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Damon braces

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:51 pm
by Kurlysue
Hi all,
Ok so I'm due to have the Damon clear braces fitted on Wednesday 21st Jan, eventually after years of not being able to smile and not being able to laugh without covering my mouth.
I should have had braces as a teen with head gear to boot for the evening, however at the time braces were far too unattractive so I chickened out at the last minute leaving me with years of regret and embarrassment.
So here I am a 36 year old mother who just had 2 premolars removed today plus another 2 extractions to be done next week due to my severe overcrowding prior to my braces.My Ortho says my case is a complex case as my bottom teeth are serverely crooked, my number 2 bottom left is sat so far back then when I eat a sandwich bread gets stuck its pretty awful really. My top 2 front teeth are protruding however as well as them being quite bucked they are actually quite large so my real hope is once I am finished with the braces,my 2 front teeth won't be so obvious. God knows the insults I have suffered over the years. I am looking to have the braces fitted for around 20 months.
My extractions today weren't as bad as I had expected, not too much blood but a little sore once the painkillers had worn of. I am just finding it strange without premolars on right side, no steak for me for a while.
I am hoping to read some inspiring stories here and i look forward to keeping you all updated on my progress.
Thanks for reading

Re: Damon braces

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:17 pm
by farmboy
Congratulations on your decision to get braces. As someone who has worn braces in his 30s, I can assure you that it's never too late.

You'll be amazed at the progress you see. Also, this message board is a great place for support and to share ideas. Good luck on your orthodontic journey!

Re: Damon braces

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:12 pm
by aspiromusings
Hi there

I'm getting Damon clears fitted next month as well! - how are you going with yours so far? I assume you already have them on? :D

Re: Damon braces

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:04 pm
by killou
hello, I am thinking about gettion damon braces too. how is your journey so far ?

Re: Damon braces

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:24 am
by 27braces88
I got my damon clear braces yesterday. Pretty excited!