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Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:31 am
by jodyxlee
So I am a few months off turning 29 and I am getting braces in 3 days (omg)
I had braces when I was 14 but only on the top. I remember the ortho saying my bottom wasn't bad enough - WHAT - I think it was because my parents got them for free through the public system here in Australia. Either way it was a waste of time because here I am needing them as an adult. I have been umming and ahhing for years about doing this because I have 2 kids and did not want to take money out of the family for myself.
Due to my teeth I put myself in a shell. I am so self conscious. I don't smile and I don't talk to people. My teeth have been holding me back and I thought bugger it, I am going to do this for myself to become a better mum for my kids. I want to ooze confidence and make people realise I am not a sour stuck up person and I can talk and smile!!
I am so excited to smile in photos and wear lipstick! I am sure other ladies can relate to not being able to wear lippy! I can finally start planning my wedding as I will be able to smile
I recently went to an amazing orthodontist and got the hard truth about my teeth. So the dr I saw as a kid screwed me over by taking out my two top premolars and it has made my palate small. I am a class 3 and have severe crowding, posterior crossbite and 2mm underbite! I will add photos when I figure out how to. To get the perfect smile I would need double jaw surgery. I can not afford this and not sure I would have the guts to even if I could afford it.
Next best option was getting my two bottom premolars out to match the top, and then braces.
I had the two teeth out a few days ago and omg I don't know how I did that as a kid?!! It was so scary but not painful. They have healed pretty good so far, only problem is I have two bloody ulcers near one extraction site and they are so painful.
I am so excited to start this journey, I feel like as soon as the braces go on I will start smiling because they are going to be improving...whether or not this happens is a different story and I will update here anyways!
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:08 am
by NeilH
Hi, welcome and congratulations on deciding to get started. You will find this board a great source of support and advice and will soon build up a loyal following of others in a similar situation. Many of us have put off starting ortho work feeling that other priorities need to be attended to but eventually we all say enough is enough and make the huge leap to make a start. I certainly felt my confidence soar the day I started and haven't regretted it for a moment, check out my story "I'm going to get braces this year" for my honest thoughts and observations and hope this encourages you.
Someone else from Australia, Rhibee, is nearing the end of her journey and her story is also well worth a read, as are most of the others on this site.
Good luck for getting started and be sure to update everyone soon.
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:35 am
by jodyxlee
Thanks NeilH! Finally my username has gone green so I can see pictures, I have a few journeys to read tonight
I will add a picture of my teeth, so bad. I added little crosses where they extracted the 2 teeth. I can't wait for brace day!! 2 sleeps to go!
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:07 pm
by jodyxlee
Just called my dentist to book a clean but he said he can't as it will cause infection in my extraction holes

Oh well I will have to wait a few weeks. Hoping he can clean them okay with braces on :/
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:40 pm
by valeriav
Congratulations on starting your journey! I'm 28 and I had my braces put on May 28th. I know exactly what you mean about wearing lipstick, I've always avoided it as a way to not draw attention to my crooked teeth. My teeth are still crooked, but the little changes have already made me more confident I've been experimenting with colored glosses! I can't wait to have straight teeth! Hopefully a bold lip will still be in fashion in 17 more months
I've put off getting married as well, I've been engaged since October 2013, but I was hesitant because I really want to feel beautiful on my wedding day, and it just wasn't possible with my insecurity about my smile. I want to smile and laugh all day without worrying about an unflattering photo being taken

of course my fiancé loves me as I am, but I just want to feel my best.
I have four extractions coming up that I've been putting off. I'm so nervous but I understand why my orthodontist says it must be done. You will be fine with the cleaning, it takes a little longer with braces but they can do it. It's encouraging to see and read that others are going through similar things. Good luck & I wish you all the best!!
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:26 pm
by jodyxlee
Thank you! I will write a properly reply when I'm at home. Currently on my way to get them put on!
I was trying to take a selfie as a before picture and I realised I have no idea how to smile with teeth showing. I haven't done it since I was a kid ... I wonder if there are YouTube videos on how to smile haha
30 mins to go!
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:45 pm
by MissBear
Congratulations and that's really exciting!!! I know what you mean about the extractions! I'm the same though, I feel like as soon as they are on I'll be smiling so much more

Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:23 pm
by Beetles
Congrats on going ahead with braces!
Sorry to hear your first orthodontist was terrible
When I got my premolars extracted recently, I felt like a kid again and had that feeling of expecting teeth to grow out haha how silly.
I had never gotten teeth out at a dentist so I was so anxious, but once they got started I was okay.
I hope your healing goes well

Mine have healed pretty well, but I remember hating when food bits would get in there

Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:26 pm
by jodyxlee
So my braces are on!!! It doesn't feel real!! My teeth really hurt this morning. One tooth feels so wobbly already.
My eldest daughter picked my bottom colours, pink and turquoise. I asked for the least staining bands on top and they put white on....not sure how I feel about them because they are so fluro white my teeth look so yellow! Yuck. I hope they do stain a bit to be do your magic
My adjustments are every 8 weeks...I thought it would be less time. They are using suresmile wires, so maybe this is why? I have no idea I will have to do some reading.
I am so happy
Oh I also had to take my lip stud out as it kept getting caught on the wire

Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:23 pm
by EWUgal15
You'll probably be sore for a few days as you adjust to having all the hardware. Just make sure to use wax if you need it. Don't try to tough it out, the sores are so much worse than putting on a bit of wax.
Adjustments every 8 weeks are pretty normal. As you go through treatment, you'll notice that the time between appointments fluctuates, especially when you move into active gap closure and have power chains. If you thought food trapped in your extraction gaps before was annoying, you're in for a treat with the arch wire spread across them. You'll do fine though!
Keep us updated! There's nothing we love more than seeing progress!
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 6:45 pm
by Bracesat57
Welcome to the club! Your teeth are going to look fantastic in just a few short months!
Take pictures so you can watch the progress.
The initial soreness will go away in a few weeks and you will be back to eating normally again.
Adjustments in the beginning are really spread out. I am in power chains now to close gaps and usually go every 4 weeks. This time it is in 3 weeks. Yay! I love going for my adjustments.
Good luck. Keep us posted.
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:40 pm
by valeriav
Congratulations! Hopefully you're soreness isn't too bad, mine usually last about 2 days. I use it as an excuse to have ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner! It will be worth it though, the changes are so exciting to see. I'm taking pictures all the time, just to compare.
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:10 am
by jodyxlee
Day 4 today and teeth have stopped throbbing! I ate my first solids today woohoo. I think I have taken 100 photos so far, I am obsessed! Do teeth stop moving when the soreness goes away, or are they slowly moving constantly?
Does anyone else drive their partner bonkers with teeth talk? I am so obsessed with teeth and braces at the moment I am even dreaming about them lol. I am just so happy that my dreams are now a reality

Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:44 am
by Lorianne
congratulations! you are going to see beautiful results and be so happy you went for it! Everybody has their reasons, but I loved yours "to be a better mommy". It's so true...when your confident and sure of yourself, you are a better person to others. So, way to go!!! I am nearing the end of my "sentence" after 2 years this month and I never ever, in a million years, thought I would get as great a result as I have so far, and I'm not even quite done yet...a couple or maybe 3 more months to go tops. All the aches, soreness, time and trouble has been worth it if they came off even today.
Re: Can't wait to smile :)
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:45 pm
by newbite
Congratulations on your braces! Your teeth are going to look awesome in no time. I am class 3 as well, with a 3mm underbite. It's been entirely fixed just with braces and elastics. I'd say it took about seven months to do the bulk of the work. I'm finishing up now and actually have an overjet I'm trying to retract (imagine, a former class 3 with an overjet!).
I was also told I'd need surgery for the best result but that it would be cosmetic and insurance wouldn't cover it. I'm happy with my non-surgical results and my teeth have so many other issues I'm just thankful they look as good as they do.
You'll have ups and downs but a year from now you will feel like a new person and will barely remember your old teeth!