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Loving My Sexy New Smile

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:09 am
by bracesgrrl
My Braces have caused a small hole to form on the inside of my upper lip. I do not wear my wax, but guess what? I'm wearing some now baby! Yeah, I have been really good at keeping these beauties clean, but I have not been wearing my wax. Ok, I feel better already, sitting here and letting the world know all about my braces experience. :ouch: Soooo, I need to post some pictures, I see like 131 people have viewed mt posts, by only 1 reply? :( Oh well, I guess the only way to get "noticed" is to post pictures. But guess what? I'm fixing to buy a digi cam so there! Pictures are on the way... Ok, back to my braces. I have this pain that I need to ask my ortho about. It is a pain in my gums in only one spot on my upper row of teeth on top of the braces. And oh boy does it hurt. When I drink even room temp water it hurts. :shock: Ok, so I'm getting back to work, or whatever. I'll post again later.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:53 am
by Manda
Most of my teeth have gotten sensitive since being braced. Maybe this is what is happening to you? Dr. Rick said this is perfectly normal. I forgot to tell my dentist about it during my last visit. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and good luck!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:27 am
by bracesgrrl
Hi Manda, you rock! Always answering my posts. It means a lot... you are the only one who cares enough to answer me. :dance:

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:42 pm
by Sam121
When I got mine on, I thought I didn't need the wax either. I figured I'd be a tough guy and it wouldn't bother me that much. Boy, was I wrong. I can now admit that I'm about halfway through the package that they gave me! The sores do go away and you'll forget about it soon.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:27 pm
by *Jenni*
i got mine on a week ago, and i've only really needed wax for my cleats (man those babies hurt!!!!)
i guess ive been lucky so far (touch wood)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:30 am
by bracesgrrl
Hey there Sam and Jenni, what's up? I'm happy to hear from everyone! Happy Friday! Yeah, it is getting better for me with each passing day. I read on one ortho's website in N.Y. that it is good not to wear the wax all of the time b/c then you can not get used to the braces as quickly. Well, I have hardly wore my wax no more than 4 or 5 times, really! I feel so tough now that I am going through being braced. I love it! I am trying to talk my BF into getting braces along with me...And guess what? She may get braces now :lol: We were talking about it last night while hanging out.
She's like, yeah, I could see myself in braces, and she stared calling all of her friends, putting them on speakerphone, and then asking them what they thought about her getting braced. One of her friends, a girl named, ok, I'll leave her name out case she sees this, said no way! She had the nerve to try and talk my best-buddy out of it saying things like, you are 25, about to be "off the market soon" :x (What the f*** is that?!) And guys will not like you with braces". End Quote. OMG, listen here little miss priss who had braces years ago because mommy and daddy could afford it. ( My parents said I did not need braces just to get out of having to pay for me to get them) :( who is just talking smack b/c she is jealous! I get MORE attention with my BRACES (full metal-in all their glory) than I did w/o braces! No kidding! Not that that matters, cause if someone likes you, it should not matter that you are trying to IMPROVE YOUR SMILE, ok?? She also said it was too expensive and that it hurts too much. I say your mouth should not have a price tag on it, it does not matter how much you spend on it, your mouth is priceless, and that the pain is not that bad after the initial period is all over. It is not that bad at all! Wow, I feel so much better now after letting all that out. How cool would that be if she decides to go through with it and we can share this unique journey together? We have been best-friends since we were 15, that is like 10 years! :heart:

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:59 am
by bracesgrrl
Today is my 17th day in braces, and the small hole on the inside of mouth has gotten better. My mouth is used to the braces, and I have started eating solid foods again! I am 5'9 and I weighed in at 149 lbs before the braces went on. I weighed myself this morning, and I am now down to 137 lbs. I had NO idea I was going to lose so much weight. I am still not sure if it is a good or a bad thing that I lost so much. I will say that I have not seen my waist this small since like 5 years ago, now that is COOL. 8)

My first follow-up visit is on the first day of Summer, June 21st. I wonder what they will do to me on that day. (?) Anyways, I don't think my best-friend will be getting braces with me, as I thought before. She has not said anything and I do not want to push anyone or try to convince anyone to have ortho work done. That is a really personal decision that can only be made by the person who will wear the braces. I guess she is scared of the pain and/or costs. Or maybe she just feels like she really does not need them. Hey, whatever floats your boat, right? As long as I'm having my chompers straightened out, I'm one happy camper! :D

I have been reading through all of the posts throughout the different forums and have found a lot of good advice and encouragement. I thank everyone who posts good stories and kind words. :-9 I wonder what my mom would think of me having braces? She passed away when I was 17, and she was only 39. Would she be happy for me? I hope so. :cry:

Day 50

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:45 am
by bracesgrrl
Today is my 50th day in braces. I have already went for my first follow-up with the ortho on June 21st. I changed my ligs from silver to light blue. I liked the light blue, but now they look really faded, probably because I use Arm and Hammer whitening toothpaste and it must be abrasive or something. My ortho said my teeth looked really clean, he was proud of me, and I must say that felt good to hear. I have been really good at brushing 3 times a day and flossing right before bed. I have only skipped flossing twice so far, mainly because it was late, late at night and I was too tired from partying. ( I won't tell my ortho this little tidbit of info). Time really is flying by, I can't believe this is day 50 in braces. Almost two months have gone by, and it really was not that hard to get used to. I guess it is just a natural thing to adapt to things that may be uncomfortable at first, but you really get used to the braces. Although, I still feel odd about eating out, people really stare at you while you are eating with braces, and that is always weird. It's like, yeah, I know I have my entire meal stuck to the front of my mouth, but GET OVER IT. I carry my trusted portable toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere I go in my purse, that helps a lot. Hope everyone is doing well, and good luck to everyone undergoing orthodontal treatment. :tingrin:

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:58 am
by bracesgrrl
Saturday, August 6th was my second follow-up with the Ortho. I changed my tires (that's what they call em) to hot pink. I think I may get dark blue next time. So they made my upper palate expander tighter, like 4 times tighter. I could not eat at all Sat night. We went to Chilis and I ordered a full rack of baby back ribs and then had to send em back b/c all I could chew on was my soup! That sucked! I was really craving some meat, but oh well. Again, I suffer for my braces. I had another small hole form on the inside of my mouth, this time it was on the opposite side. The lady in the ortho's office placed a thick tire on the tooth that was hurting me and that made it so much better. The hole is finally healing now. Man, I can't wait for this to be all over, I miss the way I looked w/o braces. But I digress, this was my choice, and I'll live with it. Talk to ya'll later.

Love, bracesgrrl :smoken:

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:30 am
by bracesgrrl
Hi KK, thanks for the advise on wax, I always try try to be tuff and go bare. :smoken: Hope your treatment goes well too! Take care,

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:54 am
by bracesgrrl
I got orange tires for October, I thought that woule be cute and seasonable. My treatment is really coming along just fine, my teeth are really moving quite quickly! I saw inprovements in just the first month. Anyway, I still experience pain when I go in for my adjustments because of the upper expander on the roof of my mouth. They tighten it like 4 times with a special key that fits into a hole and it feels like my head is going to explode sometimes. Torture. :-(( But... it will not last forever.

I wonder how KK and Jenni and Manda and Sam 121 are doing with their treatment, I hope all is going swell with you all. :-1

Hope to hear from you guys soon. I still have not bought a digital camera, I'm too busying paying the $5K for my braces! :thumbsup: Hey, I'm not complaining, I'm finally getting what I've alwats wanted, straight teeth. :tingrin:

I'll be 27 when these braces come off, and man, I can't WAIT. :D

Loving My Sexy Smile

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:03 am
by bracesgrrl
:rose: I must say, I feel more confident than ever with my sexy straight teeth, I wish I had pictures to post. I'll give a little description of my self...
Female, 5'9, 134 lbs, golden curly shoulder length hair and hazel eyes, I am an avid runner but also workout at the gym. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures before the braces are off! :lol: Take care everyone!! :-)o

P.S. TODAY IS MY 135th Day in braces, GO ME!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:14 pm
by Geri
Hey Bracesgrrl - just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading your posts, and the replies. Hope you no longer have problems with holes and that you're happier than ever with your straighter teeth! Good luck to you! :jump:

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:45 am
by bracesgrrl
Hey Geri & KK, thanks for the replies, I get so happy when someone takes the time to say hello. :heart:

Geri, you are so sweet for the kind words, peace and good luck to you!

Kiwi, congrats on making it to day 65! Keep up the great work, it DOES GET BETTER...My expander is coming along just dandy, when the ortho first started trying to tighten it, I literally had to lean back so far in the chair it looked very strange to the other patients (mostly kids). My otho has all the chairs to work on patients in a circle, instead of going into an individual room. I like that open atmosphere. Anyway, my mouth has changed so much I only need to lean back like a normal person now. I guess the roof of my mouth has become more rounded instead of pointed like it was. I laugh at the fact that I was born with such a messed up mouth! :lol: Anyway, I still have sore spots in different parts of my mouth, mainly b/c my teeth are moving so the braces shift and the metal rubs and you get the point... :yikes:

I really want my digi cam, I'll be sure to post lots of pictures of me and my tin grin! :pinkbraces:

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:08 pm
by bracesgrrl
A friend of mine passed away this past Friday, October 14, 2005. His name is Chris, and he was killed on his way to work while riding his bicycle. He was trying to cross the median and somehow fell and was run over by a cement truck.

R.I.P. Chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you, and your wife and two children. :cry: