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21 years old - my story

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:43 am
by collegebraceface13
When I was a child my baby teeth were perfect. As soon as my baby teeth fell out and my adult teeth grew in that's when disaster struck. I have a very narrow mouth so my adult teeth were overcrowded. I never show my teeth and it made me very insecure to talk to people and be the real me. I always wanted to get braces but I kept holding them off because it was too expensive and I wanted to continue going to private school. I always knew one day I would get them. When I started to work I said I was going to save up to get braces and I sure did!

A week after getting 3 teeth extracted I got the top braces placed on my teeth on June 28, 2013. My orthodontist said in a few months he will put on the bottom braces, I hope it's sooner than that. I have a 18 month treatment plan (Dec. 2014). I'm suppose to graduate college in Jan. 2015 so hopefully its off by then.

I AM SO EXCITED! my teeth are like my babies. I brush them 3 times a day and I'm always staring at them. I can not wait to see major results.

Re: 21 years old - my story

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:07 am
by chichi
Congrats on being braced! I was braced the day before you and we have the same 18-month sentence :) Keep us updated on your progress!

Re: 21 years old - my story

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:39 pm
by collegebraceface13
thank you so much!

Re: 21 years old - my story

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by Helly
Well done you! Mine is a similar story, almost 28, small jaw so overcrowding at the bottom. 4 extractions and get my braces put on weds 24th July! I've been working 50 hour weeks for 4 months to pay for them.

The things we do!!!