My story: bimax pro, crowding, lip incompetency, extractions
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:10 am
Braces have been a very emotional issue for me and I decided to share my story if anyone is interested in seeing the progress and also so that I can connect with people who are also braces for the long haul! I do have lingual on top and ceramic at bottom but will be switching soon to ceramic on top as well since the lisping bugs me. :p
So I have slight bimax protrusion, lip incompetency, and slight crowding on the bottom.
My chin always dimples when I close my mouth and that's always bugged me It's like I have an orange for a chin when I try to look serious haha!
Also my upper arch always seemed too big for my mouth... My teeth stick out a bit when I smile and the teeth go beyond my lips. One of my incisors cuts into my bottom lip every time I smile, so much so that I got a hematoma last year :/ my GP suggested braces to move it back a bit so it wouldn't be as irritating.
My natural laughter smile is like this:
But I've learned to smile a fake smile for photos so that it looks better... But I want to be the real me and smile a real smile! And not have my mouth open all the time because my lips don't touch.
So I decided to take the plunge! When I had braces the first time as a teen, my ortho wanted to remove teeth but my parents wouldn't let them... After braces, I still had an overbite and I had to adapt the fake smile.
I am now 24 and went through a break up with my fiance so I decided it was time for a new me and new confidence in myself!
My first ortho consult suggested extractions after successfully guessing I used to have braces but opted out of extraction. But he didn't do lingual referred me to another ortho who did do lingual braces. This is my current ortho! He agreed with the first ortho's treatment plan. He said I could have straight teeth without extractions but my smile would still jut out a bit and I would still have lip incompetency... so I went ahead and got my premolars extracted ! Both he and my oral surgeon said there is no link to TMJ (and I am in grad school so naturally I reviewed all the primary literature comparing longitudinal studies between groups of people with or without extractions, and there was no significance).
Anyway, I apologize for not having better pics of the inside of my mouth but those will come soon
I just need to figure out how to angle it with my phone haha!
I am now in my first month of treatment and am both so excited to see the progress but also terrified of the posts I've seen on here about regretting extractions. My ortho assured me I would have enough tongue space even with retraction (since obviously my biggest fear now is TMJ and sleep apnea from all the scary google searches lol).
Ahhhhh I am so excited for my new smile but also so scared and anxious thinking "What have I done?"
For you extraction people out there, you're still alive and kicking right? Haha.
Anyway I am only one month in and 12 more months to go! Hurray!
Thank you for all of you who comment/message me/ give me support! It helps so much to know people are going through the same things I hope I can do the same for all of you!
Braces have been a very emotional issue for me and I decided to share my story if anyone is interested in seeing the progress and also so that I can connect with people who are also braces for the long haul! I do have lingual on top and ceramic at bottom but will be switching soon to ceramic on top as well since the lisping bugs me. :p
So I have slight bimax protrusion, lip incompetency, and slight crowding on the bottom.
My chin always dimples when I close my mouth and that's always bugged me It's like I have an orange for a chin when I try to look serious haha!
Also my upper arch always seemed too big for my mouth... My teeth stick out a bit when I smile and the teeth go beyond my lips. One of my incisors cuts into my bottom lip every time I smile, so much so that I got a hematoma last year :/ my GP suggested braces to move it back a bit so it wouldn't be as irritating.
My natural laughter smile is like this:
But I've learned to smile a fake smile for photos so that it looks better... But I want to be the real me and smile a real smile! And not have my mouth open all the time because my lips don't touch.
So I decided to take the plunge! When I had braces the first time as a teen, my ortho wanted to remove teeth but my parents wouldn't let them... After braces, I still had an overbite and I had to adapt the fake smile.
I am now 24 and went through a break up with my fiance so I decided it was time for a new me and new confidence in myself!
My first ortho consult suggested extractions after successfully guessing I used to have braces but opted out of extraction. But he didn't do lingual referred me to another ortho who did do lingual braces. This is my current ortho! He agreed with the first ortho's treatment plan. He said I could have straight teeth without extractions but my smile would still jut out a bit and I would still have lip incompetency... so I went ahead and got my premolars extracted ! Both he and my oral surgeon said there is no link to TMJ (and I am in grad school so naturally I reviewed all the primary literature comparing longitudinal studies between groups of people with or without extractions, and there was no significance).
Anyway, I apologize for not having better pics of the inside of my mouth but those will come soon
I just need to figure out how to angle it with my phone haha!
I am now in my first month of treatment and am both so excited to see the progress but also terrified of the posts I've seen on here about regretting extractions. My ortho assured me I would have enough tongue space even with retraction (since obviously my biggest fear now is TMJ and sleep apnea from all the scary google searches lol).
Ahhhhh I am so excited for my new smile but also so scared and anxious thinking "What have I done?"
For you extraction people out there, you're still alive and kicking right? Haha.
Anyway I am only one month in and 12 more months to go! Hurray!
Thank you for all of you who comment/message me/ give me support! It helps so much to know people are going through the same things I hope I can do the same for all of you!