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Any positive results from BICUSPID EXTRACTIONS (PREMOLARS)??

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:48 pm
by Lolasays
Hi Im 19 and I have previously had non extraction braces with little success. I am due to get orthodontic treatment in september for my protruding front (4mm overjet) and lower teeth . I have lip incompetence (7/8mm) when my lips are at rest. My profile is ok in my opinion. But i really want to fix my protruded front teeth and lip incompetence.

My orthodontist gave me two options:

1. I could have no teeth extracted and all teeth pushed back with braces. My teeth will improve but there will still be a bit of protrusion due to my large front teeth. He says that it may not help with the lip incompetence but it is worth a try. ~ btw this is the treatment i had 5 years ago which relapsed and didnt even look that great when finished.

2. I could have 4 bicuspids extracted. Which will push my teeth and lips back. Which will hopefully improve my lip incompetence as well as my teeth.

I am really considering extractions but I have read many horror stories on how it ruined their face etc.
If it helps my sister had similar teeth to me ( more crowding), she hax extractions and braces... And her whole face profile improved and she has this lovely apple shapped chin now.

Should i go ahead with the extractions as i have a really good feeling about it??
And feel free to share your extraxtion experiences!!


Re: Any positive results from BICUSPID EXTRACTIONS (PREMOLAR

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:14 am
by Timetoshine

I have severe crowding and have had 4 biscupid extractions, on same day I was braced.

You can see my braces journey on Our Braces Story here: ... =9&t=45128

...and a forum post after I had extractions/braces here: ... 13&t=44479

I only have sectional wires (that is only my front teeth have the arch wire attached) and I am due to have molar bands and rest of teeth wired up in 3 weeks time. At the moment I don't like the arching up of my teeth at the front, but guessing this will move once I have full arch wire on.

Everyone says things get worse before they get better while you have braces on - its true. The end result is what counts!

Re: Any positive results from BICUSPID EXTRACTIONS (PREMOLAR

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:56 pm
by Bikerchick85
I'm still in treatment. Read my story. My results are awesome so far! :) good luck with your decision!

Re: Any positive results from BICUSPID EXTRACTIONS (PREMOLAR

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:48 am
by Mauvaise
I have a small both, so had severe crowding on the bottom and around a 12mm overjet on top. I had all four pre-molars removed prior to getting braces to make room.

I haven't noticed any negative side effects to my appearance, in fact I think I look better now!