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Six month smiles and wedding!

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:23 pm
by clarey1983
I have had my six month smiles on for just over a month and had found them to be comfortable and manageable, but cleaning and flossing is a pain! I just had my first adjustment which was not pleasant, however I can see movement a few days on, so it was worth it. I'm 30 and had always been self conscious about my teeth and getting braces was a big deal. I'm getting married next month and while I thought that I wouldn't mind the braces originally, I'm now more self conscious! Is there anyway I'd be able to have them removed on the Friday before I get married and have them put back in the Monday after? I wanted to post the idea on here to see if it is viable before asking my dentist.

Re: Six month smiles and wedding!

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:24 am
by chichi
First of all, congrats on being braced and the upcoming wedding!

It's definitely possible to have your braces removed and then put back on. You'll need to ask your ortho whether or not he/she will do it. I believe most will if you ask, but some will charge you for it and some won't.

Re: Six month smiles and wedding!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:17 pm
by Bracedforthewedding
My ortho is going to remove mine and replace them after the wedding, he said to call it a wedding present.

Although he did tell my fiancé that I might not even want to bother with it because its a hassle!
