose I would be lucky to hang onto it for another 6 months.

My wisdom teeth never came in and I lost a back molar on the left hand side when it just fell apart one day (this seems to happen in my family). Due to the number of teeth missing I ended up with gaps in the front, a twisted tooth on the left top next to my front tooth and 3 of my molars on the left hand side (2 at the top, one at the bottom) are also twisted causing pockets next to the gums.

Once the braces are off I will need either an implant (which terrifies me!) or a denture of some sort to fill the gap where the molar is missing.

I didn't get braces as a teenager because my problems seemed minor back then and unless things were quite bad braces just weren't offered so Mum didn't know I would need them. I would like to hang on to my teeth as long as I possibly can though.

I'm hoping the braces will help with my clicking jaw but my orthodontist said that's not able to be predicted. It might, but it might not.

My family (other than my husband who encouraged me to go ahead, not because of how they looked but to make things better in the future) generally didn't think my teeth looked bad and some don't understand my need to fix things. I've never liked the gaps in front but I chose to do this as a preventative measure as the teeth were likely to continue to move and cause problems (particularly at the back).

So here are the before pics (one of which you've likely seen):



And in braces on day 3:


Right now I've just hit day 5.

It took me a month to decide what to do. I was offered metal braces, damon clear self ligating on top and I've gone blank on the bottom. They're clear but do have ligs) or invisalign. In the end I chose the brackets. I suspect I would have been tempted to remove the invisalign. Once I'd decided on brackets it was a matter of choosing the clear or the metal (another agonizing decision! I'm way too indecisive for big decisions like these!)

I'll be in the brackets for an expected 14 months, followed by 18 months in a retainer and then will have the front 4 teeth, top and bottom permanently bonded.

Getting the braces on was no big deal. I could feel pressure as soon as they were applied but it wasn't painful. I came home and had a sandwich but by dinnertime things were so sore all I could manage was soup (I hate soup!)

I can honestly say I've had a couple of moments in the last 5 days where I contemplated begging my orthodontist to remove the brackets. The pain has been quite intense. I've not been able to chew even bread and the brackets feel quite large in my mouth. The uclers I had on day 1 and 2 seem to have started to clear up and my speach isn't too bad except for my S's which sometimes whistle. I think my husband might have liked to divorce me so as to never hear about braces again :P (really though, he's been very patient and caring :))

Today I feel like I will finally be able to chew at least a little and the constant ache has gone. Things still feel a little tight when I bite down but not terrifically painful like they had for the last week.

The first few hours I spent wondering why I had so much saliva but I've found the last few days I've felt the opposite. The brackets feel kind of dry and chalky. I've started using a dry mouth mouthwash hoping that will help.

I get to enjoy Christmas (as much as you can with braces) and have my first checkup mid January.

Sorry to have repeated some of my intro, like I said, just wanted to keep it all in one place :)

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:45 am
by Dee17
Hey Tobilei,
Just finished reading your posting so I wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of supportive and very encouraging people here.
I think that your teeth are very pretty and once you finish your treatment, they will look magnificent. So, keep in touch with us and let us know how things are going. I've had my braces for just over a month now and I've made a remarkably easy adjustment. Hang in there. Things will get better quickly!

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:40 pm
by Tobilei
Hi Dee :-1

Thanks for the welcome :) And thanks for the encouragement.

Day 6 today. I feel like such a whinger! I keep reading about how quickly everyone is adjusting and how little pain they've had. I'm not in agony today but chewing is still too painful (bread is okay if I cut it up into little bits). I hopped on the scales at the gym this morning and I've lost nearly 2 kilos :shock:

I'm grateful the ulcers have eased and aren't really a bother right now but I can't imagine not noticing I have the upper brackets on. They still feel gigantic and kind of chalky and dry. They rub when I talk and even just trying to keep my lips closed it feels like the 2 on my eye teeth are protruding through my lips. Smiling at anyone just doesn't happen because my lips get stuck behind the bracket and I feel like one of those clowns that you stick balls into at a sideshow :huh:

I'm sure it will get better, I just wish it would hurry up a bit :lol:

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:08 am
by Duncan5
Hi Tobilei,
Welcome to the community.

My mouth was really dry for the first couple of weeks and the brackets tasted salty. All I can suggest is sipping water regularly to keep the mouth moist. Think of the health benefits of lots of water and low calorie diet...

If it's any consolation, I've got bite turbos so can't chew and have been on soup and pre-cut bread for the best part of two months now and at least four more to go. Bananas are nice and soft, but my teeth are convinced they're chewy toffee when I bite down and send all sorts of warning signals that they're about to snap off. On the bright side, they don't ache constantly just really tender to pressure. Of course that may change tomorrow as it's Adjustment Day and who knows what instruments of torture will be added?


Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:57 am
by Tobilei
Hi Duncan,

Ahh I hear you on those warning signals! My teeth have been doing the same. I keep thinking they're doing a little better but when I chew it turns out they tricked me!

I've been trying to keep up with the water and yes you're right about the low cal diet (I tend to watch what I eat anyway, but having my jaw wired like this has made me cut out pretty much everything cruddy that was left in it!). I can't eat banana's much to my dismay (or avocado's, lentils, beans). Turns out all the food I can eat now I'm intolerant of! Soup isn't so bad as long as it's tomato and I'm too scared to eat it in case I turn my teeth a charming shade of pumpkin orange :shock:

Bite turbo's sound horrendous! I will be eternally grateful that I do not have to have those.

Good luck with your adjustment tomorrow! Hopefully no new torture devices will be added and you will only be left to cope with the nightmare turbos you already have (I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!)

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:22 am
by Dee17
Hi Tobilei,
Well, I'm I've had my braces now for just over a month and I'm still pretty much eating only soft food. Have I told you yet how utterly SICK of pasta I am? When this experience is all over I will probably never eat Macaroni and Cheese again!
Don't feel bad that you're still having pain. I think it's a very different experience for everyone. I had only minimal pain for the first 5-7 days. Have you tried a saltwater rinse? Works wonders and really helps. Don't ask me why, but I know it does. You use 1 tsp of salt to one cup of warm water. Put it in your mouth and give it a good swish. You can do this seeral times a day. Try it. It will help.
As to the bite turbos, yes, they sound absolutely horrendous, don't they? I was aghast when my orthodontist said he would be putting those things in my mouth. Turned out he was talking about molar buildups instead, thank goodness. I had a bit of trouble chewing with those molar buildups but it hasn't been so bad lately. Mind you, I've been doing so much teeth clenching at night that I've probably ground them down to just about nothing by now!
Anyway, best of luck to you. Are you going to post any photos? It seems that almost everyone does that on this site. Kind of strange but they are interesting to look and a good way for people to follow their progress.
Take care!

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:33 am
by Angel269

Welcome to the board. My issues are spacing, in relation to an upper midline diastema.

Good luck with your journey and look forward as things progress :-)

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:36 pm
by Tobilei
Dee17 wrote:Hi Tobilei,
Well, I'm I've had my braces now for just over a month and I'm still pretty much eating only soft food. Have I told you yet how utterly SICK of pasta I am? When this experience is all over I will probably never eat Macaroni and Cheese again!
Don't feel bad that you're still having pain. I think it's a very different experience for everyone. I had only minimal pain for the first 5-7 days. Have you tried a saltwater rinse? Works wonders and really helps. Don't ask me why, but I know it does. You use 1 tsp of salt to one cup of warm water. Put it in your mouth and give it a good swish. You can do this seeral times a day. Try it. It will help.
As to the bite turbos, yes, they sound absolutely horrendous, don't they? I was aghast when my orthodontist said he would be putting those things in my mouth. Turned out he was talking about molar buildups instead, thank goodness. I had a bit of trouble chewing with those molar buildups but it hasn't been so bad lately. Mind you, I've been doing so much teeth clenching at night that I've probably ground them down to just about nothing by now!
Anyway, best of luck to you. Are you going to post any photos? It seems that almost everyone does that on this site. Kind of strange but they are interesting to look and a good way for people to follow their progress.
Take care!
Soft food after a month! Haha, I feel bad for whinging now!! I can kind of chew some things, but it hurts a lot and then they ache for at least an hour afterwards and feel really tight for another couple of hours after that so I'm not sure if it's a bad thing to force them to chew or not......and I hear you on the pasta! And puree'd carrot, pumpkin, mashed potato and soup! Ugh, soup!! Blech!!

I haven't tried salt water, but I think I will today, I woke up with some new spots being rubbed that were okay before (wonder if this means something has moved just a fraction?!?!). Thanks for the tip!

And bite turbo's really do! One of my 10 year olds has molar buildups on for a deep bite and she hates them. But she said she eventually got used to them and now they only annoy her sometimes but she still finds it hard to chew properly sometimes. I haven't told her she'll probably have them on until she's a teenager.

I do plan to keep taking photo's. I didn't think to do it with my eldest but looking at them all on here makes me wish I had! I think it will probably encourage me to keep going and remind me that I"m doing the right thing to look at any progress I make too :)

Hope you can start to chew soon!

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:38 pm
by Tobilei
Angel269 wrote:Hi

Welcome to the board. My issues are spacing, in relation to an upper midline diastema.

Good luck with your journey and look forward as things progress :-)
Thanks Angel! One of my daughters (the 10 year old with the molar buildups I mentioned in the above post) has spacing issues. Too many big teeth for her narrow little mouth. My problem is the polar opposite. Neither very pleasant.

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:39 pm
Hi and welcome to the board!!!!
You will find lots of support here through your braces journey. I also found the salt water rinses to be tons of help when I first got my braces. For about a month and a half after getting them my main food was Fish and salmon because I could eat it without chewing it. Hopefully soon you will be out of the initial stages of the brace pain and move up to other foods. I look forward to reading your progress.

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:51 pm
by Dee17
Hi Tobilei,
Yes, do give the salt water rinses a try. I hope they help you. They were very beneficial for me.
So you and your daughter are both wearing braces? I think there are a few other mother/daughter teams on this board. I'm sure you'll be able to help each other get through the worst of it.
Yeah, still being on soft food a month in hasn't been much fun. I went out for dinner last night and ordered some dumplings. Could sort of chew them so that was nice. Mostly just swallowed them partially chewed. Yuck. Still, I'd rather have these molar buildups than those god-awful bite turbos any day.

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:34 pm
by Tobilei
Thanks NICURN85. I've had some white fish (on day 2, it was quite a firm fish unfortunately so didn't work too well) I should give it another try. And mm I love salmon (what a good excuse to *have* to buy salmon I have!).

Dee I will! And haha, yes we are. She was mortified when I told her I was going to get them too. She mostly forgets I have them because mine are clear. I've been picking her brain about it all but she doesn't seem to remember what it was like at first (she's had hers on for 7 months) and said hers never hurt as much as mine seem to (I felt like such a baby when she said that!). We are due to get them off around the same time.

And ugh, I know what you mean about that half chewed food. I keep trying to eat "normal" food but it hasn't worked very well and I kind of gulp it down half solid (I swear I've never choked, spat or drooled so much in my life as I have in this last week :tingrin: ).

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:27 pm
by juppiejux
Congrats on getting started! I was the same when I first got my braces on. I was on a soft food diet for about a month or two. I lost 5kg within the first month. After that I was eating practically everything under the sun (albeit having to cut them into smaller pieces so I don't dislodge my brackets trying to eat them). You'll get used to them after awhile and forget that they are even there! Looking forward to reading about your journey!

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:08 am
by Tobilei
Thanks Juppiejux, haha, I think I'll be the same! I'm DYING to eat something that isn't soft! I do appreciate that some of the soft stuff doesn't get stuck under the brackets though (by far the most horrifying thing I've discovered about having braces!).

Re: Tobilei's Train Tracks.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:22 am
by juppiejux
When you do start eating normally again, you may want to carry some dental toothpicks in your bag :D