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Stainless steel braces, age 53

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:03 pm
by GeezLouise
Hi all, my teeth were braced Sep 18, 2014 with stainless steel.
I don't know the brand name; they look like the "Empower" brackets on the American Orthodontics web site.
Nifty blue molar pads really impede food chewing. Not a bad thing if it means losing weight, although it greatly reduces eating pleasure. Soft & blended foods are old already (wah wah).

Deep overbite, open bite, some tipped in some tipped out, etc.
Looking forward to someday being able to eat a sandwich without wearing some of it. And to being able to floss without shredding the floss. Even the Glide breaks sometimes.


Re: Stainless steel braces, age 53

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:35 pm
by GeezLouise
Well, I was going to upload some pictures but haven't yet received the magic green name. Other than a piece of stuck floss, and missing crunchy food, all seems to be well.

Re: Stainless steel braces, age 53

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:57 pm
by GeezLouise

Re: Stainless steel braces, age 53

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:09 pm
by pjade1
Aah, newly braced. I got mine late July at 52 yrs old. I've also got a deep overbit and that's mainly why I got mine. I hope you aren't dealing with dry mouth etc. I still get that in the evenings but I use a spray called Rain. it works good. I remember eating soft foods at first and I have finally gone through one adjustment. That wasn't too bad. It hurt for a few days and then was over. I can deal with a few days but it took longer when they were first installed. I think wearing my elastics is making me lose more weight that anything else. I want to wear them as long as I can so I can get these darn things off sooner. I can't stand the feeling of that food getting stuck all over my braces but I know it will be worth it in the end.

I hope your teeth quit hurting soon. As far as the flossing goes, it does get better when your teeth start moving allowing room for the floss. I was shredding everything at first too. I am using othopicks now and those are wonderful once you quit shredding floss. I would break those in half at first too but now they are great. I had to use the Glide floss on those really tight areas but it does get better.