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Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:27 pm
by Duendecilla
Hello, I am a new member in the forum :)

I got my Six Month Smiles braces 5 days ago, on the 6th of February. Honesty, the first 3 days were such a nightmare. Even using the "magix" wax, I got several sores in the inside of the mouth and tongue so I couldn't talk or eat without feeling a huge pain. I am really happy I found this forum, where I can talk with people that can actually understand me!

Fortunately, yesterday and today the sores got better and can now speak and eat with less difficulties and pain. I suppose it happened to all of you that you needed to re-learn how to speak, as the first days you don't speak clear enough. Also I had to use a new way to smile, and unfortunately I need to open the mouth so much... The first days I was getting embarrased in front of the people when I had to laugh (even with my boyfriend! :shock: )! I looked like a monster, I even scared myself :P

Little by little, I am getting used to it. And I am glad I am feeling better now, I am full of energies and excited about this!

I will post pictures as soon as I get permissions, so you can see my teeth before the treatment and will keep you updated so you can see the changes :)

Regards from Ireland,


P.S. Sorry about my English. I am not a native English-speaker so apologies in advance if I write something wrong. Feel free to correct me if you want :P

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:18 pm
by quentin
Hi Duendecilla!

Congrats on the braces! I just got braced this morning so I'm VERY new to this. I'm glad you're feeling better!

I just looked at the "Six Month Smiles" website, and I'm curious: How is it different than regular braces? How does it move teeth so quickly?

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:27 pm
by Duendecilla
Thank you, Quentin!

How is it going for you so far?

I posted this recipe in another topic, but I am copying it here also so people can try this delicious soup, very good for its ingredientes for people having to take care of their mouth like us:


- 900 gr of butternut squash.
- 1 lick (90 gr).
- 1 small potato (200 gr).
- 1 carrot (90 gr).
- 1 small onion (90gr).
- 4 tbsp of olive oil (or use butter if you prefer).
- 500 ml of water.
- Nutmeg.
- Pepper.
- Salt.


Peel and cut the butternut squash, lick, potato, carrot and onion. Make sure the pieces of potato and butternut squash have a similar size.

In a big saucepan, put the olive oil / butter and medium-high heat. Add all the ingredientes, nutmeg, salt and pepper for about 10 minutes. Then, add the water and cover the saucepan until the butternut (the hardest ingredient) gets soft enough.

Use the blender / hand blender on it, and enjoy the soup!


What kind of braces did you get?

About my treatment, the main thing is that they focus in the frontal teeth, the ones that you mainly show when you laugh or smile, they don't change your bite too much. It looks very good, you can hardly notice it.


Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:36 pm
by quentin
Thanks for the recipe! I've been lazy and so far I've bought some boxed soups (cream of potato & leek, cream of portobello mushroom), protein shakes and mashed potatoes, so I can have quick & easy meals.

It's been about 8 hours since the braces went on, and I'm not in much pain yet. The brackets feel strange on the inside of my lips, but they don't hurt. I'm starting to feel a dull aching and soreness, so I'll probably have to take some painkillers before I go to sleep tonight. Other than that, it's not as bad as I imagined -- for now! I'm expecting a lot more pain, and cuts inside my mouth!

I have self-ligating Damon braces: ceramic on upper teeth and metal on lower. They don't have the elastic bands like traditional braces, just the wire.

Ah, so you probably have just a minor correction to make, that's why you can get Six Month Smile. I'm happy that you don't have to be in braces for a long time! I will need to have these for 2 years :?

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:56 pm
by Duendecilla
I have got a friend who was wearing braces fro 5 years!!! Can you imagine? He said he even missed them the first days cos he felt "weird", haha!

Do you have pics of the before and after you got them on? I would like to see them! :) I got that kind of soups also, just for lazy moments :P

EDIT: Pictures of before the braces and today:



P.S. Bad camera, and bad light! They are not that yellow, I swear!

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:47 am
by culebra78
Duendecilla - I'm a new member to this Forum as well - - - - and just got braced yesterday with Six Month Smiles. I'm really hurting (inside mouth from the brackets AND the pressure) - - so thanks for posting that you're feeling better after 5 days (light at the end of the tunnel!) I couldn't even go in to work today because I can't focus on anything BUT this new monster in my mouth!

Am really looking forward to seeing progress - - - - and once I'm a "legit" forum member I'll start posting more photos!

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:27 am
by Duendecilla
Welcome on board, culebra! :) I understand you so much!!!! Use a lot of wax, that is the only way you can survive... I got 2 days off of work because my dentist saw how hurt my mouth was and he told me to not go.

Does anyone know why the pictures don't work? :S I think I put them right! :( I will try with a different server:


Today is my 6th day and I am feeling so much better! I need less wax as my mouth is getting used to the "monster" and can talk to people with less effort. I am starting smiling properly as I really need it, haha! My boyfriend says it's a cute smile (isn't he sweet?).

Thanks for reading me! I will keep you updated.

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:10 am
by peppy
Aha! Good to find you have a thread also Duendecilla!

Your teeth will look great when you're done. They're nicely shaped as it is.

As for the post about these braces being just for minor corrections, I don't know if that is the case as my teeth are more severe than most of the cases I've seen for 6MS. Then again, I've seen similar problems to mine be resolved really effectively with it. It's just that it really is just for people who want to straighten their arches. No major bite corrections.

It's nice that there's 3 of us with 6MS all starting at similar times. Although, I fear I may be the one lagging at the end!

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:21 am
by Duendecilla
Thank you, Peppy!! How you doing?

This is my 10th day with braces and I am almost 100% used to them. I can talk much better and clear now, I started eating harder things and I don't really need wax anymore!! The problem is that some small gums that the ortho put in some brackets got yellow :( Probably due to the tea and coffee I drink. I tried to drink less but still impossible to avoid. Does anyone with 6MS have the same problem? They look terrible!

I will show more pictures about my teeth! I can see tiny movements, what do you think??

10th DAY
10th DAY
10th DAY

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:19 am
by beckybrucelee
Hi Duendecilla and everyone in the process!

I got my 6 month smiles fitted in November and they're due off in May. I've been recording my progress with an open blog (pictures included) so other people can see what to expect in terms of movement or anything I've come up against and a couple of things that make it easier.

http://my6monthsmiles.wordpress. com/

Hopefully there's some information in there that might answer any questions you may have.

Good luck!

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:04 pm
by Duendecilla
Hello, how are you?

I have been 16 days with my six month smiles! I am doing good except I can't eat normally yet, I have to be very careful. Also the "donnuts" keep getting yellow which is bad because they look terrible! The rest is just fine. Do you see the small movements?

10th DAY
16th DAY
10th DAY
16th DAY
10th DAY
16th DAY

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:16 pm
by Kayleigh86
Hi everyone

I was fitted with 6m smiles on Monday. Still not 100% sure how I feel about them, I think I am starting to get used to them, I only have a top brace to close a small gap so I am quite lucky in that respect.

Duendecilla I can't believe how quickly your teeth are changing, must be a lovely feeling! x

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:22 pm
by Duendecilla
Hello Kayleigh86!

Thank you so much for posting here and welcome to the 6MS club :P Are you having pain or discomfort?

Yes it is a great feeling after so much pain! I will have my first tightening next Wednesday! I have heard it is not as bad as the first days, so I suppose I will be ok. I can't wait for the "donuts" to be changed as they look terribly yellow! I hope I can stop drinking tea and coffee after that so I can avoid this to happen again. I will post more pictures after the tightening and will tell you how it went!



Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:14 am
by Kayleigh86

Thank you. I would say more discomfort than pain.

One thing I have noticed is that one of my teeth that was really straight isn't any more and is starting poke upwards - is it normal for teeth that were okay before to get worse?

My lips are quite painful today, not inside though oddly, going to sound odd but you know if you have really strong salt and vinegar crisps for example it makes your lip sting well that is the feeling i have, the side off my lips are cracking and red today too, think it is because of constantly opening my mouth to clean etc.

Yes keep us posted x

Re: Hello everyone! I got my Six Month Smiles!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:45 am
by peppy
Hi Kayleigh

I don't know if Duendecilla has had this happen too but one of my lower teeth has moved so it sits slightly above the top line. Before it was crossed over the one to it's left. I don't think this is anything to worry about. It's actually straighter now. I obviously just have a longer tooth there!

The brackets are placed in specific places that manipulate the teeth to where they should be. The important thing is that they are in line. Some teeth need contouring afterwards to make them all uniformed!

It will get better. I'm on week 3 now and I hardly notice them. :-)